Yo! What's up! I'm back from camp! Ya! Its good to be back. I missed a lot of stuff while i was gone i know. I'm trying to figure out what i missed. Either than i missed you guys so much! Two weeks can do alot to ya when your away^^ I want to thank Lie Properly.Thanks so much for chosing me for trid place in your contest! I was very happy that i was chosen^^ Umm i will be getting to your sites today. And trying to see what stuff i missed. I came back yesterday and already my mom is nagging me. Gosh i just wish one time she could be in my shoes and know how i feel....I have alot of braclets that i made from camp. One problem i don't know how to tie them on^^' Oh yes new naruto chapters came out^^ Yes! So happy can't wait to read thoes! And i'm finally going to catch up on some bleach manga too^^ Well umm i think i got nothing else to say! Okay then Bye!! "Believe that your dreams will come true even tho you know that they are impossible..because impossible is only a state of mind." -shippo-souten |
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