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myOtaku.com: Shireishou

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Serenity Wishes (10/25/05)

Thanks for signing my guestbook.

Nice site! And your avatar is cool. And I can't think of anything to say...

Sage Drago (10/25/05)

Thanks for signing my gb, you've done a very nice job with yours. well sayonara

cronomage389 (10/25/05)

U have a really cool site! Thanks for signing my guestbook and I'll add u as a friend PM me sometime or IM me on Yahoo whichever well ttyl byes!

sand dragon 19 (10/24/05)

Wow prertty impressive site here. I really like the link about more of you..I should get one of those...Oh well v.v I am going to add you before the school bell rings...TTYL!


Gold Rogger15 (10/24/05)

Cool site R u realy in indonesia because thats realy cool !^_^ I have a tibetan friend who goes to my school! well cool site Advice: on the color code use the thix code XXXXXX and then your words will be on your bg pic! cool hu?

Reoku-Himura (10/24/05)

*signs in purple* Heh ^^;;; just visit resently updated sites, that's what this one did for a while ^^;;; Still, lovely site. ^^ Here's a secret, this one is like.... #204 out of #37,627 active users ^^;;; well, the site like this one siad is great keep up the good work kk?


ToonHead (10/24/05)

ay, this is the toonhead, thanks for signing my guestbook. if u were serious about adding me to your friends list, feel free. thanks again. u r mad cool. hasta

KC (10/23/05)

Thanks for signing my Guestbook^_^ and of course we can be friends^_^ (adds you to her list) and the KC thing is pretty cool Kaze Chan ^^

bebopinutrigun188 (10/22/05)

Hello! Thanks for stopping by my site. 35 guestbook pages aren't that much. 14's pretty good. I'm glad you like my site. I try to keep it simple and good. Glad it paid off. Don't really use a template. Just use CCS and HTML codes to get it like that.

The wallpaper isn't from a certain anime. It's from an anime artist named Range Murata.

Well, I'll be seeing you around!! Laters

DarkenElf (10/22/05)

Hi there

Ive seen you before. Your ReiNGEs friend. Yep.....
I like your name too. Its better than Catherine, huh....
Your site is nice. Even tho I like dark colours more than bright.
And yeah the text is too small. Just too lazy to change it.....
Oh well. See you around.
Im adding you

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