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myOtaku.com: shippo-souten

Monday, October 31, 2005


Your Otaku+++Without Wings+++Shippo Lovers


Hiya! W00t! Today is Halloween!*dances* I'm so happy. I get free candy later on today! w0000ttt!

Ahh. Well then my weekened was okay. I got sick on friday and I'm still sick. My mom and the doctor says its time to go and do serugry(sp?..now I'm really scared. I don't want to it. But they said now is the best time. I don't know what to do.....

Today is the last day of this theme. I hope Nessa that you like it. New theme tomorrow. With a new quote and everything....awsome. Found the music and everything is set. Juts deciding to put of the menu again..I don't know yet.

I'll probably be getting yo your sites today..hopefully.
I'm going to stop this post now.

Girls and Boys, It's Time to scream! On this very night of Halloween!


See ya!

"Stroms of flame & fire..Grey ash & cold snow..Take all the color away..Until i see nothing, until i see my Memories together"


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