Yesterday, was okay. Not much happened expect for working on my new theme, reading manga, working on some graphics and watching some shows. Prison break came on yesterday, which I was very happy about. It was a very good opener XP.
I’ve actually been working very hard with essay’s trying to help Carl get a scholarship, and helping my dad, and also meeting business people. I’m really tired of going out every day to do these “jobs”. Today, I get a day off, thank God because my dad has to go to work. I like how, I’m getting to know people, who will be helping me achieve my goal, but, I haven’t had a good sleep in awhile and I’m a little bit prissy. Blah, sorry for rambling.
Only one week and five days ‘til school. I’m actually excited to go back. I miss everyone. Then again, school gives me a lot of work, plus I’m on clubs that I’m in charge of. I need to have as much fun as I can, since this is going to be a very “heavy” year. I’m suppose to go to the “EX”[which is a festival, as I like to call it in Canada] with some friends. I don’t think I can go ‘cause I’ll be going to that three-day con. I really cannot wait =]
"Life can sometimes give you a smooth path to walk on. When that happens, start digging holes."
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