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myOtaku.com: shippo god

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Wednesday, May 5, 2004

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OH MY GOD!!!YOU PASSED!!!You got most of them or
all of them right. You rock. You're a true
Inuyasha fan.^-^You probly know more like
me,but I didn't wont to make the quiz to
long.Please rate and message me if you

!!!!THE ULTAMITE INUYASHA IQ QUIZ!!!!!You think you no more then me?*UPDATED*
brought to you by Quizilla

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Tuesday, May 4, 2004

You're Element is Earth. You like plants and
flowers and have a very natural looking beauty.
You are a very innocent and maybe naive person
but it's only the erks in this world that take
advantage of you because you are a jewel in
this world of rocks. You have many friends and
they all enjoy you as much as you do them. You
are skilled with your hands and would be able
to last in a more remote home.

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
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Blog from Gpetz.com

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Night Walker
Night Walker, the second class of vampire. You are
depressive and introverted, making it hard to
reach you. Your servants are very few, because
you do not like to take prisoners. Your powers
are comprised of shadow magic. You are lonely
deep down inside, but won't let others see your
true self. You should try to open up more

What class of vampire are you? (more new images!)
brought to you by Quizilla

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