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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
New Tennis Coach
Hey! Well right now I'm pretty normal, I'm not in a bad mood but not in a good one. My mom signed me up for a doctor's appointment. I've been coughing and a little weezing . But I'm not feeling THAt bad. My mom is really worried. I've had bronchilitous before and had was premature so she's really scared but I don't think much of it.
Well today we also had a new tennis coach. He was a better teacher than our last one but he wasn't nearly as fun. We have another practice again soon. Well we are doing so well that maybe by next year we can take on our old coach in a game!
And me and my mom r not in the best relationship today. She keeps on saying how crazy my closet looks because its really dirty and i just tried to ignore it, and she got a bit mad. I said sorry and i feel a bit guilty now...
And adding elvesatemyramen to my MyO buds!

Hope ur day rocks outloud! TTYL!!!
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Today was horrible!
I did get the chance to make some french fries. I stood up from 6 p.m. to 10:30 just frying the fries! I feel so drainned. My legs are still busted and I'm not in the mood for anything! My sister's friend is such a problem, her mom doesn't allow her in our house even though she works with my mom and she knows how nice we are. And when she does come in she brings a walky talky. People these days are rude.
My sister's r only like 7 and they wouldn't even allow them in they're garage! Man. I'm seriously p.o.ed today.
And one of my sisters didn't even want to eat any of my french fries that took hours to make! Gosh.
ANd to top it off Vanessa is so annoying, she is always saying 'O, (blank) is your favorite show!' or 'Go and watch you fave show in your little fan club' maybe not in those exact words but overall its the same thing! If she said that like once or sumthing, it wouldn't bother me as much, but the thing is I can't even watch t.v. with her. I hafta lock the door or sneak into another room! Its such a burden. I told my mom and guess what, my mom went and told her. Now, what? What should i do? Its bothered me so bad i can't even stay in my own room in peace! Its ruined my day to the degree, I just want... HER TO MOVE OUT, Now!
Vanessa's moving out next month and she's getting the room across the hall! Thank god! THen, I wouldn't hafta put up with these kind of bad days!But I think she does that to express her love for me... (chesey, i kno) ANd most of the time she can be really nice! (Vanessa is my sister)
Hope ur day is Awesomely better than mine!ttyl
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
Today was pretty boring, I watched two movies,I watched some random movie called 'The One' and just an hour ago, I watched,'Beautiful Mind' I already seen Beautiful Mind before but it was those kindda movies that never get old.
Well anyway, today was ok overall. I actaully made pancakes and everyone wanted a piece. YAY! So... as we all notice I've changed my theme! It seems like u guys like it so that's about it! *Maybe tommorow I'll make french fries...*
Hope ur day is WAY more interesting than mine!TTYL!!!
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
New theme and etc.

Hey! I just made this drawing of Kyo! How do you like it? I sent it into fanart, not sure if they took it!
Well anyway, I'm trying right now to change my theme! Yay! No more summer, be positive! Well u may have noticed but I made a special greeting for elvesatemyramen because her dog is sick. I hope it will make her feel better knowing that we care. well how do u guys all like that? Well nothing much is new, today i even got a little chat with pyroprincess today about sports and parents. It was quite interesting... Well TTYL!!!
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Hey, well today was the last official tennis practice with our original coach.
We were all like a hurry to leave, we didn't even look back. We just said 'bye' and we were gone. He just burst through the door like almost in tears, and he was like 'Bye, we had a bunch of fun.' We were just like, ok.... well on our way back all the songs on the radio were like those goodbye songs and romantic type songs... well we weren't sad, but still, we only knew him for like 4 weeks or less.
Well it was such a joke today. We learned how to hit the ball when it's up high. It was fun i guess.
I hope your day is a blast like mine!
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Sry bout not posting yesterday. I was so tired after tennis that i fell asleep at like... 8 p.m. and i woke up at like 4:50 am. I swear i saw a guy walking across the street in the dark. I even had my glasses on! (I swear!) Isn't that a bit freaky?
Well anyway, actually our coach is gonna be here one more week so we hafta practice tommorow morning, meaning.. waking up early...
For some reason I told him write stories and he keeps on bringing it up! Does he want to read it? It's a little annoying. Also he's just my coach, my stories r a bit private...(I don't like ppl reading them that much)
Well hope ur day rocks, TTYL!!!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
And... TIME!!! *Cheers*
Oh... well excuse me.. I'm just as bouncy as a bubble right now! Just finished commenting on sites! And if u think i didn't come 2 ur site.. U better check again, I was a little behind on my checking today!
Well tommorow is our last day with our college tennis coach. We r getting a new one that's like old... (Scared of old ppl!!!) *no offense if anyone here is over 65*
He goes to school at Alabama so he's not back till...next yr. Well now we have time to show him how good we r now!
Well yesterday i fell asleep at like 5. Someone called my sister and told her that they loved her? Wow. That must be weird and stuff. It might be a prank but it might be her ex boyfriend that kept trying to make her jealous.
Well who here heard that new Gorillaz song? Dare! I luv it! They r so cool. Well its all the rage around the household.
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Finally getting over the s- sum-mer thing.... *tears* Ok well finally my sister lets me use her laptop!
Ok well anyway, I'm soooo tired!I decided to make gifs for my music videos because now know how to make them!
Well anway, i decided to rebel against the fair because jesse macartney is gonna be there!
I DISS LIKED JESSE MACARTNEY ( with a passion) well anyway u like my new theme? Only two more ppl to come and i'll have 800 visits! Yayz! Hope u guys have fun today! sunday line up:
1. Wake up
2. get ready
3. Make pancakes
4. Visit sites
5. Read
5. Watch t.v. (anime and Malcolm in the Middle *sometimes*)
And the rest depends on weather!
Hope ur day isn't as boring as mine!
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
Guess what? My sisters went to the state fair yesterday! I went to watch March Of the Penguins! It was such an amazing movie. It was sad when the baby penguins died... awww they were sooo cute!
well also I'm getting ready to change my theme into it's LAST SUMMER THEME!!!! Oh no! No more summer bash! This is its last week! So hope u enjoy!
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
almost 800 visits...
8 more visits till my 800th visit! yay! thats great.
well anyway today's been a bit interesting... My sisters went to their last swimming practice.. I- I just sat around really and watched television. Tommorow I planned to go to the park, AGAIN!
My friends and I all planned to go school shopping! And i'm at the peek of my cash! *Isn't life good* well anway, can't wait for that! We are going to rule the school!
( And yes, we r the shopping type of friends)
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