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San Antonio, TX
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...still alive after all the suicidal moments and I did place 3rd in my first Guilty Gear tourny o_O
Anime Fan Since
When I was eight I used to watch Samurai Pizza Cats, Speed Racer, and one really kickass show that I can't remember the name to.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Gundam Wing, Hellsing, Bleach, Macross (Robotech), X/1999, Fruits Basket
GUILTY GEAR, anime, manga, movies, books, drawing, writing (when I can), video games, listening to music, playing DDR,
...I guess pulling off "Sasuke"s (learning things and getting good at them really fast) ...and maybe being depressing?
| Shiro Kageryu
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Monday, May 8, 2006
not a good post...
...I don't feel very good right now...I slept for like 12 hours...a tooth in the back of my mouth is killing my, my eyes are annoying me, and I feel slightly sick...I don't want to work today. Many people are looking forward to summer...I'm kinda not...'cause all I'll be doing is working. |
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
"But I don't want to get married! I just want to...SING!"
Yeah, last night I went to my older cousin's house for a family dinner because one of my cousins is being shipped off to Saudi Arabia (and Cinco de Mayo, kill 2 birds with one stone). I didn't eat much though...I'm just glad my family decided to not push me to eat. There was also Karaoke(sp?) and my family wanted to me to sing =/ most of the songs I didn't like...and my younger cousin was having too much fun being a retard...I also question if my younger cousin (he's only 3 monthes younger than meh) and his step-family ever listen to music? Not only are they tone-deaf, but they can't match the pitch either. Like...they tried singing "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow...yeah, they were reading the words =/ I don't like Barry Manilow that much, but his songs don't deserved to be butchered like ears were hurting. Well, later on "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas came up and I was like "Gimmie that damn mic!" So I sang it...with my younger cousin unfortunately. I couldn't even hear myself due to his atrocious voice flooding the room...>,> but everyone (especially his mother) praised whatevers...Then my older cousin Xavier wanted to sing "Come Sail Away" so I decided i'd sing it with him. We did pretty good...then found out it was the South Park version so we stopped lol. So that was a bit fun My uncle didn't recognize meh =/ I was standing next to him and said "Hey there Uncle Richard" and he turned to me and said "Who are you?"...yeah...and I just said "It's me...*insert name =P*" and he freaked out. He thought I was just some random extended relative. I swear...someday I can just become Nobody...excellent...roam the world with no identity and no one will know of my whearabouts WELL!! After that I hung out with Noel, Kevin and Matt. It was a very strange and nostalgic night becuase before I got there they went out and bought...Pokemon cards...yes that's right...Pokemon cards...So in a rush of nostalgia we went to each others houses and got out old Pokemon stuff and made nerdy is that?! We were making Pokemon decks and playing them!! All I did for me was modify my old Rain Dance deck and added some Lightning to it =/ Still good though. Noel really liked it. And of course Matt went Eevee horny =/ And yeah...that's pretty much it... Ja ne |
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Friday, May 5, 2006
YESH!! Training finally over!! and fun with JF!
5/4/06 11:48 PMYup, I finally finished my training. So now I just gotta find out when I'm scheduled. I doubt it'll be soon since I've already gone over the 20 hr part-time limit. Today was less boring though since I met one of the guys that I had the orientation with. His name is Darryl, so we weren't as bored. w00t-ness. I found out he plays guitar and studies Japanese (as a filler credit, though he said he may continue) lol. It was funny how I found out 'cause we had to put it 11/11/11 if we rang up a tobacco product, so I said "juichi juichi juichi" and he turned to me, nodded, and said "so desu ne" so I kinda laughed 'cause I didn't expect him to get that. lol. Goes to show you meet all kinds of people out there. Though I could hardly keep myself awake! I kept telling myself to get something caffinated. So when I finally got the chance...I accidently bought a Sprite!! DX so I was kinda mad at myself >,> and to make it worse I opened it too fast! laaaame! Yeh well...IT'S STORMING RIGHT NOW!!!! uber w00t-ness!! d^^b STORMS PWN!! lol, JesusFreak and I have funny convos! ^,^: MrStick777 (12:24:36 AM): <3
Shiro887 (12:24:42 AM): eww u gay
MrStick777 (12:25:02 AM): no, you not secure with your sexuality?
Shiro887 (12:25:19 AM): oh i'm secure...besides...I could do better that you =P
Shiro887 (12:25:23 AM): than*
MrStick777 (12:25:32 AM): ?
Shiro887 (12:26:06 AM): lol
Shiro887 (12:26:41 AM): heh, you should know i'm secure with myself. i can look at yaoi without freaking out =P
MrStick777 (12:26:52 AM): lol
MrStick777 (12:27:04 AM): yet you go eww when I say I less than 3 you?
Shiro887 (12:27:44 AM): yeah...'cause it's coming from you..eww *shudders*
Shiro887 (12:27:45 AM): lol
Shiro887 (12:27:53 AM): dude...why the fuck are we having this convo?
MrStick777 (12:27:55 AM): rofl
MrStick777 (12:28:03 AM): idk you started it
MrStick777 (12:28:16 AM): but yea I'ma pwn you in naruto at AKON now cuz of that
Shiro887 (12:28:19 AM): yeh, sure, keep telling yourself that
MrStick777 (12:28:32 AM): oh, i was gonna go easy on ya
MrStick777 (12:28:34 AM): but no longer
Shiro887 (12:28:40 AM): lmao
Shiro887 (12:28:45 AM): yeh, whatever
Shiro887 (12:28:46 AM): lol
MrStick777 (12:28:55 AM): =-p
MrStick777 (12:29:12 AM): you gonna use gaara?
Shiro887 (12:29:36 AM): probably
Shiro887 (12:29:40 AM): either him or Kabuto
MrStick777 (12:29:49 AM): ah
MrStick777 (12:30:05 AM): well gaara dittos kinda suck
MrStick777 (12:30:10 AM): haha
MrStick777 (12:30:18 AM): oh wellz
Shiro887 (12:30:21 AM): yeh
MrStick777 (12:30:40 AM): I'll just pwn you with A Hinata or somethin
MrStick777 (12:30:45 AM): maybe jiraiya
Shiro887 (12:30:46 AM): heh
MrStick777 (12:30:57 AM): or even a new character that you don't know I use o-=
Shiro887 (12:31:00 AM): jiraiya vs kabuto should be interesting
Shiro887 (12:31:04 AM): lol
MrStick777 (12:31:15 AM): yea, I pwn your sheild in one combo then rape
Shiro887 (12:31:19 AM): a char i don't know u use...wouldn't i have a slight advantage?
Shiro887 (12:31:25 AM): lol i dun think so
Shiro887 (12:31:35 AM): Kabuto does the raping here boy! =P
MrStick777 (12:31:44 AM): wait how would you have an advantage
MrStick777 (12:31:50 AM): haha
Shiro887 (12:31:57 AM): He'll take jiraiya and yell "Bend over bitch!" even though that's kinda nasty 'cause...y'know...jiraiya's old...
MrStick777 (12:32:09 AM): ROFL
Shiro887 (12:32:09 AM): oh, i'd have an advantage allright Well, ja ne! |
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
boredom and good news
Allright, lately I've been REALLY BOOORED!! DX it suuuux...-,- I've been trying to practice my guitar everyday in hopes of getting better, right now 3 of my left fingers are hurting...soon I should be able to get my callouses back and it won't hurt anymore (w00t-ness) Last night I had another training class for H-E-B. It was Alcohol Sellers Training. whoop-de-doo. I passed the test with a 100 =/ I really felt like a geek right there...oh well, at least no one else least I hope not >,> The class was reeeaaally boooring though v,v and it was like being in school all over again...even one of the other guys said that heh. Today I have MORE training...5-11..laaame. Oker, GOOD NEWS! I found out from one of my former bosses that I am going to FINALLY get my check! YESH! He better be serious 'cause I need my money and that guy (along with his brother) screwed meh over. So yeah...hopefully he will give me my money. Well...boredom consumes meh. Ja ne! EDIT: w00t! I just got tacos! Crappy tacos from Taco Bell but tacos nonetheless!! mwahahah!! mmm...HOT SAUCE! @_@ |
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Monday, May 1, 2006
is chivalry really dead? ;,;
Yeah, not much goin' on right now. Woke up, did some push-ups, read a book...yeah... Yesterday was quite boring. It wasn't for a little 'cause I got to see my older cousins. One of them came back from working as a cook on a cruise liner and the other came back from his Navy duties at Jacksonville, FL so it was nice seein' them. And then my younger cousin came and it got boring lol. He's only like 3 monthes younger than I am yet I find him annoying at times =/ especially when he starts acting arrogant. btw, I finally finished watching the entire guitar festival that I have on my dvd and realized...STEVE VAI IS A F**KING GOD ON GUITAR!! It was almost symbollic when the wind was blowing like cray when he started playing all these crazy riffs in a 7 min(?) guitar solo!!@_@ soo f**kin' awesome! I gotta look for some cds of him *ahem* right, let's move the subject shall we? allright. I believe I said I would reveal why I like Ky Kiske a lot. oker well here goes:  Ky Kiske is a member of an organization called the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. So therefore, he is a Holy Knight, simple no? The most important virtue to Ky is Justice (which is also the name of the Gear Messiah, which he is ordered to kill...and he does =P) Even though justice is most important to him, he follows many rules. He's not as rebellious as Sol Badguy is...however, after the events in Guilty Gear XX I'm sure that'll change. Ky is starting to open his eyes and will find his own way of bringing justice to people rather than follow the rules.
He's such a skilled fighter that the Postwar Administration Bureau created an army of Robo-Ky s in order to take control of the world...but Ky destroyed them all in a giant battle (w00t-ness for Ky!) So simply put, Ky Kiske is one of my favorite characters becuase 1) he's a Holy Knight 2) strongly believes in justice and 3) uses lightning...c'mon what's not badass about that?! I wish I could control lightning and do a crazy attack called Ride the Lightning (Metallica reference and yes, that is the name of his special attack) Ever since I was a child I've always wanted to be a knight (yes, i'm a nerd...i know v,v); however, not in the medievil sence mind you. My heroes as a kid were always Batman and Link =P They would always protect those that needed help and would do it by whatever means necessary (as we all know, Batman doesn't follow the rules =D) Well, I would like to be seen as someone that would help, care and protect my friends whenever I can (kinda like a knight, get it?) yeah =/ ...i'm gonna play D&D now >,> nah i'm just playin' I don't play D&D ya know more aboot meh inner nerd Ja ne! |
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
Orientation day =/
Yeah, today was my orientation for H-E-B followed by bagging class (whoop-de-fuckin'-doo). It was boring majority of the time, but the group that I was sitting with still had fun every now and then. Me, this guy Darryl, and Justin (but we shall call him "Ust" since he didn't have the J,I, and N letters) were crackin' jokes the majority of the time. It was pretty funny, all the random crap we would say lol. What's weird though is that I'm used to being trained with people that I will be working with. But over today I was being trained with people that will be working at different locations throughout this that's kinda sad 'cause I'll most likely not see these people for a looong time if ever again =/ Well, yeah...f**kin' butter messed me up during my bagging test -,- lol. Apparantly the butter is a "cold item" and I wasn't supposed to bag it with the "non-cold items" well...whatever, I still passed =P Ok, on a more serious note. I've heard of some people's reactions to the Day of Silence. How some arrogant bastards (if you havn't found out by now I can curse quite a bit, and this is my site so yeah =/) will talk very lowly of gays, lesbians and bi. Saying all kinds of crap that they shouldn't be saying. If people truly believe that they're "better" than gays, lesbians, etc, then they should shut the f**k up because that just proves they have no class whatsoever! Others say they're just "joking around", well that still hurts others. So here's meh buddy Sol to give ya a lil something:
Sol: "F**K YOU ASSHOLES!!" Shiro: "Thanks Sol! I couldn't have said it better myself." *ahem* well, next post may be better. I may explain why I like Ky Kiske (childhood dreams revealed!...maybe >,>) Ja f'ing ne! |
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
The True Origin of Emo Revealed!
Right now I am currently sitting at the computer eating my sandwich from SubWay...I wanted turkey breast, but my step-father got meh chicken breast =/ he said "I wasn't really sure, I know you said you wanted some kind of breast"...gee...what's that supposed to mean >,> lol Oh wells, whatever. I'm not gonna let a different type of meat ruin meh sandwich *takes bite* mmm...ish sho good ^,^ delicious tomato and provolone cheese...=F *drools* lol ok, I'll stop. Yesterday was...a bit boring to say. I decided to finally watch this DVD that meh Tia (aunt for u English speakin' people) gave meh for X-Mas. Ish Eric Clapton's Crossroads Guitar Festival filmed in Dallas, TX. So I'm watchin' it while talkin' to Jasmine (the one that lives in Dallas) on the phone. *ahem* of course...I'm too focused on the awesome DVD >,> The performers were SOO good. I was like "I wish I could play like that! T_T" but I can't =/ aheh. They had guitarists like: Eric Clapton (of course), Jimmy Vaughn, Hubert Sumlin, Buddy Guy (singin' "Sweet Home Chicago" lol I freaked out when I found out =P), B.B. King, Vince Gill, CARLOS F'IN' SANTANA!!! @_@, John Mayer (good player, i don't like songs though =/) and others. *and ZZ Top perform in the 2nd dvd!!* I really enjoyed listening to all these different guitarists and their genres. lol I remember when i was talking to Jasmine while these two guys were performing a country song. It was Dan Tyminski and Ron Block performing "I am a Man of Constant Sorrow". Here's how the conversation went (I think Inkenyo will find this humorus =P): Shiro: "wow...this song is good!...and it's country!" Jasmine: "wow, really?" Shiro: "yeah...and I kinda like this song..." Jasmine: "what's the name of it?" Shiro: "Uh...*looks at dvd package* 'I am a man of constant sorrow'" Jasmine: "hmm, sounds like every other country song" Shiro: " music was the original emo..." LMAO Jasmine: LOL "Oh my god! It's sooo true!!" So you know the origin of emo!! lol Afterwards I went to Matt's house...and spent hours deciding on what the heck to do...After pointless of hours of walking around the streets we went back to his house...and did the same thing...wonder what to do...WELL we decided to play some Chess. I was like "sure, whatever. you'll pwn meh" *UPDATE!: Shiro has just finished his sandwhich >,>...we now return to this post* Lemme just say that I am probably the most stupidest (is that even a word?) person you'll ever meet =/ So when it comes to games like doesn't take much effort to beat meh. Well...Matt got meh in check on his 2nd move...yeah >,> Well, I was able to save meh arse for a while and kept the game going. Later Jasmine calls and we put her on speakerphone. She's talking and I'm trying to concentrate 'cause Matt did this one move that confused the shi-ite outta meh...he moved his Queen...IN A POSITION WHERE IT WAS BOTH IN DANGER AND SAFE YET COULDN'T DO ANYTHING MAJOR!! I was like.."I hate you Matt...WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" and Jasmine is thinkin' "WTF?" and I start yelling about ALL these things that could happen if I moved certain pieces and Matt is just enjoying my ranting, laughing like crazy and says "Well, at least you're thinking...that's good"...yeah >,> *ahem*...well, I ended up winning the game... Jasmine: "So who ended up winning?" Matt: "*original name =P* did." Jasmine: "HUH?! How the hell did *gee, wouldn't ya like to know?* win?!" Shiro: "gee...thanks for having confidence in me -,-" yeah well...Matt was going easy on meh and really wasn't focusing that much on the game >,> like, we both realized that I had him in check for about 2 turns and we didn't know it. So victory isn't well deserved lol =P At least i did better against Matt then when i went up against Ryan...I screwed myself over in about 5 turns *ahem*...and Matt's better than yeah. Well, I should probably shut up right now. Today's lessons: 1. Country is the original emo lol 2. I'm stupid and suck at strategy =P 3. good luck finding out meh name! And so I leave you people with this!
 Ah yes...just look at ready to pwn all...^,^ *is in "Awe of She" >,> aheh...GG joke...* JA NE!! |
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
My quest...for GG pics!
Yeah, recently I've been looking for some Guilty Gear pics. So far photobucket has been pretty handy. I'm hopin' I can find some good .gifs to add ^,^ btw if any of you guys find any good ones lemme know, oker?  lol "Wax on, Wax off!" Slayer's block is weird lol, ish almost May eh? mhmm v,v My how time bites us in the arse lol uh...well, sorry for the short post everyone. Ja ne! |
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Good bye unemployment!! @_@
Well, today wasn't very exciting. Good news: I got the job for HEB! I filled out all the paperwork today, so I gotta go to orientation and training Saturday, Tues, Weds, and Thurs. Today I was also going to see meh "Aunty Pat" after...I have no idea how many years lol. She's not really my aunt, but I've called her that since I was little. She used to be a co-worker and friend of my mother. But I guess she didn't end up coming into town, so much for that /shrugs. I was hopin' to get some free food or something =P lol ummm...yeah...I still highly doubt I'm going to A-Kon even though I now have a job =/ sorry Well, can't think of much else to say. Well...I do, but I don't feel like mentioning it..gomen v,v Ja ne |
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Monday, April 24, 2006
Hey guys, watsup? So yeah...still in "hiding" due to the fact that my friend still thinks I'm in a mental ward. Here's the current status: She now thinks that I'm still locked up for...hmm...about 4 days now after I attempted to commit suicide by sliting my throat =/ NONE OF THIS IS REAL! ok, so don't worry about me. This is pretty much a...kinda mean >,>...prank on Ashley...but I must admit...some of her reactions makes me feel special *sarcasm, unfortunately* yeah v,v Main reason I still post here is because she doesn't visit this site. Oh yeah, I also made a temporary AIM SN. It's: KamuiShiro887 Matt says I was retarded 'cause I kept my original and just added "Kamui" to it. But whose gonna think that?! I mean really! lol Well, it seemed that yesterday everyone and updated last night. So I'll check on some sites, oker. Man, yesterday was boring compared to Saturday. It was the same old thing: hangin' with Matt playin' Smash and Naruto and then some Metroid Prime Hunters on the DS. That game is...ok /shrugs it's like any other FPS except turned into a novelty thing. And also I suk at FPS games...but Matt doesn't believe me. He was like "You always keep up with me in Halo and this is like your first time playing and you've already got a kill on me" ...gee...that's really something to be proud of, right? lol Unfortunately Matt is gettin' tired of fighting games (which i'm..."decent" at...actually...I beat him majority of the time >,>) soooo...we gotta find something else to do. hmm...can't play Starcraft 'cause my comp sux (and I suk at Strategy games too =P) So I may start bringing my X Box control and we play Halo...assuming he's up to it. So long as I don't play Halo against Mike...'cause I hate his stupid "I'm better than you so I'm gonna offer advice and say 'fine, don't listen to me and stay a crappy player' just because he's better at Halo than the rest of us /rolls eyes. And Mike quit playing Fighting games so I'm HAPPY!! although...he'll still play Smash 'cause he considers it a "Strategy" game...which is retarded because every fighter has strategy!...he just sucks at it!! LMAO ^,^ aheh...right...enough gaming talk...>,> um...soooo...yeah, I feel empty now T_T lol OK! SOME BAD NEWS TO YOU TX PEOPLE I KNOW: I am NOT going to A-Kon =( sorry, but May is almost here, I'm still unemployed, and I have bills to pay. Don't worry, you'll still have uber fun without meh...I was gonna say something else but it would be my depressing side coming out so I'm gonna stop right here. Ja ne minna! P.S. QUIZ TIME!! @_@ 
What Zelda Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
w00t for Link!! I use him in Smash Melee! lol ^,^ |
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