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Animator, watcher of Anime
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Don't know...Don't care
Anime Fan Since
Well scince I watched Dragon Ball.
Favorite Anime
Alot alot alot. Db/Z/GT, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, NGE(of course), Gundam Seed, Chobits, Love Hina, More and Cyborg 009. And Gundam Seed and Eva.
To Remix my life and the Life of many others.
Computer. Things. Making fun of good friends.
The Many things I do.
| Shippodude123
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Monday, September 6, 2004
man tommorow i got bak to school. idk if i should be happy or dissapointed. man eighth grade. and my homeroom teacher is the math teacher. ............. man i absolutely suck suck suck suck at math!!!! eh but i am genius at almost everything else(jk). not that i use my full potential. ;). I made myself sad...........anyway. I need help to find a place for music but doesn't put spyware on other people's comp. like 50. he had music. and i could hear it. but the quality was high unlike iwebmusic. o well. well if anyone knows. please do tell. ha ha ha. 004 and rei forever.
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Saturday, September 4, 2004

Third best Eva in my opinion.
What do ya think?
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New style.
All right people. I touched up the site greatly. If you wanna know what the colors are for here ya go:
Silver for my EVangelion unit 004.
Red for the countless gallons of
blood from the angels I will spill.
Blue for Rei and I.
There you have it. Break it down. PLus I just got psp pro 8. now i will make a blog proly with a pic of me faded in the backround of unit 004.
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Friday, September 3, 2004
I feel like doin sumethin...but what?......
Man I just finished watchin the japanese version of End of Evangelion. OMG. I love it. I love it. Man its such a good movie. It gets u so hyped up and everything man. I swear. Whoooooo. I love this crap. But I did disagree with alot of things shinjmiester did. He is sooo gay. Man I wouldve rescued Asuka, saved Misato, went Solid Snake on almost all da dudes from da UN.(solid snake is from da game Metal Gear Solid. He is even more deadly than the guy from Splinter Cell,Sam FIsher,.)Man I swear. Plus Rei 2 wouldve been alive. Hmmmmmmmm. I have been thinkin about that for a month about makin a fan fiction of Eva with me in it. Oh yeah. Ooooh that sounds good. Plus...hmmm maybe I should animate it. What do you guys think.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Im Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo people, im back. Hurray. Uh uh oh yeah. Im back. Back from New York. Too bad I didn't get to see you Nati( you too Carrie). Anyway Im happy. NO more AOl. Well people I feel good. Anyway See ya.
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Monday, August 30, 2004
I go bak home tommorow.
Tommorow I go back home. Srry Nati looks like we won't be meeting this time. But oh well. Anyway yesterday(last night) i wathed the first matrix. Now I undertand 99.98% of it. Its just when I saw the first matrix I was too young to really know anything. ANd I saw the Animatrix. Thats a big help. Well guess what people. I am allmighty now. Mwahahahahah. Oh yeah. I got Evangelion Platinum esition volume one. My next goals for dvd's is End of Evangelion, Gundam Seed volume one, and Evangelion Plantinum edition volume 2. I feel happy. Plus normally the regular dvd's would come with 3 episodes. The platinum comes with five. PLus I got the episode called rei 1. Huwway. If you know about that episode u know what im talkin about. Fan Service fans unite!!!! Ahem anyway. Oh yeah. Well people scince I have a webcam, when I get home I am gonna post sumethin reallly special. Somethin so unique. No one has ever done it before. lol. well I am going to give you guys a poem like I always do.
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
What I did yesterday.....
You kno you guys might not care but I do so screw you. Nah I just like postin dis crap cause I got nuthin else to post. Well here it is.
Yesterday(duh) my aunt asked me if I wanted to go to the beach. Now it is early in the mornin so im like maybe I should lie. Becasue I was planning to chill for da day. SO I was like my head hurts. Now when she left I got up and took a shower and ate me some cinnamon toast crunch(^______^). I sat down and tried to put on a dvd to no avail. I mean setting to put on a dvd is so hard here. Turn the vcr on. then directtv offf. then the dvd on. then direct tv on. You know. When I finally got it running I put on my mp3. And I was jammin and eatin cereal. Then my siter and aunt come back. ANd we are getting ready to go to a bowling ally. Her boyfriend also comes. He is funny tho. We are listenin to so much music. THen finally get in the car to go to the bowling ally. But first we are gonna pick up my aunts boyfriend's sister and my third cousin Tipsy.
We finally get in the cars.The guys in one the girls in the other. And a war ensues. I was dying laughing. Tipsy also told aboutthis girl at the store he manages. SHe stole alot of cash but she works there! It was this pregnant white girl. Now the store has 9! surveillance cameras. Each camera has three different small cameras in it. There was even one right by the register. Right by it. BY the time he gt to this part I was laughing. But now what she did she pretended like she dropped the money but she was actually stuffing it in her shoe. What she didn't realize was that Tipsy was at the hand of the cameras and that the cameras have like a zoom feature. You know like that little magnifying glasss. well like that. Plus the cameras have both video and audio. SHe got caught. That was just plain dumb if you ask me. ANyway we finally got to the allly and so much. IN the game scince I was getting so close to where the ball rolls. Everyone said I was gonna take a spill. ONe game and 7 round slater I did. It was funny as helll. Too funny. I was even laughing. Whoo. I like this stuff.
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
A teens Life.
The chalk board grinds the black.
Snip snap, crick crack.
The bell rings twice schools out. Punch, Pow. Knock out.
These are only a few of the things that go on in a teens life.
She doesn't like you.
Doesn't go for you does it.
Were you taught force.
You want her.
Force is how you'll get her.
These are only a few of the things that go on in a teens life.
Its over. No more relationship.
Why he left you for that other girl you don't know.
IS she prettier.
IS she sexier.
These are only a few of the things that go on in a teens life.
ANd the drama goes on....
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U have family. Family here. Family there. But are you aware. When I was one i couldn't know. BUt when I got older I knew some family was missin somehow. Usually families fall apart because of the man. whether its another woman or abuse. really there should be no excuse. too bad its so common. But the truth is families do break apart . They also break hearts. Its so sad to see. Thats why that man won't be me.
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Im in Ny. holla.
(holla-talk to me sometime, ect. ect.) well peeps im in NY. its pretty cool. funny tho. because on my way to the plane with my sisters. i figured out why united airlines supercomputer is named ted. i was like ohhhh so original. Uni"Ted". its funny to me. well when i got on the plane i inserted a mp3. now this mp3 has like 114 tracks and i made this early in the morning but we were in a hurry and the computer was actin a fool. so my mom nearly beatbt he shit out of me. now when i inserted my cd it didn't work. now thats nice isn't it. so the flight was cool. the plane was small as hell i could actually climb that thing. the isle was frickin just like just like small. u know. its funny cause in da movies they make it look like a fat person could go down the aisle without touchin u. i don't discriminate. that much. nah. jokin jokin. well i got here i was laughin cause this is the first time i saw my aunt and my uncle. ya know. plus when we got into the neighborhood i was laughin even more in my head. cause evry one got spinners, and cell phones ya know. but with jacked up houses. complete opposite over in chi-town. well my aunt has like a fuckin palcae of junk food for us. so its all good. direct tv. my uncle has ps2 with nfl street ^____^. But im happy today because my sister is gonna make arroz con chuleta. mmmm thats rice with porckops. very very good. its gonna be the first time my other family had home made spanish cookin. well im gonna stop postin scince this is long as helll. but im gonna leave u wit another poem. Oh yeah i got to see mey two stepsisters and my step borther. was kinda weird tho.
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