Its midnight over here and I'm still doing homework >.<
Ahh I finished my "manger's" essay and sent it to her. I hope she got it. I'm doing my careers' CPT and I only have five more items to choose from that represnt my life. Ahh so much to choose from. So when I wake up I'll finish writing up the five last ones and I'll start on my second and finall part of my CPT.
Thanks everyone for visiting! I was able to get to everybody's site yesterday. I did good! I'll try to get to everyone's site today after I'm done with all these stuff. I'm glad that everyone liked the KH theme though! Also with this theme. I like it alot its bold.
Ahh either than that..I'm going on a hunt for pardise kiss manga. I love it. Its awesome. I also might go on a hunt for Nana and Girl Got Game. Great mangas. I'm going to finish Time Stranger Kyoko now before I got to bed. Anyways this post is done. Check out the music! It good xd.
"Take Love. Leave despair. Live life to the fullest"
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