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Shippohead! thats what my parents named me. or, what ive named myself^-^
I'm a HUGE Pokemaniac^-^
Anime Fan Since
I was a youg'n
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,cowboy bebop, trigun, samurai champloo, FLCL, Pokemon,Fruits Basket, Negima, Love Hina, NARUTO, one piece, tokyo mew mew, i'll think of more later^-^
To Work For The Great And Powerful Nintendo!
Video games, and Anime^-^
Uh... i can shoot this straw wrapper at you! *Shoots* Haha, got you!
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Monday, January 24, 2005
wierd day!
well, i just had a wierd day. i started out happy, then depressed, then angry, sorta like awhile ago, huh? but after seeing all myotaku buddies, im much better!^-^i got lotsa things for you people to comment on! well, i made a poem today! who wants to hear it, huh? ill post it if 3 people say they wanna hear it! im also making up an anime series in my head called "pure function!" pretty wierd, but i think its cool so there:P! anyone think i should post up my little adventures? you know, make a litle story? if i get 6 comments saying i should, then i will! oh yeah, i only have 2 charachter in my whole series, so anyone wanna suggest any people or names? heres the really basic plot. ok, its in the FUTURE! real original, huh? in the FUTURE, the scientists create artificial intelligence! oooooooooooooh! anyway, they realise how dangerous what theyre doin is, so they destroy all the smart robots! but one escapes! oh no! oh yea, i forgot, the whole planet is ruled by a kid with psycic super powers whose in a cryogenic pod. he took over the planet many years ago with his psychic powers, and put himself in stasis to live forever. nobody wakes him up cuz hell be cranky and will be all "hey, you woke me up! ill kill you!" or something. so the robot is on the run from the scientists that want her dead, and shes a really cool robot! shes like the opposite of a cyborg, cuz a cyborg is a human with robot parts, but shes a robot with human parts! cool, huh? and shes also curious abou the little kid everyone fears, so she seeks to wake him up! aaahhhh! so thats the basic plot. anyone want me to turn it into a serial, post me about cool names and new charachters, cus i only have 2, the cool robot and the sleeping kid. post me! oh yea, if you wanna hear my poem, post me about that too.
 The One The Only Nintendo.
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weirdo quiz!
i took this quiz i found on swtanimechick site, and its completely weird! maybe cuz i didnt put my real name! ill try it again with my real name!
hmm...... im a hopeless romantic, now that i think about it, i guess i am! what else... who are the strokes? umm..... non-fiction? im sci-fi all the way! um, love at first site? yep, thats me! k, im way hot? yea right! i highly doubt anyone fins me hot. conceived in a mall? weird. im married to a homeless person? if im way hot, why am i married to a homeless person?
quiz with my real name!
oh, yay! i get to be married to the great cuban dictator! and what else? im a political NUDIST! wheee! another band i dont know, and im conceived on the 30-yard lne? what the crap? wierdo!
 The One The Only Nintendo.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
man, im crazy today.
ive gone from happy in the morning, to psychopathic at noon, to uber-depressed at, well, now. its about 12:55 right now, and im supposed to be doing a report. im sneaking arouns my teachers back, but shes never caught me. anyways, im depressed cuz the girl i like hardly ever notices me, probably through my own fault. she says hi occasionally, but only if im the one who says it first. i see her in the morning when she passes me,amd at lunch cuz we both work at the cafeteria, and i notice her every day. i compliment anything she changes, even if i dont like it. i give her gifts on every occaison, like christmas, and with V-day coming up, i hope she likes me. im thinking im gonna buy her a box of chocolates, what else? im just depressed cuz shell probably never like me, im wasting my time and money on something that will never happen, and im just being a pathetic loser, and ill probably never find someone to love me in my whole pathetic life. theres rumors that shes dating a senior, but i dont beleive them. if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, count yourself as one of the luckiest to have someone always by you who cares, cuz i sure as hell dont.
 The One The Only Nintendo.
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fucking jocks!
im in a bad mood today, by the way. i have like 50 jocks in my PE class, and this girl i know is going out with one of em. i hear her name, so of course i eavesdrop. i hear this FUCKING jock say all kinds of shit about her, and the the jock he's talkin to says "that chicks hot" and some other stuff i wont say. and the first FUCKING jopck says "oh, you can have her when im done with her", like shes a CD or something! and all the popular people act like this, because theyre power absorbed BASTARDS! god, im glad im not popular! god, of all the fuckers on the earth, jocks are the WORST! god! well, sorry to be all angry like this, but i cant really say this anywhere else. ill try to keep this to myself in the future. bye.
 The One The Only Nintendo.
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hello, everypeoples!
sorry i dont really update on weekends, but the computer at my house sucks. so anyways, i HATE playstation! hate hate hate hate hatehate hate hate hate hate hate hate! its a good technology company, but should NEVER have strayed into video games! now that it has done that, i only seek its destruction! EVIL!!!!! yea, people, i know, all the anime video games come out ONLY for PS, but PS is a mockery of them! true blue nintendo fan right here! well, ive vented, and all you people can complain in my face ALL you like, i dont care. nintendo has experience, and zelda, and metroid, and MARIO, and all sorts of cool games! sonys good games are the FF series, and jak and daxter, ant THATS IT. Xbox, sucks too. What the hell are THEY doin? theyre a freakin computer company! not video games! DEATH AND DESTRUCTION TO XBOX, PLAYSTATION, AND ALL THEYRE FOLLOWERS! gah!
the end.
 The One The Only Nintendo.
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Friday, January 14, 2005
the winner!
the winner of the anime beuty contest is.......
 The One The Only Nintendo.
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
i had a weird dream
weird dream! i got tickets to japan, so i brought j_gundam and doug, aa different friend. im bein all polite, but j and doug are being SUCH tourists! theyre pointing at everything, yelling "hey, look at that!" and being monkeys, basically. its weird. oh, i go to peoples sites like swtanimechick and inufan123456789, and they have cool cursors! i wanna cursor! any helpful hints? byh-bye!
 The One The Only Nintendo.
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hooray to zefie!
thanx tozefie for r.o.d.! hooray!

 The One The Only Nintendo.
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Friday, January 7, 2005
look at the cute little ditto!
isnt it so cute? i love ditto, hes my favorite^-^ dont forget to vote on the beuty contest below!
 The One The Only Nintendo.
Comments (6) |
Thursday, January 6, 2005
ok, its time for the anime beuty contest! ok, out of these four people, wich one is the hottest?
its for girls and boys, thats why there are two of each!
the results will be posted on the 14th, cuz not enogh people voted the first time, so tune in!
the choices are,
Faye(cowboy bebop) 
Kurama(yu yu hakusho) |
Sailor Moon(sailor moon, duh)
Ed(full metal alchemist)
vote now!
 The One The Only Nintendo.
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