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Friday, July 1, 2005
Hey! It's my anniversity
Hey all ya! So happy u can come! I am so glad that I made it through a year. It all started with a boring summer!!! Thanks well not much 2 say, so I guess that's all for today! Hope ya can sign my gb and come back l8r

Thank u sooo much shippo-souten!!! It really makes me happy to see these!!! thankz

and also thanx venomous kitsune for this wonderful greeting. Its the big surprises that come in little packages!!!! thanks
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Soon it will be my anniversary
I'm planning something special for my anniversary. I wanted to change my theme to an anniversary theme and also do something to acknowledge the past year. well I really haven't started but its hard finding the perfect theme, well right now Vanessa is sleeping so I tink I might do the same. Well... *yawn* ttyl....
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
This isn't the perfect greeting but its alright. well hope ya like it, happy b-day, shippo-souten

Well. today i secretly pulled a all nighter!!! I stayed up with my little sisters because they wanted to be apart of it. We watched a dvd and drank soda and chips. It was fun. We got out of bed at 5 am, pretending to just awake just in case my mom was up. But now she isn't so we just totally chilled downstairs because we have the house 2 ourselves until someone awakes.Oh yeah, heres a really cool quiz!
also a new button i made myself
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
I'm so sorry I didn't get around 2 commenting, on a few sites, the thing is instead of commenting I spent from 8:30 to 2:00 am making a fan art for the contest. I don't expect to win because probably people that are way better or some fan fic, or wallpaper will win. But I think I did ok, what do u think? Be honest.

Well lately my whole family, (besides my sister, Vanessa) think I'm good at abstract art because last year, I did a drawing contest, for the whole county, and placed 3rd out of 5.
Well, 1 more day until shippo-souten's b-day. shippo souten if ur reading... don't look at this part. Ok well I don't really know what pic 2 use... I want 2 make her a nice greeting because she's been a good friend.
Well that's enough of that...*wink* Better just hit the dusty trail.....jj. TTYL!!!
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Nothin much is happening... well all I know is old. Like how after my mom finishs her residency, we are movin back 2 FL. (she's a Dr.) so moving is always an option.
And my oldest sis went off 2 camp, leaving me to serious boredom. Well it muct be confusing, wehn I say older sis because I have 3.
Well nm here...
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Thank ya

Thanks so much, Venomous Kitsune for making this beautiful greeting for me! It really makes me glad to see that you guys care! Thanks sooo much! Let me just use this post to say that, cause im glad there's ppl like my MyO friends that i can open up 2!
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Well guess what? My sister had her 6th b-day yesterday, and so while she was at swimming lessons it was only me, my mom, and Vanessa (that was on the computer for more than half of it) were in charge of the party and I wanted to add a movie afterward and a after party.
I had to put, 'Happy Birthday!' on the cake while my mom cooked some rice and pasta salad.
It was priceless when we surprised her when she came home! Then after the cake, we watched, the movie we just rented which was, 'The series on Unfortunate Events' I guess she liked it.

Then, we turned up the music and partyed. we had chips and flashing lights. Then we limboed. It was so cool, then I had to clean up. So after that we all just fell straight to sleep because it was like 3 or something.
Well anything for my sisters
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
700th visit
Well, I'm starting a diet... I wanna actually fit into my new skirt. Well summer always sucks, and I have this really big scab on my leg that I really have to get rid of, I used like every medicine... well i guess that wouldn't help but the thing is for the 1st day of school, I wanna wear a skirt and if I have a huge scab.... then it will look stupid. (like as I said as b4), that was all it was... well I reached my 700th Visit!!!!

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Monday, June 20, 2005
July 1st is my annerversity on MyOtaku
So many birthdays! Everyone has so many birthdays so I have to get ta workin' and also my anniversity. So amny things were on my mind, I didn't get to really enjoy the shopping at Chicago. But we are only a few hours away so we could just take another train. So, guess what? I did buy a souvenior. I bought a Ralph Lauren polo (which was green) and a Ralph Lauren plaid skirt (which was multiple colors including green).
To bad I was destracted by alot like not only MyO. Those others are a secret, for me to know and you to find out... ^^. Ok well how's it going? I'm a little bothered but It's almost done with, I just wanna look good for school. Also I gained 7 pounds just by going to chicago. I was 96. Now i'm 103! Ok well also I stopped by at Borders this morning at chicago, and there was this guy that was old and he spoke in some other language, and he showed us a book that was filled with pictures of people's butts!Ok well TTYL!!!
P.S. Happy Birthday Venomous Kitsune, you got your wallpaper right?
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Hey well right now i'm on my older sis's laptop. We took a train to Chicago. Chicago is nice. we woke up at like 5 and left at 6:35 and it was a 5 hour trip. we even stopped at joliet ang bloomington and stuff. But everything is alittle over priced. we are leaving tomorrow, at 5 p.m. Last time we went traveling for fun was when we went to boston, it was cool. i actually could buy something there. we were on our feet, shopping for 9-10 hours so when we reached the hotel, we all just past out.i have to find something to remember this trip by! I feel so poor. but our family isn't but 500 dollars for a decent purse is NOT worth it.
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