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San Antonio, TX
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...still alive after all the suicidal moments and I did place 3rd in my first Guilty Gear tourny o_O
Anime Fan Since
When I was eight I used to watch Samurai Pizza Cats, Speed Racer, and one really kickass show that I can't remember the name to.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Gundam Wing, Hellsing, Bleach, Macross (Robotech), X/1999, Fruits Basket
GUILTY GEAR, anime, manga, movies, books, drawing, writing (when I can), video games, listening to music, playing DDR,
...I guess pulling off "Sasuke"s (learning things and getting good at them really fast) ...and maybe being depressing?
| Shiro Kageryu
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Monday, April 3, 2006
Hells, yeah! I beat KH2 this morning (at around 2 in da morning @_@ lol). The final fight is actually really fun unlike the first one >,> ...stupid Ansem and his stupid lameness..ness...ness. Though...the ending was...ok. KH3? who knows...will Roxas ever come back? perhaps..not.../shrugs. Ja ne. |
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Friday, March 31, 2006
my name is Marcus! i eat a lot of carcus!
OMG! It's Mark the Shark! um...yeah...not much goin' on. Playin' a lot of KH2 while i'm not i'm either at work..or at home playing KH2 XD...hey! don't roll your eyes at meh!! lol don't judge meh! >,> ja ne! |
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
w00t! I got my copy of Kingdom Hearts II today!! mwahahah!!! I'm gonna play it soon ^,^ KHisitus2 here I come!! lol |
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Sasuke returns!!
HE'S BACK!!! XD  |
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
update...i guess
Well, not much going on. I've gotta say that Saturday night/Sunday morning was the worst ever. I was asleep for a while...and then suddenly woke up feeling miserable. I could hardly breath, I was both cold and hot at the same time. So many things were rushing through my was terrible v,v I hated it... Well...enough of that...Sunday was ok...I went to the movies with Matt and Mike (free movie, what can I say) and we watched V for Vendetta. I really enjoyed it. So did Matt, but he kept saying afterwards that even though it was good it was unoriginal...well, c'mon almost everything's been done now. We went to the theatre where I used to work and Mike works there now. I got nostalgic seeing the place and the people again...some new faces though...and some others left too. What really made my day was that I saw Ashley again right as I walked in. I ran up to her and hugged her. Then we talked for a while. Unfortunately she may have to get surgery done this week...hopefully she'll be ok v,v Well...i'm to cure's fortune cookie time lol a collection of fortunes (and meh comments) that I've gotten while at work: "Someone from your past has returned to steal your heart" - *rolls eyes* bull "A light heart carries you through all the hard times" - mhmm...riiiight "You are surrounded by fortune hunters" - NO! MY COOKIES!! "Passionate new romance appears in your life when you least expect it" x2 - LOL "No need to worry! You will always have everything that you need" - hmm...slightly comforting...and yet...not Well, that's it for that. um....lesse...apparantly it's happening again! People are saying that I look like Orlando Bloom again! grr! First some guy at UTSA and now meh oka-san T_T lame...I DO NOT LOOK LIKE ORLANDO BLOOM! and that is all... -,- hmm...I feel like playing Chrono Trigger...I wonder if meh SNES still works... Ja ne! |
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
OMG boredom sux...and so does trying to understand the female mind
...yeah, really bored i feel like anything would exite even watching paint dry seems tempting right now...but alas i have no paint v,v y'know what? Girls are confusing. Yup...I don't understand them. v,v I dunno if it's them, or if it's me..but yeah... for example: Ashley (the one that lives in Dallas that I had an arguement with a few days ago) says that we hardly talk anymore and that I'm throwing away our friendship. Well, my defense is that she doesn't contact me that much either. I'm not a very sociable person if you havn't noticed and I don't tend to like trying to contact people due to meh low self esteem...I always feel that I'm annoying people...especially when they hardly respond or don't even respond >,> When I try to tell her this she starts calling me "emo" >,> *sigh* perhaps I should stop being like that v,v for my own good... well anyway, I decide to call her and see if i could try to have a decent conversation with her...well...most of the time it was just silence...dull...boring...silence...Why is it that she says I ignore her and try to throw away our friendship when she doesn't talk as well? Perhaps i should try to make more of an effort? Well, pretty much the only time we did have a decent conversation was when we were talking about Final Fantasy v,v ...yeah...sad. Now, she's not a person that I'd consider to have a relationship past being a friend, but what gets me down is that I feel like I just can't understand her and girls for that matter. it's like that saying: "can't live with them, can't live without them" v,v Well, time to change topic now. I may have to (yet again) start looking for another job. Apparantly there are rumors that the place is going to close down soon, so that'll suck 'cause I've only worked there for about a month now. I better get a damn good check today 'cause it's my first one (and perhaps only one)!! >,< other news...currently meh oka-san is kinda lecturing meh becuase she found out about meh little nights where I drank. I don't find it that big a deal because I only drank a bottle of Smirnoff and a shot and a half of Scotch, not on the same night though. Yeah...stuff about how meh family history is full of alcohol problems...well whatever. Ja ne! |
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Friday, March 24, 2006
do you ever hate that feeling?
the feeling that you're stuck...going sucks. I kinda feel that way right now. It's quite annoying v,v Well, last night I had a bit of fun watching my Dir en grey dvd. *sigh* I don't think I can explain how much I love their stuff lol. Even though Kaoru is my favorite member of that band, I think that I really am quite a bit like Kyo >,> I'll let you guys try to figure that out for yourself, I don't feel like explaining and I'll probably do a terrible job anyway. lol Random Quiz time! yay!
 You are CLOUD. (My cat is named after you!) You're a good person at heart, just a little confused sometimes. Take this quiz!
Ja ne! |
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
v,v...ever wish something would just...randomly explode?...*BOOM!*...v^,^ yes!!!
um...yeah lol. Been bored recently. um...not much goin' on...still trying to figure out how I can get to A-Kon since I don't have a ride. So far my plan is:...GREYHOUND!! yes! I shall train a greyhound from birth how to transport me to Dallas and back!! I swear it's foolproof...FOOLPROOF I TELL YOU!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Well...other than devising plots on tryin' to get to A-Kon I've been playing FFVIII and Chrono Cross. Ja ne! (sorry this is a short post v,v) |
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Well, not much going on as usual. I ordered the Chrono Trigger OST today, so I'm looking forward to getting it. It's such an awesom game and I love the music. Also I've been playing Final Fantasy VIII lately. As for the A-Kon situation: it's still up in the air. Quite a few people want me to go, so I'm gonna see what I can do. If I can save up enough money for registration and a hotel (and of course if I can get a ride) then most likely I'll go. I'm not sure if I'm going to cosplay again though. My friend JF is thinking of cosplaying as Naruto, so I may attempt Sasuke again since I already have the costume and shtoofa (and actually do it this time), heh I just need A LOT of hair wax lol. Other cosplays I'd like to do if I go to A-Kon would be Crono, Laguna (from FFVIII) [I wouldn't mind doing Squall, but Chris has that covered..and he gets jealus pretty easy], or Little Slugger. I've wanted to do Little Slugger for quite some time...but I gotta learn how to roller blade and get a bent up bat lol. I also have another cosplay idea that I came up with last summer. I call it: Fun in the Sun Gaara! It's still pretty top secret >,> shh! If ya would like to know more info, you can message meh, lol. JF was laughing as I told it to him. Oh yeah, and JF is hoping that they'll be cute Hinatas there while he's Naruto ^,^ lol. Well...I think i'm gonna go play some more FFVIII Ja ne |
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Sunday, March 19, 2006 far things have been...quiet. I've mostly spent the day by myself...As for the situation with Ashley...she says that I don't need to be forgiven...just that she wishes I would talk more to her about anything that may trouble me and other things of the sort... It also makes me we form friendships with people...and they can's a thought that scares me at times...but has happened quite a few times...I it because of me?... Right now I'm listening to "hotarubi"'s a really comforting song by Dir en's probably one of my favorite songs of theirs from their MACABRE album and I have the MIDI of it here on this site...Here's the lyrics...translation is in italics "hotarubi" "firefly's light" Lyrics - Kyo Music - Shinya furu boketa shashin dake ga
hi wo kasane yuku
hi wo tomoshi kazaguruma de
ayashi namida ga only old faded photographs
the days piling up on one another
fire lights up with a pinwheel
calmed the tears kago ni yurayura yureteta
akago waratte in a basket, shivered, swayed
the baby laughs ra ra sayonara
ra ra yoru ga fuke la la goodbye
la la the evening grows late anata aishita kono ko ni
anata kasanete
anata ima soba ni yuku wa
kono ko to futari this child you loved
you build up
now, by your side, go
with this child, the two of you ra ra sayonara
ra ra yoru ga ake la la goodbye
la la the evening opens minamo ni ukabu anata dake senjou no naka utsushidasu on the water's surface, only you float, reflecting the middle of a battlefield kaze ni naru kamikaze wa
yami no naka e kiete
saikai no yoru ni saku
hotaru no hikari become the wind, the divine wind
and into the darkness disappear
bloom in the evening of our reunion
the glow of the firefly kaze ni naru kamikaze wa
yami no naka e kiete
saikai no yoru ni saku
yuritachi no sugata become the wind, the divine wind
and into the darkness disappear
bloom in the evening of our reunion
the shape of the lilies kaze ni naru kamikaze wa
saikai no yoru ni saku
hotarubi to yuri no hana become the wind, the divine wind
bloom in the evening of our reunion
firefly's light and the flower of the lily lyrics were taken from: ...ja ne... |
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