Your Otaku+++Without Wings+++Shippo Lovers
Heyy!! Gezz MyO is going slow today.
So yesterday I had so much fun. Even at school. That doesn't usually happen. I usually feel bored and want to go home and sleep as soon as possible.
At night Inuyasha was on and it was the espie that Kikyo died. Thank god! Finally. I was waiting for a very long time. I'm sorry but i don't like her that much(sorry to the people that do like her). But I'm going to watch that espie again just cause i like the song. I always have even tho its for inu and kikyo. Its such a cute song.
After Inu, Naruto came on and well I died. I finally got to hear Garaa's ,Tamera and their brothers voice dubbed. It was awsome. They all sounded soo cool. I like it. Thats why I'm gong to watch both espie again since i taped it <33
Anyways this week is going to be so stressful since my first exman(history) is this friday coming up. Then that weekend its math and on the Wed. its my science exam first then its Spainsh. Oh geez i can't wait. At least i get to relax for the rest of the year since my next classes are going to be soo easy.
So I might as well go to sites as soon as myo clams down and starts loading right. Anways I'll be off.
"Straight ahead. Never looking back. I think. I wish. I am. Me."
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