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Saturday, July 16, 2005
All today i've been so lazy! Gosh... i'm such a lazy girl!!! all i've been doing is playing sims!!!! WHOA!!! that game is addicting! ALso thanks all those people who commented yesterday! That really cheered me up! Well today totally rocks! In sims i got my sim married and in sims bustin out~ i finally made it 2 Malcolm's Mansion! ANyone ever played that game?
well then they had a little boy... (he's still a baby though) anyway maybe sometime today, I'll change my theme.. but anyway, here's the next chapter!
Chapter 3- Moonlite Meeting
Michiro let out a large gasp of fear. One of the people inched closer to poor Michiro."She's alive? She's Alive!" shouted the person. Michiro hurried up to see a elder man and a young woman about 20 or a bit older. "Where am I?" Michiro faintly questioned. "Shoribaka! Where are you from? What's your name? And where's yoour parents, ya little gal?" asked the elder man brushing his yukata.
"I'm Michiro Sky, and I guess I don't have any parents..." Michiro sighed. "Oh your alone....how about that kid that brought ya here? Do you know him, or what?" The woman stated. "Well I'm Sai and this old geezer here is Meinbo!"
Then from a even distance you can here the drums beat. Boom bop bop Boom! "Oh no that is the symbol that Shoribaka is in town!" cried Michiro. Magmars flooded the streets, people dashed to their homes. "Hurry, go put this on! And pour some tea out of the kettle and into a cup! We have to delay Shoribaka!" declared Sai. "Here." said Meinbo handing me a kimono that seemed to match theirs. "Go you klutz!" flamed Sai. Michiro then grasped the kimono as she slipped her getas off and laid them by the door. Michiro raced down past the tables in the front, tripping over 3 times Michiro hurried. Then there was a wall in front of her, then she noticed it had a arrow pointing left on it, Michiro almost ran into the wall as she slid on the wooden tile to make the turn to the kitchen. Michiro looked around for a kettle. As she spotted it she grasped the steaming handle, burning her hands she blew on it continuosly as she poured the tea into a cup.
Then Michiro thought she was home free until she saw Sai escort Shoribaka to a table. Michiro gasped spilling a little bit of the tea on the tile. "Well... seems to be you have a new waitress..." said the seductive and charming voice of Shoribaka. Michiro avoided eye contact as she laid the tea on the counter in front of him. "Such a beautiful and fragile face...if only you were a bit older...." he hissed placing his finger on my lips as she yanked me by the obi. Michiro gave him an evil gaze. "Stubborn...." he snickered. Shoribaka peeked through her kimono and grabbe the tea right off the table and dumped it right onto Michiro's chest. Michiro growled. Sai inched forward as if she were to clobber him but Meinbo held her back. "Good day." he claimed touching the table. Then as he walked away, the table burst into flames. Michiro could never forget today, even the detail in Shoribaka's flaming blonde hair and inresistable hazel brown eyes.
That night Sai and Michiro went to a hot spring behind the resturant. It was a steaming hot luxury spring, there were 4 monkeys that already made themselves comfy in the edge of the spring. Sai said they were always there so she just made them like pets to her.There was Jodi, Hoppy, Mickey,Iris and then she noticed one newborn monkey that clinged to the rest of the pack. Sai left for bed. Michiro ducked her head up to her eyes under water, Michiro noticed that the two moons, Lilac and Kerperoon were meeting together. Lilac had a lavender glow and Kerperoon's was golden.
Then from the woods, there was a soft rustle and a gasp. Michiro dunked her whole body under water. "I know your there..." said a voice, that was plain and misty. Michiro went up and gasped for breathe. "Ya know tonight is the moonlite meeting of the two moons?" said the person. Then from the bushes came a boy, he seemed ragged and alone. He it looked like he didn't travel that far to see his little peep show! "I'm Shukito Himotami, from Homiyako city." said the boy, nervously. That city is small, it's not too far away from here. Just straight through the woods. "You are..." he waited. " Michiro Yato Sky!!!!" Michiro blurted in fear. "Aren't ya gonna like, thank me?" he chuckled, showing his pearly whites. "For what?" she asked. " I brought you to Shoribaka and I killed that magmar that was gonna take you and eat ya fa a snack!" he smiled. "Oh. yeah thanks..." Michiro replied. Shukito made himself comfy on the ouside edge of the spring. "Do ya mind?" Michiro asked. "Uhh... oh! ok." he nervously uttered as he turned the other way so Michiro can leave the spring. Michiro stepped out and quickly grasped her towel and wrapped it around her slender body. She figured Shukito took a little peek while she wasn't looking. "Ok." She muttered. "Well I really got to get to bed now, bye!" "Wai- never mind.... ok bye."he responded. Michiro began to run off, then Shukito grasped her wrist tightly. There they were face to face both blushing and both nervous and speechless. Now it was clear that he had amazingly light brown hair. It was ragged and shaggy, but it had quality and volume. She gazed wantingly into his eyes, they both then inched closer. But suddenly he forced back and she resumed to scamper away. He knew he should have the moment she left. He pounded his head with the palm of his hand for a few minutes until he realized there was nothing more he could do.
As she slowed down she noticed someone was waiting for her at the door, she would hear them. She jested toward the entrance to see a army of magmars. SHe was scared, she was alone in a forested area. In a TOWEL of all things! Then in the leaders position there was Shoribaka, glaring down at her, he was in his magmar transformation stage. His face looked the same except the fact magma oozed from his cheeks, feet, forehead, and upper arm. Michiro gasped and stepped back. Shoribaka lounged at her, grabbing her wrist. The lava roasted her hand, it felt as if someone stabbed her hand a million times without stopping once.The pain was too much! His eyes now struck with the devil's lust.Flames danced around inside his pupils as if he were to rip Michiro's heart out. "Hold on boys, let me in on the fun..." said a lucious voice of a woman.
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Tommorow i'll post another chapter but 4 today.. I guess i just hafta post! well i want 2 make a new theme but my mom took the computer that has photoshop in it... so i think i'm gonna make new one l8r after i persuade it back! well doesn't it suck living with parents.... sometimes i feel so overwhelmed by nagging of parents! well also i went running today... it was sooo embarrassing because i went there in front like 1/9 of the grade lived on that street and i was like all sweaty and was such a mess!!! well oh well... at least i didn't trip and fall!!! HA HA HA!!!.... oh yea, i did! OMG!!!
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Next Chapter! Sry i posted late!
Hey well sorry i haven't posted earlier! well hope u enjoy the next chapter!
Chapter 2- Shoribaka
She put on a freshly washed chinese style dress and tied her hair up in one bun with two chop sticks. Michiro knew where she lived was just a peaceful suburb city, but what about the rest of the world? Is everywhere this quite? Most of all where is she to go now? Who will take her in?
Michiro blew a kiss to her humble cottage, as she scampered away toward the pond a few miles away from the house. It grew darker and darker until it was time for the moon to rise and the creatures of magma to creep. (Magmars are human rivals. Came from the center of the world's core to enslave humanity. They took over, and humans grow closer to extinction everyday.)
Michiro splashed the pond water to her face. As she got up to walk again, she spotted a giant magmar in the forest ahead. The ground almost shook as it stomped through the trees.
Michiro slowly stepped back. Soon she was racing east toward the capitol city. After a few minutes of running, the magmar was long gone. Michiro was lost. All there was, was forest creatures like muidrops and tinderflossers. Insects crawled on the dark, black soil. She heard animals hooting and howling. Then footsteps echoed through the area, 'thomp thomp' Michiro looked around, no one in sight! Her father warned her about sick perverts who cruise around at night. Then before she could think, a mysterious hand wrapped around her mouth, and the more she struggled and yelped the more tighter they squeezed against her chest and lips. Before she knew it, the pressure grew too much to her to handle that she passed out at her last attempt to be freed.
Michiro blanked out for a while not knowing what to do or where to go. Once she awoke she laid there on the dusty solid ground scared to see what might appear in front of her. " What are we going to do!? All the customers were complaining about her!" said a voice near by. "Is she dead?! We better do something! Shoribaka is coming to inspect our resturant!" said a deep voice .
Michiro thought if these people are the people who kidnapped her. Shoribaka, Michiro thought. He's the leader of the magmars. He's half human and half magmar. He is very cruel and he tookover the world and named it after him, this is where he rose from the core. So he delared this landmark a famous capitol.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Alll day i was on the computer making sure my site was right on point! well i did have the chance to fix everything! and also i wanna thank once again Vicious 2, Venemous Kitsune, Kiwi00, shippo-souten, and pockysix! Also i can't live without all my other amazing friends on MyO! Thank u all! *hugz* well anywaym sims is an addicting game! It is such a cool game but it can rule ur life! well anyway, i hafta draw, and write in my notebook! Also here's the 1st chapter of my story!
Michiro silently creeked open the door to the room where Michiro's last family member laid, sick and tired. "Father! Are you alright?" she said handing him a cup of tea."My dear... I can't live forever, having heart disease, theres not a good chance of me living for more then a few months or less." he coughed. "My child, come here!" he said as Michiro quietly walked by her father. He strolled his fingers through her flowing brown hair. She adored the feeling. It felt as if she was relaxing by the ocean.
"I love you!" she grinned. "I think I have enough strength to give you a special papa hug!" he then bent over his grand sized bed, wrapping his arms loosely around his daughter. His arms weak and ill.
He then released his child, as he flashed a perfect smile thats radiance spread throughout the world. She cherished this nice moment beacuse she knew this might just be the last time her father can have enough strength to do this again.
Chapter 1- Death Before Dawn
Then his smile slowly faded as he began to breathe heavier. " I remember! You used to do that all the time when I was little!" sighed Michiro wiping away a warm tear, that trickeled down her cheek. She knew if he's gone, he's her last living family member.
His wrinkled hands grasped his daughter's tiny ones. His fleshless dull brown eyes misted. The evening glare, blinded her eyes. "I love you too." he sighed as his eyes slowly closed. At first, she couldn't believe it but after awhile, Michiro realized, she was by herself. She couldn't call the police... they'd take her away! In this world, no one would take u lightly. Michiro tried hard not to burst into tears. She smiled trying to be optimistic. She crocked a small smile. Michiro thought one more time where to go. Soon her neighbors will figure out!
Michiro laid her head against the corpse and whispered her farewells. Since the town of Shoribaka was orignated in central Japan, some villagers spoke Japanese. "Sayanora..." was the last thing she spoke before leaving her father. When Michiro ever gotten sad she would think about her idol, Princess Nowbowa because she was such a perfect idol until she was banished a few years ago... As Michiro rested her head against her Fathers hand, she knew this could be the end...
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Heyya! I was sleeping all day because i woke up really early! I'm thinking about changing my theme. and i was thinking about making a special surprise tommorow, maybe! Can u guess what it is? And im starting a new series in my notebook, that i MIGHT post up next week! well thankx all those people that came and posted everyday, and instead of doing something else in that few minutes, you came 2 visit me! thankx!!!! well anyway, TTYL!!!
P.S. also here are the buttons for my friends! Surprise!!! well sry if this is offending any other friends of mine
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Story Time
u kno i've been looking at alot of people's stories, but i think sometime in this month i should write my own. I (and trust me, just because I'm little doesn't been my writing is bad) so i think i've been writing for about 1/3 of my life so i should have improved from when i was 10. so anyway, how are u guys doin? oh yeah guess what? well yesterday, me and my two older sisters, went 2 the gym and exercised, and since my sister is like 17 we just put our music really really loud and were like singing and stuff, well everyone around us was like ' look at those crazy black people in that car' it was cool!!! well anyway, also that was fun. TTYL!!!
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Hey, I've officially returned
Hey well anyway, we are like just about 2 go 2 the mall to have a little shopping done, well anyway nothing much has been up with me, i did reach my 720th visit and i need one more gb signing to get my 120th. well thats all, (i kno my life is just soooo boring) well i'm posting way late! Wow. and also, i just wanted 2 say that because i am wakin up sooo late! Well i am going around sites and postin so i wouldn't 4get.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Sorry I'm postin late
well the thing is i think tommorow i'm gonna discconnect my site for a little while becuase I wanna focus on drawing a little more, because i wanna try 2 start gettin a little bette over the summer. well sry, if u missed this post and think I took it off for good. well I have 2 visit some people's sites. well sry becuase its a little late! well byes. Also... I bought a new manga, called Full Moon wo Sagashite!!! Yayz! TTYL!

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Sunday, July 3, 2005
well we are once agian takin a trip 2 Chicago. Next week we are goin 2 FL, so we are pretty packed up. well we are watching the Addams Family right now, so mayhbe i'll add stuff 2 this post later
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Hey, i hafta start putting up a new theme since its done now. Well i am trying to fix up a layout, to start up a new happy year!!! Yay!well ttyl!!! nm is goin on lately. I really wanna talk 2 my cousins when they come but some of my sisters and i are goin outta town
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