School, has started taken a toile on my eyes. I'm mad tired, and yet I'm still up why? Damn stupid school activities man. Since, I'm the head of two major things in my school, people have been working me mad. Though, I guess it’s my fault. Still, I need rest, I started to devolve some baggy eyes, and I really don't like them.
Well, Vick is officially a Eureka Seven addict. I've gotten some wonderful new songs off the girl which, I'm beginning to love. I have to check out the show she tells me, so I will, with some other line-ups I have.
Essay, SUCK.
Oh, yes a lot of you asking "Why do you have all those things in one class?". Humm good question. We don't have enough people interested in the course, plus it is a Uni course, so therefore only grade 11's can take it. The course gets better in 12. So yes, I'm learning all these three things, for this whole semester.
Okay, I'm tired, and actually hungry.
Nuf said.
"Life can sometimes give you a smooth path to walk on. When that happens, start digging holes."
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