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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

What Demon Class Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
Chapter three- Guardians
The girls walked in the lunch room with an air of depression. It's been a month since they've been in the school and they still couldn't find the other two guardians. Though they didn't let each other know, they were starting to think that the other two were either dead or........didn't go here at all.
As they sat down they heard a girl come up behind them and ask," Hey guys, can I sit here?"
Falon and Celestia looked up as one and saw a friend of theis that they had made.....out of the other 50 that they made. The people in there wasn't willing to be their friends since they couldn't prove anything or their talent.
"Sure. Suite yourself," Falon said gloomily.
The girl apparently didn't see the gloom they were both in and sat down easily saying, " Well i wanted to tell you guys something."
What?" Falon and Celastia asked.
"Well, there's a guy that's coming back to this school."
"What's your point Andrea?" Celestia asked. Though she didn't show it, Celestia was mildly interested. Maybe, just maybe, Celestia thought, this guy is our big break!
"My point?*grin* I see that you guys need a new face to know and I am willing to introduce you to him."
"Oh well .....You've got me there." Falon said, with the same thought as Celestia. "What's his name?"
"Sarrow Grayhawke. Tall, and beautiful. Stunning gray eyes and the darkest of brown hair," Andrea sighed out,"Just your dream boyfriend."
"Well we can't wait to meet him!" Celestia said enthusiastically. She really couldn't wait, because that means a new face means renewed hope. "We really can't wait to meet him."
She just didn't know how soon she'd meet him.
"Aww man!" Falon said disgustedly." I have to go home with mom today!"
Chuckling, Celestia told Falon, "Well you did agree to go home with her on the weekend for the holidays which is about a week. Your own fault."
"Can't you come with me?" Falon pleaded. "It's like terror in there! My older is so nosy and annoying. Besides if you come with me, he'll probably leave me alone. Plllease?!"
"Nope, sorry."
When Falon left, Celestia decided to go for a walk in the forest next to her house, just wishing to, at least by chance, to bump into this 'Sarrow Grayhawke' person and confirm that he is or is not a guardian. Inside Celestia desperately hoped that he was.
As Celestia walked, she felt someone following her. She could sense an unwanted person and feel that persons hate. Although baffeled, Celestia began to think. Not about the sensation of hate but about her power.
Why? she wondered, Why was water so hard for her to conjure.
Her grandma had told her that unless she learned how to conjure water when she wasn't near water, she would constantly be in a weak position. Falon was doing good because wind and air were, well, everywhere! And earth was everywhere but fire wasn't. So how come fire didn't need to be conjured? Why was water the only one that needed to be conjured?
Putting that thought away, Celestia went back.
For the next few days, when Celestia strolled in the forest, she was constantly watched by some unknown enemy.
Then finally, the enemy finally showed himself.
"Celestia Blackwings. How do you do?"
Whipping around, Celestia saw a man. he was stocky and well built. His face contorted with anger and hate. "W-Who......what do you want?"
"Revenge. I am here to kill you," the man said.
Stumped as to why the man wanted to kill her, Celestia asked, "Why?!"
"I see you haven't recovered your memory. All the better." The man charged at her. With no water around, Celestia stood there, terrified.
She felt the blow to her stomach and stumbled with a hand on her stomach. Lifting it up, Celestia saw blood.
Suddenly a flash of picture flashed thru her mind, with someone. Recognizing the man was the person she was with, she murmured, "Mordicai," passed out.
Added on August 5, 2006 01:03 PDT
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
Chapter 2-guardians it might be good. any advice? tell me!
"Great, just great" muttered Celestia. " First we had to change schools then you put us in a rich schools with snotty know-it-all. That's just wonderful grandma!"
You needn't be so sarcastic," Celestia's grandmother said dryly. " Some of the kids aren't that bad."
"Well, I don't care," Falon said cheerfully, " A knew school means new challenges and......well, I don't know....."
Celestia looked at Falon and rolled her eyes, thinking that Falon needs to calm down sometimes. " Really Falon, what's so fun being surronded by snotty-know-it-alls? I mean, if you're not in their league, they'd just make us an outcast."
Falon shook her head and laughingly said, "Well we are in their league but we just don't act like them, right? Brighten up gloomy!!"
" Well, I absolutely refuse to go here."
"Awww, you can't just leace me here all alone!" Falon said.
"Well you have no choice, Celestia," Celestias grandmother said, "Either you go or leave this world in ruins."
"FINE!!" Celestia snapped, "I'll go!"
Walking in the school the next day, Celestia had an air of gloom around her.
"Ooooohhhh, Lighten up Celestia," Falon pleaded, "The sooner we find the other two guardians, the sooner we get out of this school."
Forcing a smile, celestia nodded and the gloom went away.
The girls walked in and didn't noticed the heads that turned when they walked past. Well at least Celestia didn't, Falon sure did. She smiled and continued talking with Celestia wondering just how her friend can be so oblivious of the attention she was getting.
"So who do you have for first hour?"
"I think I have P.E. How about you?"
"I have science."
"Really? Do you have cheer class, too?"
"Yep. That's my last class."
I guess we don't have any schedule together?"
"Yeah we do!"
"We do? What?"
"Lunch, stupid!"
Celestia threw back her head and laughed. Falon was happy to see Celestia laughing instead of grumbling and muttering like yesterday while they got a tour of the school. The headmistress was very nice and kind. She was also a friend of Celestia's Grandmother. Not a close friend, Just friends. The head mistress tried to put the girls in the same class but the girls protested vigorously.
"No ma'am!" Falon had all but shouted. " It's okay!"
"We'd do better split don't you think?" Celestia asked, "IT would be better because we won't interrupt the class bt our raucous giggling and talking."
The girls had agreed to get different classes so they would be able to dig out information and see different faces to find the other two guardians.
The headmistress, seeing the logic in that, nodded and agreed.
Looking at her watch, Falon gasped, "We better go! The bells about to ring in minute!"
"Oh my gosh!!!" gasped Celestia, "It's that time already?!"
The girls split and ran to their classes, making it in the knick of time.
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Friday, August 4, 2006
Chapter one- Guardians
This isn't funny, Grandma!" snapped a girl while her companion sat in shock. " You can't joke around like that!" Her violet-blue eyes huge with distress and anger for such lies.
"I am not telling a lie!" Her grandma insisted. The old ladies hair was white with age but her eyes belied it with it's sharpness. "Everything I told you today is true!"
"I can't believe you with no proof!" the girl said stubbornly, shaking a head with full of raven black ringlets. "It isn't logical!"
"I belive her Celestia," her companion said softly.
"Falon!" cried Celestia shocked. Her normally-sensible-but-go-party-a-lot friend actually believes this nonsense?!!! "You can't possibily believe that we 'are destined to save the world from Crusaders'! "
"But I do believe it!" Falon said, lifting her eyes to Celestia's. " Its only reasonable! We've never had an Earth tremor before in this city, where do you suppose it came from? The large bird on your back? And speaking of birds, where did you suddenly get that fire red Phoenix, while I have a white pegasus? "
Celestia knew that you can't argue with logic but why was she so strongly protesting? Then suddenly it hit her. Celestia was a weak, shy girl. She didn't want to be a burden to any one. But if this story was true....she would probably be a burden.....
"Your silver hair friend is right, Celestia," the old lady said, studying Falon. Falon's hair was indeed a strange color. Silver with a touch of gold and her eyes were green like Jade. " You need to believe us."
After a while of convincing, they finally wore Celestia down. Sighing in defeat, Celestia asked, " So, you know where the other two is or are?"
The old lady and Falon looked at each other in triumph. Celestia was willing to believe, they thought.
" So? Do you know where they are?" Celestia asked again.
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Prolouge- Guardians
The piles of bodies stacked up as they pass. Looking at everyone, they laughed. Laughed at the mens for being cowards. Laughed at the women and children for being weaklings. As fear ran along the people's vein, they walked pass, killing everyone in their way.
They are the Crusaders. The most feared people of all. Why are they feared? It is because they sought to take over the world and killed everyone in their way, innocence or not, none excaped their bloody swords. The were ruthless in murder: leaving behind the most gruesome scene. And heartless to pleas: Torturing their victims in the most horrible way.
As the people scream for their lives, scrambling in all direction, four brave young souls stand bravely in the midst of death and blood. Their will as strong as a rock as they fought to protect. They are the guardians of Earth, water fire, and air. Namely, the whole world.
To seal away the Crusaders people and their evil king, the guardians gladly gave up their lives. But as the years past, human hatred and sins began to empower the Crusaders. One unlikely day, while the world is bustling about, the world will be endangered to the forces that guarantees their downfall.
Someday soon Earth, fire, water and air will have to unite and seal the Crusaders away once again.
The old woman woke up in fear. " It can't be!" she murmured. " This just can't be happening!"
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Why do you kill? Girls only. (Kool Pictures And Detailed Results)
 You Kill As A Result Of Rage It doesn't show on the outside but you have a Inner Rage like no other. You kill fast and violently, tearing threw your victim and leaving them as if an animal attacked them. You had your serect because you try so hard to like everyone wants to see you, but it's difficult and you constantly feel self-doubt. Personality: Mysterious, Moody, Lost, Doubting Weapon:Knife, or some sharp object. Expression/Action: Looknig Away Coldly, or Gritted Teeth Most Common Feeling: Anger Take this quiz!

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Why would you kill?
I really don't know what to say. The reason i took this test is because it acyually tells me what i actually feel. some call it deadly, some call awesome. but what the heck.
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