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San Antonio, TX
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...still alive after all the suicidal moments and I did place 3rd in my first Guilty Gear tourny o_O
Anime Fan Since
When I was eight I used to watch Samurai Pizza Cats, Speed Racer, and one really kickass show that I can't remember the name to.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Gundam Wing, Hellsing, Bleach, Macross (Robotech), X/1999, Fruits Basket
GUILTY GEAR, anime, manga, movies, books, drawing, writing (when I can), video games, listening to music, playing DDR,
...I guess pulling off "Sasuke"s (learning things and getting good at them really fast) ...and maybe being depressing?
| Shiro Kageryu
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Friday, February 17, 2006
which is more important?
My family always tells me "You may have your friends now, but you'll have your family forever!" I really don't like that saying...I usually think "gee, thanks for reminding me. That's such a nice thing to say" v,v of course that's sarcasm.
I believe the opposite. I'd rather be with my friends than with my family. I don't get along with my family and they don't make me feel happy.
I don't see why they have to share they're unfortunate incidents with their old friends and compare it to me. I'm sorry if they knew crappy people.
My grandmother always thinks that my friends are gonna end up smoking and drinking and will end up influencing me. She always gives me that retarded speech. >,< Just becuase I used to hang around stoners doesn't mean that all my friends are. And I choose to drink on my own.
*sigh* my family drives me crazy and tries to make my life miserable v,v |
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
It's almost been a week since I've last seen her. Already I miss her v,v, her beautiful eyes, her pretty smile, her cute personality, her lovely auburn hair...her DD boobs >,>...yes...the boob pillow that I rested my head on. *sigh* Hopefully I'll see her again v,v
...T_T i miss her... |
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
blegh v,v
I have a headache...i'm unemployed...mi madre's in the hospital...i'm bored...v,v nothing to do. |
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
t(^_^t )
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
new dance pad! OMG!
2:07 PMOk, so yeah, mi madre told me this morning that becuase X-Mas sucked for me she would be me those Red Octane Ignition dance pads that hook up to both Xbox and PS2 (she knows i've wanted one for quite some time)so I'm like..."um...badass..." *while I'm playing CCR (Controller Controller Revolution =P ) of Max2...yeah it's that pad sux* So now I can also buy DDR for my Xbox. mwahahah! I also feel kind of bad becuase she's buying this for me and she'll be having her surgeries soon...v, about 2 more days too. I guess I shall dance for the sake of her recovery...or something lame like that...I dunno... Speakin' of DDR, I was playing it last night/this morning after I got off from work. Mike was like "how can you play feet are sore" so I said "You get used to it!" and ran to the arcade. Everyone said the closers would be gone at 3 AM since last night was hell, BUT I PROVED THEM WRONG!! I got us all out by 1:50 AM with m3h crappy leadership skillz! Also when I got home I watched more of Macross in the Jap version...I love it. Macross/Robotech is one of meh favorite animes! I'd like to cosplay as Rick Hunter/Ichijo Hikaru someday, but it'd be pretty difficult to make the uniform and the pilot suit, but it'd be worth it. *sigh* So many cosplay ideas that I have...but so little time and money v,v oh yeah, I got a V-day card from Hazel Keys1985
 Even though I hate V-day, thanks a lot...for tis t3h thought that counts v,v *is a V-day Scrooge!* Well, ja ne. |
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Yay! Anime DVDs!
Yeah, I got some anime DVDs today. I got the last 2 dvds of Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu today that I needed. Now I have the complete set! MWAHAHAH! Also I had a slight orgasm in my pants when I saw Vol. 1 of Super Dimensional Space Fortress Macross. HELLZ YEAH!! I just had to buy it! It contains the original Jap version of Robotech (as it's known in U.S.) and an all new 5.1 Eng dub, which is pretty spiffy but kinda weird when you're used to the orignal like I am. For one, they changed the voice roles. Tony Oliver no longer does the role of Rick Hunter (or Hikaru Ichijo as he's known in the original version). Now, Vic Mignogna (famous for his role as Edward Elric in FMA) is now the lead in this series. It's not a bad job, but I'm not that thrilled about it. He doesn't have the cockiness that Tony Oliver gave him (I mean c'mon, the guy is Lupin III as well lol) and instead kinda focuses more on the "I'm not a soldier!" thing (though Rick Hunter did have that...but not the Ed Elric sytle *cougharchetypalcasting!cough* I remember as I read the Robotech book (just as I got into Robotech) I kinda imagined Richard Cox doing the role of Rick (famous for Inuyasha), or Kirby Morrow (who is practically my fav VA. He did such awesome roles of Trowa [GW], Miroku [InuY], and Van [Escaflowne]. I think he's really talented becuase he can do the serious guy [Trowa] and a quite silly guy who has his serious moments [Miroku]). Oh yeah, Minmei is still annoying! Not as annoying as her older role,...but still nonetheless. I mean c'mon, she plays around with Rick's heart man! That's just cruel! First she loves him, then she forgets about him when she becomes famous, then her career plummets and she goes back to him trying to get him to quit the RDF (even though they desperately need him)! GRR!! She pisses me off! She takes things that she has for granted! I hate that, one characteristic of women that I grealy dislike. I was really glad though when Rick ended up with Lisa though! *sigh* They really deserved each other. I'm hoping that they got Cam Clarke for Max again 'cause he's cool! Hmm, I don't tell this to many people, so consider yourself lucky...i guess...*shrugs* but ever since I was a child I've always wanted to be a Voice Actor ^,^ or an animator, but my artwork sucks (if you know me, you know what I mean, blegh). heh, so of my childhood dreams right there. Um...well...let's see. I also got Young Frankenstein! Not anime, but really funny! Also SNL the Best of John Belushi. Such a funny guy, too bad he's dead >,> *shrugs* oh well. Can't think much...ja ne!
Your Brain's Pattern

Your mind is a firestorm - full of intensity and drama.
Your thoughts may seem scattered to you most of the time...
But they often seem strong and passionate to those around you.
You are a natural influencer. The thoughts you share are very powerful and persuading.
um...I guess *shrugs*
You Were A Lion

You have a lethal combination of strength and energy.
You have strong family ties, and close friends are like family to you.
Meh favorite animal. Plus I'm a leo!
You are Agnostic

You're not sure if God exists, and you don't care.
For you, there's no true way to figure out the divine.
You rather focus on what you can control - your own life.
And you tend to resent when others "sell" religion to you.
Erotic Thriller

You've made your own rules in life - and sometimes that catches up with you.
Winding a web of deceit comes naturally, and no one really knows the true you.
Your best movie matches: Swimming Pool, Unfaithful, The Crush
...weird... |
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Pretty Quiz
why do I always seem to get these kind of results?  Dark Angel. You are depressed (like you didnt
already know that). You are usually solitary
and dont have many friends. Im sure you would
be a nice person if you smiled more often.
The job you would be best at is a assasin so
you can take your emotions out on something.
What Angel Will You Be? (Anime pics and detailed results) Updated brought to you by Quizilla
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t3h blahness
1:57 PMWatching Star Trek: TNG on TV. It's very rare that I do, but I'm bored so eh *shrugs* Robotech is better though. MWAHAHAH!! *ahem* lol Geordi is trying to >,> I really REALLY don't wanna go to work today. T_T I havn't had a day off since Sunday, and I won't have one till this Sunday v,v I can't wait till the 20th becuase I'll definately be gone from the theatre and then I must find a new job *le sigh* v,v *off subject* heh, Picard isn't too well around kids lol I remember this episode...*ahem* yeah. I think I'm gonna do the dishes for mi madre before she gets off work. They're really piled up and she'll get mad if she comes home 'cause she's the only person that does yeah...>,> Ja ne zoto. |
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
la migra esta aqui!
7:43 PMSo yeah, really bored. I'm not looking to next week. My mother will have her surgeries on the 14th, which is also my most hated holiday. ironic eh? I'm not looking forward to working this weekend. I can't wait till I'm officially gone from the theatre. Well, I was bored, so I took these pics.
"A"  "B"
 or "C"

Ja ne zoto. aishiteiru. |
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Leaving my job
So yeah, I put in my 2 weeks notice (a week late mind you) at the now I shall yet again begin a quest for another job. It kinda sucks though becuase I'll have to cut some of my hair and wear my stud for when I get interviewed v,v Ja ne. Wish me luck. |
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