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myOtaku.com: Shireishou

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Venus Kitty (04/29/06)

Hey I like your art. Its Awsome!! addin u as friend cause I feel like it.^_^ Bye bye ttyl!

EmillyUnderoath (04/28/06)

WOW your art is amazing! i love it so much, well i'ma add you as a friend hope ya do the same, well g2g ttys p.m. me sometime, mucho peace and mucho love


ankoku (04/28/06)

Holy cow! I LOVE your drawings! I saw the manga, and the first thing I thought was "I don't think they're allowed to scan mangas.." Then I realised that YOU drew it. I felt stupid for a second. :P


MurdocLuva (04/28/06)

Hello! Thank you for signing my GB. You're from Indonesia, eh? I saw pictures of what it looks like there and it's pretty! ^________^

Mind if I add you on my friend list?

DeNozzo400 (04/26/06)

cool site

Dreaming Inu (04/23/06)

Thx for signin my GB!
I add u as buddeh!
Nice BG btw Sasuke rules!

Ja Ne~ ^ ^
Rae~ Inu Spirit~~

Number 5 (04/23/06)

howdy! thank you very much for dropping by my site, signing my gb and commenting on my post!

and it's ok that you posted a comment on my site without permission. i'm cool with that. it was indeed very much appreciated :)

i see you're another Naruto fan? lol. lots of those get spread around. hehe!

really like how your site looks like. not as complicated as the other ones i mostly see here in myO. well anyway, i hope we'll continue keeping in touch with each other here and become good friends ^-^

i bid you adeu,

SpookyKatie (04/23/06)

Thanx for the comment on my art!
Cool site you got here!
Well see ya later!

Love and Peace!

Panda (04/22/06)


I figured while I was helping you out with your site I would go ahead and sign your guest book. Your site is great. I love the colors. If you ever need anything dealing with the site just shoot me an email. ^_^

Take care and I hope to see you around the site. Laters!

chaos311 (04/22/06)


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