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Sunday, January 23, 2005
yo everyone. i guess it is pretty early here. its what 9:40. yeah im freezin my ass off. its so cold outside. so cold.and the snow is pretty high too. if my lil bro went to throw snowballs outside the snow would come a little above his navel. and i had to shovel yesterday. man it looks like i didnt do anything. why? becuz it was snowin. well i guess im just gonna keep warm and finish my homework for today. See ya!!! :)
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Friday, January 14, 2005
Hey everyone. Yes I know I havent posted in a while. But im back but for how long. We had graduation pics today. Meh it was weird. I think I looked tight. My friends looked cool too. And im happy that the robe didnt make me look fat. Not that it could cause im so skinny. lol. Now I have some bad news. I got grounded. So I dont know when ill be gettin back on. Hopefully soon. But well thats up to my mom. See ya.
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Friday, January 7, 2005
 Dont you just love this pic. i know I do.
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo everyone. Its 2005. My family didnt go anywhere for christmas. We just watched movies and ate awesome food. Still Good. I saw both celbrations of Chicago and New York.Man.....two more days till school. Im doing my homework today. Oh yeah and 29 more days till my birthday. Yeah!!!Well I hope all you guys had a Happy Freakin New Years. I know I did.
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Freakin Christmas
Yo everyone. As I said in the title. Merry Freakin Christmas!!!!
Anywa good news is.....GTHaloPLayer's mom is finally off the comp. Celebrate. Not really. But I got some awesome presents. I have some awesome clothes. Awesome clothes. Got some warm slippers. A nice jogging suit. And well. Somethin just too cool. My sis and her friend bought me a shirt. Thats was spray painted. In the front it says Les. And on the back it says N.E.R.D.
Yup. Pharell Williams group. Well I also got..(drum roll please)
Metroid Prime 2!!!!!!!!
Awesoem as hell. Campaign is better than Halo's campaign. but! Its multiplayer is worse. Well thats basically what I wanted ta say. Hoped everyone got atleast one thing they wanted. Also Christmas Eve was a blast!! Man I ate so much. I nearly burst. lol. And when my cousin Andres came. Than thats when I nearly died of laughter.He said " What if Shippo actually did all the voices for Inuyasha". How he explained it. Oh too funny. He said his friends weeped and he nearly cried cause Inuyasha got 3 in the top anime. But than he made himself happy cause Cowboy Bebop got 2nd. Than we had a debate who was better Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star and Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. Well See Ya!!!!
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Friday, December 24, 2004
Nothin Much . Its just freesing outside
Yup. thats iys just freezing outside. So who cares if a streaker will die in 5 seconds. Its christmas fuckin eve. partay!!!
But first me must get haircut. Then me look me best. GTHaloPLayer is still not on the computer. His mom is puttin all this bullshit on it. Even NetNanny. lmao. ROTFL!!!!
Poor dude. Oh god I feel so sorry for the bastard. Its because his mom can't trust him. His mom was searching through the internet right and she came across the web history. And she foun Hentai!!!lol
Then his mom told him to explain himself. But her boyfriends intervened and said"you look for anime pictures right"
Luckily that got him out. But his mom don't trust him anymore. What a retard. Also the christmas when he got his xbox. He peeked. And well, its too long. But funny. Ill tell you later. Well gotta go. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Winter Break
Oh yeah. Im on break. Oh yeah. i can't wait. And I overheard m mom talkin to my uncle. Im pretty sure that I got Metroid Prime 2. Oh yeah. Da best. Samus da sexy bitch who blasts assholes. Oh right!!! Yup. X-mas is gonna be a blast. Well Christmas Eve at least. When I get to see my cousins. And eat awesome food. Especially, Pasteles(spanish food). Its like a Puerto Rican version of a tamale. No corn but Platano(banana). Well See ya everybody.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Yo Everyone
Whats up people. How ya doin. Man it was a half a day so I went to m friend Maciej's house. We played tales of Symphonia. Awesome ass game I should add. Its funny too. Man the combat system is so cool. It goes right up there with Final Fantasy in the rpg market. Yup. Wantin that one for chrsitmas. Man my aunts jobs are goin bad. One isn't gettin enough clients others are jus havin a hard time. That means they are low on cash. Which means I gotta pick closely what games I want. I lowered it down to two games.
Metroid Prime 2:Echoes and
Tales of Symphonia
Thats it. Arent I non-stingy(is that a word?).
But my mom says why don't I get Alien Hominid ,another awesome game, because both ToS and MP2 cost 49.99 . But Im stickin with those two. Well Ill see ya guys later. Peace
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Sorry Everyone
Yeah Yeah im sorry. Look you may say wow thats so mean of how I treat GTHaloPlayer. But truth be told. None of it is serious. None of it. Thats just how we talk. It may seem like we hate each others guts but nope. Actually we are the best of friends. Just to clear it up. OK. lol. wow that was a predicament. yup. well see ya
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Ok im pissed
Yeah im pissed all right. Ok here I am listening to some Yellowcard. When I get bored. SO I decide to check myotaku. Well I see many people update and I comment. Now I check Vicious2's site since he is cool. Now we had a misunderstanding. And he posted something about me. Yeah too bad the problem was over before I found out he posted it. lol. Anyway since I always check alot of different other posts even ones that are old I check the one that are old. Now in the comments I see Yulinamon say " Go Vicious". Yeah. We are friends. Atleast I thought she was. So im saying this to you. Your done. Are friendship is done. Its over. Yeah. Man I would post something so mean to you but since your Sinny's friend I am giving you some repreive. Sp two words "Screw You".
Anyway. I just finished playing Billy Hatcher with my little bro. Meh i had nothing to do. I hate that game so much. So much. But as lame as it is. It is still a solid game. Disgusting but strangely addicting. Like tommaco and my sisters best friends's chex mix. Well tommorrow we have a Christmas assembly. So basically we are out of classes for the whole day. Hurray! Except we have reading and Math. But on Wednsday we have a half of day. Man I can't wait till winter break. Which starts at the end of this Friday. man probably going to my firends house and nonstop play of Halo with GTHaloPlayer. And then come back home for Uper week at my friends Maciek's house. Tales of Symphonia!!!!!!! Well see ya everyone. Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I called Fernando(GTHaloPLayer) and we were gonna call Sinny.It went something like this:
GT:Why you call me man.
SD:Meh. Me no no.
GT:Your a fag.
Sd:Thanx for the compliment. I am a fine ass guy.
GT:How gay.Man im tired.
SD:Your always tired. From douchin the inside of your girlfriends cunt. Nah. man your always tired.
GT:Yeah I know.
SD:man im bored.
GT:I know why you called me?
GT:WHy do you need me to call Nati.
SD: Your gay thats not why. Well maybe a little cause your so boring.
GT:After mindless babbling about disgusting stuff for no reason and alot of saying"Call her".
GT:Fine but you will call her back.
Hold on.
SD:*holding mouth. trying not to say HEJO! if she answers*
Phone:ring ring. ring ring. ring ring.
SD:Sorry. Wrong num-*notices GT has hung up* *hangs up*
Thats it. See ya everyone.
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