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myOtaku.com: shippo-souten

Monday, August 29, 2005


I'm so very sorry! SO very very sorry. I haven't been able to vist your site while you vist mine! I'm so so sorry! You see i felt sick again and went to bed. I slept throught the whole day. I'm sorry through. Really sorry.
I will get to your sites today so expect me^^'

Oh yes Now a lil thing i want to talk about. It's been here and there on some sites. So i wanted to talked about....Naurto getting dubbed. *everyone runs away* No wait come back!!!!!

Okay!!! Now naruto is gettin' dubbed and being aired on Toonami(U.S.A) and Bionixs. I'm excited and worried. Some dubbed versions are 'okay' and others i can't really look at. But Naurto. I want to see. I usually like my anime raw and spicy instead of pain and dull. But there is nothing i can do but wait. Just wait and see. I'm a lil curious as to what all thoes fight(with blood) scenes are gonna turn out.

I'm done now. Okay then i'm good.

I looked at the comments. Wow Cagalli! You never read a manga in your life? Wow. Never heard that before....

Oh yes as for school and MyO..i think i can do it. Will just wait and see. 7 more days til school anyways.

New theme coming up soon. I mean like in two days. So the first it will be changed. I better stop talking now.


"Believe that your dreams will come true even tho you know that they are impossible..because impossible is only a state of mind."

:InuGirl 22
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