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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Hey! Today was another tennis practice! It was alright. we had a bunch of fun and we learned how to serve the ball! Yay!
well i'm getting really good, by the time I'm in highschool, i'll be doing well so i can do club tennis for a sport!
well glad u like my new theme!
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Monday, August 8, 2005
Hey! How do u like my brand new theme? Also My Summer Bash is ending in a week! eeeek! No More summer! Aaahhhhh! well that sucks. Wait! No more getting up late! NOOOOOOOO!!!!
ok well how u like? Is it good? well anyway, Hope u guys had fun today! All i did was watch television, well tommorow we have another tennis practice, with our tennis teacher... oh no! well my sisters went to practice at the park without me so hope i don't suk that bad! well anway c ya'lls!
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
So sry I haven't been here 4 a while!
Well nothing much. School orientation is in 2 weeks! That is horrifying! well anyway, at least my post will be more interesting then! well anway tommorow i'm gonna practice tennis and then do my hair... 4 school, but i don't kno y because my hair will be messy by the time school begins!
Also how ya doing? I hafta visit, I'm a little late in posting... so sry bout that folks. well ttyl!
P.S. Question: Whats ur fave song? I was just wondering...
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Hey! Well did anyone here watch that movie, 'Cruel Intentions'?
Well I sure did because I had absolutely nothing to do! I liked it, I guess. It was really good actually. I came in at ike 20 minutes into it but i still enjoyed it. I am like a sucker for romantic movies!
Well if ur looking for a ranking from 1-10... it would be about a 7 and a half!
Also schoolis coming up soon! Yay! Friends! Can't wait! I'm totally bored right now! All I did was watch t.v. all day!
P.S. If ur looking for what Channel it was on... depending on where u live but if u have ABC Family that was the network.
Question: What kinda movies do u prefer? As i said be4 I'm in love with romantic movies!
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Thanks Pyro for that great comment yesterday on my theme! Also I'm sry for that yesterday... I was kinda getting a litlle carried away but still august 20th! is the due date!
Ok, well Friday was our 1st time we ever went to tennis practice. We SUCKED, it was in the country club but the only thing was we weren't members... so the next practice which was today, we told him and he was cool about it. He said he would be glad to to teach us somewhere else! Yay! so we had to do running forehands!! Those were hard! We learned volleys and we were totally embarassed because we were not the only ppl on the court!
Also since our teacher is like 20 yrs old my oldest sis, (she's 16) she was like flirting with him! Yuck! anyway, she said he was hot because he had a good body and he was great at tennis. (She will be in love with ANY ok looking guy that is good at a sport!)
Well we just started, and we have ANOTHER lesson tommorow, which is like 3 lessons in less than a week! The thing is we can do it anytime we want, and he's always open to teach us so he doesn't mind really when. Except wed. because he was a tournament... I can't wait until I'm really good which should be soon! The only thing is... I keep on missing the ball! I need to go to the park that wed. and practice! Practce! Practice!
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Monday, August 1, 2005

Sry for not posting yesterday! Also thanks banzaii! for this banner!
I decided to extend the due date for my contest to August 20th because a lot of ppl promised me an entry and haven't turned anything in! Sry if this is rushing u but so far i only have on entry, and quite a few pmed me and said they would enter! Hope this is not too forward but please try to keep this promise.
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Didn't visit much...
I'm sooo sry 4 not visiting some ppl! I promise to do better today! Ok well thankx for the encouraging comments yesterday on the story!
Maybe when i'm done with the other one i mentioned I'll post it up! Yay! Tommorow Night I'm posting up the winners! Yay! I better start gettin ready to choose... *stretching* (ok breathe in and out) Ok well also... if u promised me an entry, I'll be lookin for it! (don't rush though, its not that important) well I'll c ya'lls tommorow!
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Hey! Final Chapter!!!
Well anyway, i am about to change my theme in like two days, so i just wanna ask, do ya like this theme?
also u kno the book i'm writing, that i didn't post up, I hafta put that up when i'm done but i know how u guys wanna read the last chapter for my old one so here it is! enjoy.
Final Chapter- Beautiful Sky
Then we noticed a huge hole in the ground. A couch could probably fit inside it. The monk left. " I'm doing it!" Michiro sighed. Then from the hazy darkness crept Nowbowa on Shoribaka (as a magma)'s shoulder." I really didn't think you will make it this far, since I sent those bandits after ya!" she smiled, snapping her finger. Numie hestitated and then she stepped beside Shoribaka. "Glad to see ya again." roared Shoribaka to Numie." Oh yeah.. I guess I forgot to tell you..." she grinned. "Your mother didn't die of the Flu three years ago..." "I slaughtered her, piece by piece..." she snickered. Her eyes crazed with insanity, she snickered until she almost fell down. "You bitch." Michiro growled looking down letting tears drip down to her shirt. "I have to do this..." she sighed to herself. Then before she could go to the hole, Shukito wrapping his arms around Michiro's chest. "I am here to protect you... and i will!" he declared."Shukito... I have to..." Michiro whispered to him.
He let her go letting out a sob. Michiro then braced herself. "No don't do it!" called Nowbowa. Shoribaka raced toward her but by then, Michiro jumped. Shukito raced to see if she was really dead. "Michiro!" In a flash of darkness Nowbowa faded away and everyone around the world cheered. Then Shukito plopped down by the whole. He would still feel her soul, embracing him.
Each day he visits the hole, feeling her soul... After 5 years, he noticed the feeling was gone...so everything was moving on so it was finally time she should...
-The end
By Shippo323
Ok well hope u like! Please feel free to rate itfrom 1-10! well anyway, only 2 more days for entries for my contest!!! U better hurry up! Well wishing da best!! Also 770th visit! Yay me!
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Here's to:
Kibalover88! U have gotten ur 100th gb signiing! Yay! I've finally found the time to give u this:
here's the url!
well anyway, anythng up with u? i have the contest to finish in 3 days. So u better start turning in those entries! well anwya, hope u guys like the things i made ya! also thank u sooo much shippo-souten for adding me to ur sister group! THanks! well also thanks darksoul to for adding me to ur new friends!
U all are awesome! well anwya i'm throughing another party!!! But all my sisters think they r like to "Cool" to come.... (older sisters) *sigh* well anyway, TTYL!!!!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
This is the url of Chie's belated b-day greeting!
Duo, I made u a new button!

YAHOOOO!!! I'm finally gotten those chores off my back! well hope u guys like mey new theme! Also how do u like the music... It by BoA i think its called Atlantic Princess.... well anyway, hope u all enjoy! *sigh* (of relief)
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