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San Antonio, TX
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...still alive after all the suicidal moments and I did place 3rd in my first Guilty Gear tourny o_O
Anime Fan Since
When I was eight I used to watch Samurai Pizza Cats, Speed Racer, and one really kickass show that I can't remember the name to.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Gundam Wing, Hellsing, Bleach, Macross (Robotech), X/1999, Fruits Basket
GUILTY GEAR, anime, manga, movies, books, drawing, writing (when I can), video games, listening to music, playing DDR,
...I guess pulling off "Sasuke"s (learning things and getting good at them really fast) ...and maybe being depressing?
| Shiro Kageryu
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Friday, March 3, 2006
lol weird day with Matt
UPDATE! le gasp! I can click the comment thingy again! lol i wonder what f**ked it up? Well, anyways today I was hangin' out with Matt. It was kinda weird 'cause we started talking about old games we used to play. Not video games, but the card ones. Around the time I first met Matt (which was about...hmm...lesse it was meh junior year...about 2 yrs ago?) we both played Magic together. I remember that he would beat me a lot, and then after a while I started beatin him. lol my Whispering Shade kicked ass back then! b^^ And we remembered our years of playing Pokemon lol. I had an awesome Rain Dance deck, and then he told me "I had an awesome purple and yellow deck" so what immediately registered in meh head was this: purple=psychic yellow=electric...psychic and electric=...LOCKDOWN!! So then I ask him "...was it a lock down deck?" He started laughing and admitted it. lol I learned something new about Matt...he enjoys lock down in any game lol. Also we talked about other card games we played. But perhaps the longest conversation we had was when we were remembering our Yu-Gi-Oh days. lol yes, I'll admit, I played yu-gi-oh back in the day lol. I was pretty good too. I always played weird decks though lol, they never had a focused strategy. But I LOVED my 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons. I still do actually and I don't think I'll ever sell them. lol. What was weird though is that we were making fun of the show and how Yugi cheats, but calls it "Heart of the Cards" and I told Matt "What was weird though was that the show was all 'HotC this and HotC that', but the one card that always saved my ass was the Blue Eyes that I got from an old friend of mine" he also agreed that was weird. Also meh old Shadow Ghoul used to kick ass...especially with Deal of Phantom lol. And we were remembering how my old Dragon deck used to pwn his Fiend deck lol. I loved my Dragon deck! b^^ and his Fiend deck pwned as well! Of course he used lock down! Also we talked more about Magic. I remember how fun my Snake deck was. lol It was like a giant Snake orgy that kept reproducing more powerhouse snakes lol. And his White Weenies that would bring out an army of 1/1 monsters. And my Snakes were like "yeah...I can do that too...but only better! =D" lol ahh, good times good times. Also I loved my fun Black and Green Spirit deck lol It was like "summon spirit monsters, create spirit tokens...use DEVOURING GREED! sacrifice all spirits, you dead!" lol. Man, card games are fun lol. Too bad I don't have the money or time to get back into them right now. Oh yeah, Matt and I were making fun of Yugi sayin' that he's always on drugs lol. example:
Yugi: Kaiba! We must fulfill our destiny!
Kaiba: Yugi! What did we talk about you doin' drugs again!
Yugi: What are you talking about! I'm the pharoah dammit!
Kaiba: For the last time Yugi, you're just a little emo/goth high school boy that likes card games.
Yugi: ...
Kaiba: ok?
Yugi: ...DESTINY!!
Kaiba: *sigh*...did you roll up a Jinzo and smoke it again?
Kaiba: yeah yeah, I know "destiny" right?
Yeah...something like that. lol We both think Kaiba is cool though b^^. And the main reason we quit playin' yu-gi-oh was becuase the people we played against were annoying. They would ALWAYS use cards and strategies that Yugi would use in the show and not understand why we would beat them lol. Hell, one guy that would always want to play against me would even do his own sound effects! WTF?! lol so yeah...the point of today...CARD GAMES ARE FUN! Ja ne! |
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
i hate this P.o.S. of a computer
lol, wow I got 6 comments yesterday! um...that's like a record ^,^ lol. Well, yeah, meh comp is bein' uberly gay like it always is. Except for some strange reason I can't read or add comments to anyone's or my site. Sucks, doesn't it. I found a way around it though for one site, but I dunno if it'll work all the time. So if I don't comment on ur site...don't get'll be there in spirt lol i dunno. Well, if ya wanna contact meh, meh aim is on this site and ya can always pm meh, i dunno. Ja ne. |
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
1:59 PM/yawn I just woke up around yeah. Sorry I havn't updated in a while. Heh, it's not like you guys missed me or anything ^,^ Well, I have a new job now. It's not that great but it's a start I guess until something better comes up. I now work at Kwik Wok. It'a a chinese delivery place. I pretty much just take orders over the phone though. It's extremely laid back over there. If I'm not answering phones I'm pretty much just sitting down. And if I get hungry I'll just snack on an eggroll or two lol. One thing I hate though is how I work from 11-10 on Tues, Thurs, and Sat. But I gotta tell them that I can't work Saturday though, 'cause there's a Smash and Naruto tourny that I want to go to in Austin and it's the whole weekend long. le gasp, a weekend of me getting pwned lol. Well, if I can I'll visit some of your sites later and comment. Ja ne |
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
I got uberly pwned!
So yeah...tourny today...I got soooo pwned. I did crappy v,v my Link is teh sux0rz! Oh well! I also played some Naruto and got pwned by this guy named Chang. He has a crazy ass Temari. I could hardly touch him with any char he used against me. But later I got some Sasuke and Neji advice from Dark Honor90 from FL, so that's cool. I just gotta practice the combos. Oh yeah, some guy at UTSA said that I look like Orlando Bloom. WTF?! I do NOT look like Orlando Bloom! If I did, I wouldn't be single! Ja ne. |
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Friday, February 24, 2006
BlueFork tourny!!
3:31 PMBlueFork Smash Tourny is tomorrow! Wish me luck! mwahahah! Tonight Ryan and I are gonna go to UTSA and train with the other guys over there. Drama update: So far nothing new. I haven't talked to Ashley and Jasmine recently and I don't really look forward to it right now. I'll just wait for them to come to me. v,v so yeah, whatever. Ja ne! GOTTA GET M3H SMASH ON!!! |
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my harddrive! IT LIVES!!!! MWAHAHAHAH!!!
12:03 AMSo yeah, not much goin' on. I'm freezin' due to the fan. Earlier I went to Matt's house so I could mess around with the computer that I found. I brought the harddrive to meh crappy HP that I'm using right now in order to test out the new video card that I got from Noel. wasn't much of a success v,v. The computer worked and all...but it tried to reformat the harddrive due to the new video Matt quickly turned it off 'cuase my oka-san has some important info in this thing *coughbankstatementscough*. so yeah...luckily nothing incredibly bad happened >,> WARNING!: Ranting Time Later on at home I got dragged into some drama involving Ashley and Jasmine from Dallas. Ashley was mad at me becuase I didn't "like" Jasmine, as in more than a friend kind of way. Isn't that such an excellent reason to be mad at someone? hmm? 'CUASE I SURE AS HELL DON'T THINK IT IS!! And Jasmine is all sad 'cause she thinks she's not important to me. *rolls eyes* Well y'know what? I know what it's like to be in that situation: to love someone and not be loved back by them in the same way. It sucks, but that's the way this world works and you have to get used to it. MOVE ON!! Bleeding hearts don't mend themselves. I once considered getting with her, but when she would talk to me she would get all depressed and talk about how no one cares about her and that she should commit suicide and all that. So I thought "Gee, I guess that means I'm nothing to you, right?" so then I decided not to. I know that a person cannot love someone that doesn't love themself, which is why I pretty much gave up trying to find someone (becuase I can be the same as well). I guess I'll just accept my solitude, but Jasmine should move on becuase from what she's told me there's other guys out there that like her! So what should she be complaining about? /sigh v,v girls are soooo confusing...oh and Ashley is still pissed at me. Ja F'ing ne |
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
y0 t0 a!!
hey everyone. Not much goin' on. I've been helpin' my mother around the house while she get's better from her surgeries. And i've been REALY F'IN' BORED!! I've been playing some of my games though. Like Dead or Alive Ultimate2, Soul Calibur III (i realized I suk hardcore now lol), Devil May Cry 3 (I'm playin' Hard difficulty with Royal Guard lvl2 @_@ yes I'm insane like that lol), and Guilty Gear XX (took meh 2 hrs to get meh skillz back baybeh! w00t!) I've been unlocking shtoofa for the PS2 vr of GGXX though. I unlocked Gold, Black, and EX Ky along with Gold, Black, and EX Chipp (my two chars, sux that they're low tier though T_T) and I also got EX Sol. I wish I had the soundrack. GG has so many badass songs. ^,^ I like Robo-Ky in the PS2 better than the X Box. He's more difficult and he actually has a good song called "Holy Orders?". It's like a defunked warped version of "Holy Orders" (which is badass as it is) so it's kinda cool lol. Well, this Saturday is the BlueFork Smash tourny! There's also gonna be some Naruto when we're done, courtesy of JesusFreak at Austin b^^ Apparantly JF's friend Chang-sta is teh best Naruto player in yeah, I'm gonna get pwned! DX lol but so long as we all have fun, it's all good! Well, ja ne. |
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
an actual decent day
2:23 PMToday is blegh, but yesterday was good. I woke up around 10ish and took a shower. Played some DOA and Ryan called telling me that he was gonna pick me up. We then went to Daniel's house to see if he could do anything. He said he couldn't and instead played Naruto GNT4 with his brother and 2 of his friends. lol Noel said he ditched us for the 10 yr olds again. I was just like "Yeah, I know. It's annoying at times" So then Ryan and I headed out to L's house where we played Smash ALL day! I finally beat Ryan in a match! It was a Marth ditto match (as in we were both Marth) and I 2 stocked him! (I killed him by just dying twice in a 4 stock match) I was so hyper I started humping the floor and then L said "WHOA! That's my router you're humping there buddy!" so uh...yeah I impregnated his router mwahahahah! >=) So throughout the day we played Smash and often times L and I were working on a Naruto GNT4 Tier Thread that we started up on Also I looked up some Dir en grey videos. lol Ryan kinda got disturbed with the uncut Obscene is quite disturbing v,v but I still love Diru! b^^ Later on KITE called (he's a smasher that goes to UTSA, he lives near Converse) and L gave him directions to his house. It was funny 'cause L was like "Yeah, I'm positive that you turn left!" LOL then I said "Are you SURE that you know where you live? 'Cause I don't think you do!" and Ryan and I started laughing like crazy. Then I bumped my head to my Gamecube controller and I was laughing even more. When L got off the phone with KITE he asked what was so funny, so we had to explain and yeah lol. KITE finally showed up after a few hours so then we all started playing more smash! I 4 stocked KITE in a Marth ditto match! MWAHAHAHAH! and the most I got Ryan down to against his main was 2 stock v,v oh well I'm satisfied. What does suck is that KITE noticed that I know my advanced techniques really well (he said I could probably wavedash better than he could) but I still suck becuase I don't know my techniques. So yeah, Noel said he was probably on to something so he devised a training program to see what's wrong with me. So hopefully after meh re-training (grrness >,< ) I'll get much better. and uh...we ate Arby's and talked about tournys and cons and then left v,v yup. and that was meh day yesterday. Today sucks so far. I went grocery shopping for my mother (madre, oka-san, etc.) and am now eating my breakfast which consists of beef cup ramen, funyuns w/wasabi (which is really really weird), and tea. yeah, not really a good breakfast but eh /shrugs. Ja ne. |
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
i feel...bored and unaccomplished v,v
so yeah...that's how I feel. Lesse, meh agenda so far: read vol. 12 of Kenshin read vol. 4 of Hellsing listened to my Yami no Ai mix that I made on my X Box last night (while I was doing all this) cleaned some of my room...(still messy btw) put up my FF Advent Children wallscroll along with some Dir en grey and Gackt stuff. I still want a frame for my Phantasmagoria poster though v,v and I gotta find room for my Zelda poster So yeah...i'm bored...I have an urge to draw something or write a short story...but i'm lazy and have low self esteem, i suck at everything. Recently I've noticed that I hate my stupid mood swings. I'll be happy one moment and then a few minutes later I'm all depressed and don't want to live v,v I hate it. Ja ne. oh yeah, i finally got a hold of a pic of me from Ushi. It was taken by either Ashley or Jasmine, i dunno. Their camera sucks though. Here's meh ugliness:
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
*sigh* v,v
I had to make dinner today. I made spaghetti. I'm not very good at cooking so I had to try to remember how my father would make it years ago when i spent a lot of weekends with him. Strange thing is that he called me while I was cooking. I had to explian to him that I'm unemployed and what not. The conversation didn't last long, our conversations don't anymore. Not much else happened. I played Pokemon this morning, and I went to Noel's house and played some Smash and Need for Speed Underground. It was funny becuase we made Mario a car using the Mazda RX-7 (the car in Initial D if you know that). I suggested it becuase 1.) Mario was undecisive as to which car he wanted and 2.) c'mon, it's the car from Initial D! I told him it was a classy car so he went for it. Noel tuned it up and it became a sexy and uber fast beast. It's even faster than my Celica and it can compete to Kevin's Tiburon. It has really fast acceration and better handling than my Celica. Mario was actually winning a lot of races. lol all becuase of me. It was also funny becuase I would keep randomly yelling "SHIFT UP!" and "SHIFT DOWN!" I even said "SHIFT TO THE RIGHT!" it was funny for a while. I guess I had some fun today. Tomorrow seems boring so far. Ja ne. |
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