Anyways everything was due on monday. Everything.My part of my English CPT was due yesterday. Everyone forgot or didn't know how to do it, so my teacher said that it's due today. I stayed up until 3 in the morning yesterday working on it and he tells us its due today. LIKE WTF? Ahh so I just handed it in.
My cooking class' project was due yesterday too. Again everyone didn't know. So it's also due today. I spent fricken 3 hours on it and Ahh!
My art project was also due yesterday. Everyone started to complain about not getting enough time on it so she makes due by the end of class. I spent 5 hours on that shiit. OMG All teacher are fricken out to get me. They just want to do this to me. I was so pissed yesterday it wasn't even funny.
Anyways, so when I got back home it was well..okay. I ate something since I didn;t have any breakfast or lunch so I ate something and then went back to my homework. Oh thank the LORD vicky reawarded me some icons that she made. i FINALLY finished my homework at 10:00pm so I just decied to read some manga..so I'm posting and reading. I'm going to bed after this. I didn't get enough sleep so I'm tried.
I'm going on a trip today, I know it's going to be fun. Ahh the wonderful trips. Oh everyone has to get Yellow moon by Akeboshi! It's the same guy who sung Wind for the 1st op. in Naruto xd.
I'm going to and sleep.
"Take Love. Leave despair. Live life to the fullest"
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