I just got back from this trip we went on for school today..pretty relxing. It was nice. I did end up getting to most sites the other day but not all. I'll be sure to do that today.
This post is really late for me but meh. I wasn't in the mood for posting this morning since my dad told me to wake up. I hate being woken up by my rents 'cause that makes me mad and I don't like to be mad. SO i wasn't in the mood. Anyways, I hardly got any sleep since I was doing my english essay, while reading Paradise Kiss. And YES I do have to right a lot of essays. It sucks but it will help me sooner or later. Anyways all I have to do tonight is actually finish my essay and study for my careers' test and Mid-Terms arrive. I'm so happy since I know I'll be getting great marks.
I'll rap-up this post. See ya.
"Take Love. Leave despair. Live life to the fullest"
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