Hi everyone!!
SO, the update news at our house:
On Saturday, I went out again to get a dress at the nearest mall we could find...lol. Anyways the rents and I started looking and my mom found this like whit dress with flowers on it. I was trying it on and everything and then my mom comes close to the doorway and says:
Me: Yes mom?
Mom: Can you talk to her please?
Me: Talk to who?
Mom: Jessica!
Me: MOM! NO WAY! You know I don't like her so why should I?
Mom: You have no say in this.
SO i get out all mad and everything and I end up going into the car while my mom bought the dress.
Bacially my mom wants me to talk to her of all people and tell her to come back home. YEAH RIGHT.
I also talked to my mom about me staying in my room and her having the basement. Her words "Stop it okay? Stop it. She gets to have your room and thats it". So I'm still stuck in the basement. For one thing, the basement isn't even finished it also has nothing in there. I hate it. I hate this whole thing.
I went back to Scarbs. yesterday for my Godmom's easter dinner. Oh I loved her cooking. I love the people, I hated one. SHE of all people came and we didn't talk a single word to each other. I don't care.
Anyways either than that, Our stupid goverenment diecied to make the hydro bill go up 20% starting next month. Yeah 20%. SO I'llbe hardly able to come on...it sucks and I'm going to miss this place. I'll actually try to update at school or something instead of home.
"Take Love. Leave despair. Live life to the fullest"
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