Your Otaku+++Without Wings+++Shippo Lovers
So yesterday I talked to my brother Carl and I think we had a really good chat. I mean we don't do this often so it was realy nice. But he still made me feel bad is how the convo went:
Tiffi: Omg Carl! YGO GX is on!
Carl: Oh cool!*starts singing* Game on get your game on!!..
Tiffi: Carl...
Carl: You know everytime they duel its like their doing a little dance
Tiffi:*starts laughing* I know!! *sings One two step* I love it when you one two step
Tiffi: Omg you won't belive it!
Carl: What?
Tiffi: I got to watch a show that we haven't seen in soooo long!!
Carl:...Oh gosh don't tell me...
Tiffi: Sailormoon!! told me stupid!!
Tiffi: Thanks carl.thanks alot..Anyways I got to see the last espie ever shown on someone's site on Myo!
Carl: oh really? Thats werid
Carl: Oh gosh don't start...
Tiffi: *starts sing* Fighting evil by moon light...
Carl: *joins in*
Lol we had two more convos later on but its two much to read xd. Anyways hope you have an awsome day...Oh! And stay warm if you live in an fricking cold area! Stay warm!!
"Straight ahead. Never looking back. I think. I wish. I am. Me."
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