I'm really tired. I'm doing homework right now. I have to finish before I can sleep.
I had so much fun yesterday! I went to my friend's house to meet some of her other friends in different high school and it was awesome. We played DDR and some other games, made food and listened to all these J-Pop songs like M-Flo loves BoA- Love Bug xd. It was really cool. By the time I came back home, I ended up going on the computer, and started to do my homework.
I'm going to go nuts. An is coming up soon! XD I'm very very very happy. I just five more bucks to get in and I'll ask my mom for some money to eat and to buy something too. I'm also going to this huge talent thingy which I'm in singing Weak by SWV on the 18th. I just heard i got accepted.
Anyways I'm going to go now.
"Take Love. Leave despair. Live life to the fullest"
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