So today I'm all worked out and tired and I haven't even started school yet. I woke up very late indeed. Now I'm in trouble.I gotten to most of the people who updated yesterday. Sorry for thoes that I didn't get to in time.
Anyways, I finally finished GSD and it was great. Especially when you have Kira, Arthun and Shinn xd. Go out and look for the hard-battle-with gundams-flying around-people getting killed-love triangles badd-ass show. I also got to read NANA yesterday which is totally getting better and better by the chapter. If you haven't even heard of it I suggest you go look.
So I'm going to have a lot of homework today but I'll still try ot get to everyone's sites today.Now I gotta rush my ass off before I become even more late.
"Take Love. Leave despair. Live life to the fullest"
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