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...not enoguh room
...Whever Fait takes me, wherever I am ment to go, I will, It has all been decided, but unknown to me...XD
Member Since
Occupation? What's that? Is it like occupied on all airline toilets? If it is, I'm proud to say, "No, I am not an airline toilet!"
Real Name
...Michael, Mikaru, "Loser", whatever
Hmm, acievements. Those I got one of! I uh, think I was voted "Most Likely to Fall Off a Non-Existant Cliff" once, or maybe that was Robin Williams , I'm always getting his name mixed with mine, and there is no reason, maybe it has somthing to
Anime Fan Since
...Cant remember
Favorite Anime
....InuYasha, Trigun, .hack, Full Metal Alchemist, FLCL, Naruto, One Piece, Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell:Stand Alone Complex, Cowboy Bebop, Umm...that's about all my favorites, I like others though.
Ooh! I have one of those! I got it in soccer. Really....who needs goals when your life is not yours to decide. It is all the idea of Fait...( I dont really believe that entirely, but it is possible) Fait controlls all, and governs all.
Playing DDR along with any other video game... other than titles such as "Let's Count Sand" Or "The Amazing Anventures of David Bowie and his Trusty Sidekick Steve....o"
Well, unless you count video games as a talent, then none...
Raise high monolithic statues so fragile as they fall
I am ever enthralled
Gaze, lie and smirk in time, your arrogance will suit you well
'Til fashion is dispelled
As waves of plastic fame go out of fashion...
From above a rain of ashes...
Without habitation, you'll never find a soul inside
No life, but nothing's died
No lights, but quite the show (Just as long as no one ever knows
All motion is pantomime)
As waves of plastic fame go out of fashion...
From above a rain of ashes...
AFI-- "Paper Airplanes"
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Creepiest dream ever
It started at my school, where I was talking to these two girls who meddle in my life too much... Then we went to lunch. Apparently, in this dreamworld of mine, I had been eating lunch with my... friend, Claire for the school was on the one-lunch idea. But Claire was sitting with some other people, an entire new circle of I was angry.. I guess..and went to eat outside. But the outside lunch had been replaced by an alleyway stripmall of pubs, and deli's...
I walked around until I found one of my friends, Lazar and some of his friends, who were all playing Metroid Prime: Hunters on the I decided to do that instead of eating. Half way though the third battle, I began to get hungry...
So I walked back into the lunchroom, where some kid offered to trade me a pizza for a gatorade, I refused and went back inside.I found the line to be too long for my patience... and then I noticed the lunchroom had changed..The lighting was different, and there were cameras everywhere...
I saw one of the monitors had some really tall kid I know, Kyle, in a food fight with some other kids. The camera had shown machine guns shooting at him...and everyone was running out
I went back outside, same thing here. Apparently the school decided to attack
So I ran away as well. The school was nothing like it was in real life, so it was all new. I saw anohter of my friends, Julia run down some normally several-time-locked metal doors, and I decided to follow.
Running down this business-like complex was new to me. But I wanted to find Julia and regather up my friends. As I ran down the unlit halls, the lights began to come on, along with cameras and sentry guns, firing at me every step I took.
I finally saw a haven of safety, a small closet, so when I got near it, I saw Julia just standing there, I told her to get in, but she just shoved me into the closet. I apparently blanked out for half a minute or so at this time. When I "reawoke" the former closet was in ruin and mayhem, and Julia was dead.
Exploring the ruins of my school was more like a battlefield. At this point, my point of view went from that creepy "1st person/3rd person when you recall it" to the Doom 3 Interface. The guns were replaced by katanas and candy bars. Apparently these candybars were used for spells. I found Lazar hiding under some ruin, but he was Arabian... and blue...
I gave him my candy bars, and formed a party with him and his other friend.
We began to ressurrect Julia using 3 candy bars, namely a Baby Ruth, a Snickers, and some brandless tofee bar.
The spell had worked, Julia began to rise from the ruin and then joined our-------
Dad: WAKE UP!!!
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Well...I'm bored
Lately I've been playing the best game of all time, Chrono Cross. I was playing Chrono Trigger, friends borrowing that...

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Hah....Well, I might volunteer at ZooBoo for those of you who are still visiting other than Claire. It will be somewhat fun...scaring little kids...and....Well....DS RULES!
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Hah....Well, I might volunteer at ZooBoo for those of you who are still visiting other than Claire. It will be somewhat fun...scaring little kids...and....Well....DS RULES!
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
This guy is ready for Halloween...

I mean, look it him, He just says "RAR! GIMME YOUR CANDY KIDS!
If that's not scary, I guess the idea of this isnt either...

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Friday, October 7, 2005
My school sucks! I don't care if I somehow get in trouble for this! They're always taking money from us! Whether it's some non-existant teacher named Mr. Adams, or the
recycled waste that they call food, or even the IDs,
Homecoming and "Mr. Adams."
The Mr. Adams bands, I guess are to support some teachers son who has cancer or something at Adams. Yet I've looked through my friends yearbook, and there is no teacher named Adams, so students are buying these bands for $2 each, just to go to the schools booze money.
Homecoming, supposed to be fun for all, but now it's just fun for the school. I've heard that not only is Homecoming not in Hillsborogh, it's $50! I've also heard 30, 35, 40, 50, and 75. I'm sure it does not cost $50 for some crappy streamer and drinks. Not to mention the clothes, which probably ship 10% of the money made off of the clothes to all the schools.
Lunches (Don't read this if you are or are about to eat)
These so-called lunches are supposed to keep us active through the entire day. Since we cannot leave campus to go by food elsewhere, we have to buy school food or starve. Now when you get hungry, you get delusional, hence your tounge will accept the clearly acidic taste of school food. I always just get a slice of pizza from Pizza Hut, and a bag of chips. I even bring my own Gatorade.
From finding hairs in tacos, ice in burritos, chunks in milk, a mysterious white liquid on all of the fruit cups, I've decided lunches are a hazard. At Adams last year, they were on Dirty Dining for their "food."
Here's an interesting fact: Did you know, 5 years ago, that food being delivered to schools was actually lower quality than that of the food being delivered to PRISONS!?!?!?! And for all I know, it could still be that way
IDs (my favorite)
While these IDs are supposed to be for our saftey, they're not. They're just a crap idea made by the school to take money from us. Every time you lose it, it's $5 for a cheap plastic card replacment. During the days that you forget or lose it, you must get a Temp. ID. To get one of those, you just write your name and student number on the sheet of paper. Then the lady writes in on a sticker and you wear that all day, hence, anyone can get one, with a fake name and number, passing themselves off as a Senior, or however old they look.
Well, that's about it. Not to mention Shelley. I hate him...always being...a Shelley and what not, but he checks these kind of things, so....I'll stop before he decides to look through every website for his name mentioned.
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Well, I've decorated it for Halloween. This year I might cosplay as Ed(FMA) with my friends, hence with the background and color changes.
Anyway...High school really makes no sense. So far, I've made 2 new Freshman friends, 10 Sophomore friends (???), 2 Junior friends, and 3 Senior friends. Aren't Seniors supposed to kill Freshmen? I'm not really complaining, it's just interesting
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Featured Quiz Result:
its good
Your Anime Life | Answer how ever you want! | Anime Name?: | Mikaru Yosatu | Age?: | Mortal: 14 Alteryon: 19 | Height?: | Mortal: 5' 3'' Alteryon: 5'9'' | Hair?: | Mortal:Short and Blonde Alteryon: Long, White and Grey | Eyes?: | Mortal: Brown Alteryon: Red, fading to black | Sex?: | Mortal: Male Alteryon: Male | Personality?: | Mortal Funny, Creative, Caring, Nice, Spontaneous ONLY to friends Alteryon: Quiet, Rebellious | Regular Clothing?: | Mortal: Baggy black pants with a open black SS shirt, with red undershirt Alteryon: Black sleeveless shirt, red coat, black pants, red boots, red headband? | Where would you live?: | Mortal: Tomado, Japan Alteryon: Midrealm | Weapons?: | Mortal: Slingshot Alteryon: Twin Katanas, forged of Obsidian | Companions?: | MPOS, Momoninja | Freaky Pet?: | Squirrel | Special markings?: | Mortal: None Alteryon: Large, Cross Shaped Scar on Back | Weird Clothing?: | Mortal: None Alteryon: Obsidian Armor, only Sholder guards, Greaves, and Shield if any | Time Period?: | Mortal: Present Alteryon: Present | Have an anime this character would kind of fit in?: | Mortal: MPA, Alteryon: MPA, Castlevania (although that's a game) | Special Powers?: | Mortal: Switching to Alteryon Alteryon: Agility, Speed, and Theiving increase | Ears, Tails?? Stuff like that.: | Mortal: None Alteryon: None | Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife/Husband?: | Girlfriend: Kuraire | Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |