Your Otaku+++Without Wings+++Shippo Lovers Hello! Thanks for the vists! I'm sorry I didn't get to anyone's sites tho... Well afterall I didn't go to the party. The worst part is one of my friends who got to go start braging about it. She knew i wasn't going so I just told her tp shut up and left. I hate it when she does that so I'm not even going to bother with that. Its too early today. I had to get up so early because of this stupid history essay. Its only a rough and its due tomorrow. Man this is driving me crazy. I can't wait til school ends. At it ends on friday but I'm skipping school on thursday and friday. I need my holiday early. I be sure to at leats try to get to your sites today after starting my histroy essay, and after studying for spainsh since i have a test tomorrow and an exman on tuesday. See ya! "Straight ahead. Never looking back. I think. I wish. I am. Me." -shippo-souten |
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