RikuisHOT (10/19/06)
Hey there! I love your site!! It is awesum!!! Any ways I am addin u if that is okay...Well stop by my site sumtime if u wanna, & check out my stuff, and sign my GB & comment plz! Well chitchat l8ers! Pm me netime! BIES!!!
People come and people go,
But true friends stay forever.
ShippoGrl52 (10/18/06)
hello!! i luv shippo!! GO SHIPPO!!! SHIPPO!!! sorry, i like yer background! and yer site! adding you!! ttyl
~shippo grl
Icewanderer (10/16/06)
well uhh yeah....I did come over to say hi and thanks for signing the gb....and YAY VINCENT!!! pretty....lol.....and yeah.....thats about it.....
uhh yeah
Miss Vanilla (10/16/06)
w00t w00t!
i heart it ^_^
Mizukage (10/16/06)
Hey! Luv the Vincent BG, it looks cool X) I like your avatar too! Thanks for stopping over my site and signing my guestbook, I appreciate it ^^ At my site if you scroll over a link you'll notice that the dragon cursor changes to a blue fire cursor :P Well, see you later.
~Kirigakure no Kage~
rulerofpenguins (10/15/06)
Hello! Love your site! Thanks for signing my guestbook! I wonder if theres a person who doesn't love FMA? Wellz bye!
joyhime (10/15/06)
ohh^^ cool bg you have there!
can I add u? ^^
Magical Fantasy (10/14/06)
HI!! thanx for signing my GB I love VINCENT!! *grabs him and runs away* =p MY VINCENT!! anyways I'll add you too k? ^^ bye!!
N.O.A.F (10/14/06)
i was bored and i also wanted to see your site. *looks at BG* and why did you have to have an awsome BG!?? well i'm going to add ya as a friend. BYE!
Zerinade (10/14/06)
man^^ i loved what u said about emos^^! i agree^^ ok if i add u?