yesterday, i spent the WHOLE DAY shopping for stuff i dont want. the only enjoyable experience the whole day (but this was a BIG enjoyable experience!) was I GOT TO EAT AT SAKE! for those of you who dont know what it is, it is an authentic japanese restaurant. its my favorite place to eat! i had: some of my sisters bento box, some of my dad's sushi, and i had a beef bowl with rice! (Shukiyaki-don!) but i couldnt eat it all i was too stuffed. then i had a peach sorbet for desert! you kno, the kind where they have an actual peach skin, and fill it with peach ice cream? it was awesome! then we did a whole bunch of other boring crap. today im going to wal-mart to get t.A.T.u's CD, 200kmh in the Wrong Lane! i only heard about them over the weekend, but i like their music so much im actually going to BUY their CD insted of downloading it. i dont do that very often! my favorite song is "Not Gonna Get Us" because it reminds me SOOOOOO much of Pure Function! speaking of which, i will put up new stories today^-^ but first........ NEW NINTENDO REVOLUTION PICS! CONTROLLER REVEALED! you can only get this sort of awesome stuff from nintendo's japanese site, so heres a ling DIRECTLY to the Revolution Menu! i dont know much japanese, but i made my way around ok^-^
there! wasnt it awesome?!?!? yay! ok, heres some more stories! hope you like them!
Note: Pure blood, in addition to specialized cells that carry oxygen and nutrients, also contain an equal number of stem cells. If the cells have energy, they can receive signals from nearby cells, (every single cell maintains a constant record of everything going on in the body) and turn into the needed cell, and therefore heal the wound with their blood.
This will take place as long as the body has enough energy, and it takes first priority. The body obtains energy by eating (obviously) but Pure can store vastly greater amounts of energy than us. Of course, this means they have to eat much more than we do, but their bodies produce very little waste: almost everything they eat is used as energy.
This will be important later.
Focus stood shivering in the rain, staring at a small shack where Function had gone last night. The shack was the only one intact out of about five, the rest being in ruins. It was very cold, and she was hoping the inside would be warmer.
“If you’re going to introduce yourself, now’s the time…” she mumbled to herself.
Fusion’s death had been a few nights ago, and Function had retreated here after about 5 hours of roaming the streets. She hadn’t left the small shack since. Focus knew this only because she had learned of Function’s location few days earlier and had been following her since. Truth be told, she was infatuated with Function: she hadn’t yet actually met her yet, but planned to tonight. She had a hard time keeping herself alive with everyone after her life, but managed. She needed some help, though, and came here tonight to get some. She knew she couldn’t survive much longer without any, and so did the various armies, so they attacked her more. She had eaten a lot just yesterday, but her energy had been dangerously low previously. She had finally worked up enough courage to introduce herself.
“Enough stalling. I'll just go in and tell her I need help. She’ll understand… I hope…”
She walked up to the door, and feeling courageous all of the sudden, pushed open the door without knocking.
“Shit! No!”
Function’s body lay on the floor, her shoulder-length dark grey-blue hair pooled around her head, cuts and bruises all over her, and she had been shot in the head. The room was in ruin, everything broken. Several holes had been punched in the wall as well.
“Who the hell did this? Ok, calm down. If she’s anything like me, I can fix this. But why hasn’t she healed herself? She must have been starved before this happened.”
She looked at the wound in her skull first.
“Ok, I hope she doesn’t kill me. Whatever did this to her will still be fresh in her mind.” She said to herself as she cut her arm. She let the blood flow into Function’s wound and let her Pure cells do what they do best. Her arm healed almost immediately, but enough blood had fallen to Function’s head to heal. Function was slow to wake, but then her body picked up where it left off. She was crying.
“That’s strange. Why would you cry in a fight?” Focus thought to herself.
Function looked up and saw Focus sitting there. Unsure what to do, Focus just smiled at her.
“Who the hell are you?” she asked in an angry voice. “What the hell did you do?”
“I saved your life!” exclaimed Focus. “If it hadn’t been for me, you'd still be dead! So what did this to you?”
“I guess you don’t get it. I did this. Now if you'll excuse me…” as she lifted her gun to her head.
“No!” Focus screamed.
Function stopped. “Why do you care? Everyone wants me dead. Even the person I thought I loved tried to kill me…”
“Fusion, it doesn’t matter. Again, why do you care?”
“Because I'm like you. I'm a Pure too.”
“Ah. So there were more than just us two. Or, one, now…” Function sighed. “How many others besides us are there?”
“None that I know of. Wait, was Fusion a Pure?”
“Yes, she was a Pure. But she didn’t have nearly as many capabilities. She couldn’t heal herself like we can. So I know she’s not coming back…”
“Damn. So who killed her?”
“I did… its over now, and I don’t want to talk about it...”
“Why would you kill a Pure? Aren't we all on the same side?”
“I said I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Ok…” said Focus, and quieted down immediately. She certainly didn’t want to anger the only chance at staying alive she had, much less someone she knew had killed another Pure.
“So, um…” muttered Focus, “I was wondering… would you… would you protect me? I have a hard time by myself…” said Focus, but her voice trailed off, and she thought she knew the answer already.
“You’re kidding, right? You think I don’t have a hard enough time trying to protect myself?” but she felt bad in spite of herself, because she had once been in the same situation: the world against her, nobody on her side. “So how long have you been around?” said Function, curious just how long this girl had been keeping herself alive.
“What? You mean when was I created?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Well, the first thing I remember was breaking out of a building, and that was about a year and a half ago, so I guess about that long.” said Focus. She couldn’t remember exactly, though.
“And you’ve been on your own since?” Function said, surprised. She had only been on her own for about three months before Fusion had found her. It had felt like three years. She couldn’t imagine being alone for another 15 months. “Wow. You’ve stayed alive this long?”
“I can’t keep it up forever. That’s why I need your help.”
“Look, I'd like to, but I can hardly take care of myself. I don’t think I could take care of you too.”
“Come on! I'm not that much trouble…” said Focus, but her voice faded out at the end.
“As if. I don’t think I could keep up fighting my and your enemies.”
“Fighting?” she said, confused. “Why fight? I always run, I only fight when I'm forced into it. I hate it. Don’t you?”
“I can’t truly say I hate fighting,” said Function, “it just sucks that the world wants me dead and I have nobody on my side.”
“I'm on your side,” said Focus, “don’t forget that.”
“Yeah,” said Function, not feeling entirely trustful at the moment.
“We have to stick together, and you know it,” said Focus more forcefully than usual.
“Look, I think you should just leave.”
“What? Why?” Focus said, surprised.
“I don’t want to have anyone else to take care of, I told you that,” said Function forcefully. She meant part of it, but the main reason was she didn’t want to need anyone ever again. She had needed Fusion… and now she hated herself for doing so.
“Come on! Please?”
“Get the hell out.” She was pointing her gun at Focus. “Now.”
“Ok, fine. You’re obviously angry right now. I'll come back when you’re in a better mood.” Said Focus. She certainly didn’t want to get shot.
“Don’t bother.”
“Look, I'm not giving up. I need you to protect me, and whether you know it or not, you need me too.”
“I don’t need anyone!” screamed Function. “Now get the hell out! And don’t come back.”
“Fine. But you haven’t seen the last of me.”
She went outside. It had cleared up slightly, but it was still drizzling. She sighed, and then turned back into the door.
“Look, if your going to be here all by yourself,” she said, “at least take these.”
She dumped a bunch of food on the ground, mostly vegetables, machine snacks, and a few cans of soda.
“Why are you giving me this?” said Function, although not really caring what the answer was.
“Because you need it and I don’t. I ate a lot last night, and judging how your wounds didn’t heal, you must be starving.”
“Take your sympathy and leave. I told you I don’t need anyone.” Said Function. Despite that, she ate some of the food.
“Fine.” She stepped out the door. The city was in the distance. She could go there, to her tiny apartment, but what were her chances of survival? Probably better than here. If she were in the city, the attacks would be less frequent because of all the people. If she stayed here, she could be easily attacked from any direction. An aircraft was already approaching.
“Its probably for me…’ she sighed. “All right, I'll fight it. If I run away, it might look around and find Function. She’s in no condition to fight, and she wont run.” She readied her gun. It wasn’t the best because she’d picked it up from a lowly guard, but it would do. Surprisingly, the plane flew right overhead.
“Did it even notice me?” she wondered, but then a person jumped from the plane. “What the heck do they think they're doing?” she said, squinting up at the figure. It was a woman, and she landed on her feet without a scratch on her, but kicked up some dust. “Maybe she's a Pure?” she thought, and ran up to greet her. But she stopped running as soon as the dust cleared. She recognized that woman. Who wouldn’t? She was loved everywhere by everyone, as a model, singer, and a perfect role model. It was Venus.
“Oh my god. Is she a Pure?” she thought, dazed. “But she's a public icon! How could she be?” but she went up to say hello anyways. Its not like she could back out; she’d already been spotted. But before she could say a word, Venus was already talking.
“Do you know someone named ‘Function’?” Venus asked. Focus was immediately suspicious.
“What do you want with her?” asked Focus. (“Crap,” she thought, “I should have said I don’t know her!”)
“So she is here,” said Venus with a smile. “And how do you know her?”
“Um, I don’t. I've heard of her, though.”
“Don’t try to protect her. She’s a criminal and a thief.”
“I'm not!” said Focus, maybe a little too strongly, “I don’t know her!”
“Fine. Lets do this the hard way.” Said Venus, and she pulled out a gun and shot Focus in the leg.
Focus cried out in pain.
“So you're a Pure, too.” Said Venus, as she saw Focus’s leg heal before her eyes. “That’s different. Very well,” she said, and grabbed Focus by her collar and pointed the gun to her head.
“Focus!” cried Function, as she came out of the building. She had heard Focus scream after a gunshot. “No…” she stammered, “Not you. I killed you. How did you come back!? You can’t regenerate like I can!”
“Your right, I couldn’t.” said Venus with a smile, “which is why I took every precaution. Including downloading my mind into a computer far away to be reactivated upon my death, and making myself a new body to go with it.”
“I don’t care how many time you come back, I'll kill you for what you did to me!” screamed Function, and she raised her gun and shot at Venus, but she simply held Focus in front of her and the shot hit Focus in the chest.
“Let’s not be hasty. I have a hostage, and you wouldn’t want her to die, would you?” said Venus with a smile, and raised her gun and shot Function three times, the first two missing, but the last grazing her arm.
“I haven’t eaten much,” thought Function, “I've got hide and eat some more.”
She shot at Venus three times, and then dove behind a wrecked wall while Venus was dealing with the shots (all three were blocked by Focus). Venus didn’t notice Function hide. She was just fine until she heard Focus cry out in pain again.
Venus had shot Focus again, this time in the chest.
“Come out, Function, or Focus dies!” she shot Focus again.
Function couldn’t let the only person who cared about her now die, so she came out from the ruins.
“Let Focus go. She has nothing to do with this. You want me dead, fine. But I wont let you hurt her.”
Focus had waited for this opportunity, and took out her gun while Venus was distracted, and shot at her face. Venus dodged it, though, and struck Focus unconscious with the end of her gun.
“Now, time to die, Func-” and she was shot from behind be Function.
She fell to the ground.
“Are you okay, Focus?” she helped Focus to her feet.
“Never better…” she said, before coughing up some blood. “Next time, try not to shoot me so much, okay?” she said weakly. “Uh, I think I need to eat. I'm pretty weak.”
“Here, I have one of the sodas in my pocket.” She pulled it out and gave it to her.
“Thanks a lot, I needed that. I thought you said you weren’t going to protect me?”
“Maybe you can tag along, just don’t get me killed.” She smiled.
“Ok, can we go to my place to pack up my stuff?”
“Why would we do that? Are we going somewhere?”
“Well, I just though I we lived close to each other, it would save a lot of walking back and forth…” her voice trailed off.
“Fine by me. Where did you have in mind?”
“I was think-” and she was shot in the side of the head.
Venus was standing about thirty feet away, clutching her side and holding her gun. She was enraged. “You’re not going to kill me again.” She growled.
Function couldn’t keep up the fight, so she picked up Focus in her arms and fled. Focus was regaining consciousness in her arms, but was still groggy. “What happened?” she asked slowly, in a daze.
“Fusion shot you. Were escaping, I can't fight right now.”
“What? That’s Venus!”
“Yeah, she's called that too. But to me she's Fusion.”
“But I thought you killed Fusion! And you said she wouldn’t be back!”
“It seems I was wrong, wasn’t I!?” Function shot back.
Fusion was keeping up the chase, but with much difficulty. This new body of hers couldn’t heal as fast as they could. Her long blonde hair flew behind her, and she was speeding up. She shot at Function, and two shots hit her back. Function turned around and fired a five shots. All five connected, and Fusion fell to her knees.
“Your dead!” she screamed, and an aircraft swooped off a building and took her away. “You’ve got a surprise in the city!” she yelled after them.
Focus was wide-awake now, Function still carrying her, and they were both in the city, but nobody was out at the moment.
“That’s odd…” said Function quietly. “The city’s usually packed. Where is everybody?”
“Maybe this is the surprise?” questioned Focus.
“I doubt it. This isn’t her idea of a surprise. The surprise will be much worse. So where's your place?”
“Down three streets, then left, fourth floor, big dark stain on the wall. Can't miss it. You can put me down now, by the way.”
“That’s okay, you don’t have to walk.” Said Function, and kept running. Focus blushed a little.
They were finally at her apartment, and Function immediately noticed bullet holes in the walls, and ten dead bodies on the floor.
“Uh, what's with the corpses?”
“What?” Focus was surprised. “I didn’t kill them! I only injured them, how did they die?”
“I think your showing a little too much remorse.” Noted Function, and took the bodies’ weapons and put them in the closet. “Didn’t they try to kill you?”
“No, that’s not it! If I kill anyone, the public will only hate me more!”
“Who gives a damn about the public? They're going to hate us no matter what. By the way, do you have a TV?”
“Yeah, over there…” she sighed, and pointed to the corner. “This is a huge mess…”
“Thanks.” She flipped on the TV. “Mostly news. Looks like a festival of some sor… oh my god.”
“what?” said Focus, and ran over to the TV. “oh my god!”
the TV was showing Fusion in front of a screaming crowd, a sad smile on her face, her wounds still there.
“Citizens of Okria, I have just been attacked by not one Pure, but both of them.”
The crowd was in uproar.
“I know you have faith in me, so why not let me take charge of this situation? If you give me the power to eliminate the Pure, I promise to use it for a better army, the end of the Pure, and the end of the war!”
The crowd was cheering in agreement, and soon the prime minister of Arbor came to the stage, and made a speech about how much he agreed with this suggestion. He conferred half of the defense budget then and there upon Venus, and there was applause.
“Shit!” screamed Function, and shot the TV a good ten times, as if that would undo it.
“Well, this makes things much tougher for us.” Focus remarked. (“Thanks for shooting my TV, by the way…” she thought.)
“No shit it does!” screamed Function, again. “The one person who wants us dead the most is the one with half the defense budget in her hands!”
“Look, maybe this wont be as bad as we think. I mean, were under attack 24/7 as it is, and the latest technology is put to the test against us first, how can it get any worse?”
“I suppose your right… but still, a Pure in charge? She's going to know where we are, knows exactly what makes us tick, and knows my weaknesses personally… because I told her…” Function cried a little, but turned away. Not before Focus had spotted her, though, but she didn’t say anything.
“I don’t even know what my weaknesses are… well, maybe one…” said Focus, and looked across the room at Function.
Yay! ok, heres the next one! (sorry the last one was soooooooooo long^^;;)
Function was sitting in Focus’s tiny living room, watching Fusion, or “Venus” as they called her, on TV.
“That bitch. I can't believe they're falling for it.” but she had fallen for it once, too, and that made it hurt worse.
“Still sulking?” Focus had walked into the room, and just got off the phone, ordering take out. “I know this is a sucky situation, but scowling at the TV all day isn’t going to help at all.”
“I'd much rather sock her smug little face…”
“So violent…” Focus sighed. “Ok, then, so lets go attack her, if you’re so angry.”
“Like we'd be able to touch her! Plus, the public would be a problem.”
“I thought you said ‘who gives a damn about the public, everyone's going to hate us no matter what’. Change you mind?”
“I'm not worried about them hating us, I'm worried about her turning our attack into an excuse for more power.”
“Yeah, she has enough power as it is…” Focus sat down, leaned against Function’s back and sighed. “So any ideas how to go about this situation?”
“Well, the easiest way as I see it,” said Function thoughtfully, “is to reveal her as the Pure she is in front of everybody. The two best ways to do that are to attack her in public and hope she fights back, or to hold her at gunpoint long enough for her to confess.”
“The first sounds ok, but I don’t know about the second. What if she doesn’t confess?”
“Then we kill her. Either way, we win.”
“Not really. If we kill her without her confessing, the public will hate us even more, and that leads to more determination for our deaths.”
“Ok, maybe there are a few flaws in my plan…” Function grumbled. “You got a better idea?”
“Not really.”
“So lets go!” Function was all worked up now.
“Stop it. We have to think before we act. Killing Fusion isn’t a very well thought out plan. Now I've already ordered our food, so we have at least a half an hour before we can go anywhere. Now help me find a good disguise so the delivery guy doesn’t scream.”
Function had to stifle a laugh. “Ok, what have we got?”
Focus went into her closet and started looking through things. “We have… a blonde wig, red wig, dark red wig, black wig… but the black wig is shorter than my hair… a lab coat, a school uniform, a swimsuit, and some tattered clothes I was wearing when I broke out of hell.”
“Is that it?”
“Well, besides that,” she said, “we have… a sun hat, some dangly earrings, a few scarves, a silk dress, a black skirt, various pants, two ties, a fake parrot, and a couple of other hats”
“Do any of them look ok together?”
“Not really. Oh yeah, I have a couple of washable tattoos, too.”
“Ok, then. How about the dress and sun hat?”
“We’re not going for a walk in the park,” Focus laughed.
“Ok, then… the skirt, the shirt you’re wearing, and some dangly earrings?”
“It’ll look like I'm having a party.”
“Well, that'll give us an excuse for ordering so much food.”
“Yeah, you're right. Ok, I'll go change. You just stay out of sight when he arrives.”
“Well that’s stupid!”
“How so?” Said Focus quizzically.
“I have to be seen too! How are you going to have a party all by yourself?”
“Oh, I guess your right.” Focus blushed a little. “Well, he’ll be here in like 5 minutes, so we have to be quick. What are you going to wear?”
“Well, I'll have the dress and hat then.”
“Your going to look like you’ve had too many drinks” laughed Focus.
“Well, then I'll pretend like I have.” And so they went and got dressed, but Focus didn’t finish before the bell rang and didn’t have time to put on her skirt, so it looked like they'd both had too many drinks. After eating their meal, they thought about Fusion again.
“So what do we do about this?” said Focus, leaning against Function’s shoulder.
“Well, I suppose we should try to reveal her in front of everyone, but that’s going to be hard with so many eyes on her safety…” she said, stroking Focus’s hair. “I don’t suppose there's an easier way?”
“Doesn’t look like one.”
“Well, I'm tired, so I'm going to head out in a few minutes.”
“Well,” said Function, “I have to find somewhere to sleep. I don’t expect to sleep here tonight.”
“Why not?” said Focus, offended. “My place isn’t good enough? You'd rather sleep in the street than here?”
“No, I just don’t want to be trouble.”
“Look, you'll be far less trouble sleeping here. Then I won’t have to track you down tomorrow morning when I'm all sleepy.”
“Fine, I'll stay here, but only because you said so,” said Function, but she knew she wanted to.
“Good. Now I'm gonna go to bed, I'm very tired after eating so much.”
“okay, good night…” said Function, and went back to watching TV. This situation sucked, and they both knew it. now that Function had teamed up with Focus, they both had one more weakness, and Fusion knew it too. But with them working together, maybe the strength would be greater than the weakness. Function glanced into Focus’s bedroom, where Focus had passed out and was snoring quietly. She turned off the TV and cuddled up against Focus.
"Maybe some weaknesses are okay to have…" she thought as she fell asleep.
YAY! hope you liked them!
Mata Ashita!

The One
The Only