I basically did nothing on the weekend since dad's still sick and need to help around the house more. It was fun and all since everyone tried to make some jokes.
Did anyone here that bleach might be licensed? Oh my gosh I hope not! Anyways, they said that inu Movie 4 was going to be on the market soon enoguh this year. I want to see it dubbed. It was great subbed but what will it be dubbed? Ahh..I finished Wolf's Rain last night and I finished of what they had of TRC. I started to watch Peach girl then moved on to Neon Genesis Evangelion, then I went to Ayashi No Ceres. I haven't finished none of thoes xd.
Anyways I'm not going to be here for the week since its my march break and well I always go to my friends house or she comes to mine and its my turn to go. She hates anime so i doubt I can come here. I'll see ya later!!
P.s A very wonderful girl is having her birthday. She is just so great. She kind, funny and she just so cute!! I love her very much. She one of my sisters that takes care of me. Happy Birthday Teri-san! Oh and I cant forget her sister too tracy!! Their twins isn't that cute?lol I shouldn't be talking since I'm a twin too xd. Go and wish her a happy bday please!!
Oh I forgot to say for all thoes FMA fans who have Cartoon Network, judging by what my friend told me tonight is the last espie. You have to watch this espie. It's really good. I loved it. Tape it in fact xd. Anyways hope you tune in!!
"Take Love. Leave despair. Live life to the fullest"
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