Okay. Today is brilliant! I’m finally going to Paramount Canada's Wonderland!!. I’m so happy. I haven’t been to an amusement ark since I was 11 years old. It’s been too long. I’m leaving in a couple of hours and man, did I wake up late.
I must see Pirates of the Caribbean! My friends called me yesterday, asking me if I wanted to go. I had to say no, because, 1. My rents weren’t home, 2. There was no way of contacting them, 3. I didn’t know how to get to the movies, even though I’m used to taking the bus, and the last reasons, 4. I had no money ;_;. I will watch it after I come back from camp..or maybe even before.
BIG, BIG, BIG News. Vicky is coming to Canada. YAY! I couldn’t really believe it, when she was telling me. Though she was joking around. It’s going to be so awesome. I really can’t believe that she’s coming! On top of that she is coming when I get back from camp XD.
Ahh, Okay then. I’m going to go now. Gotta get ready.
"Life can sometimes give you a smooth path to walk on. When that happens, start digging holes."
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