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myOtaku.com: Shiro Kageryu

Friday, March 9, 2007

gonna be gone
Hey everyone,

Just letting you all know that I'll be outta town this weekend. Gonna head out to Austin, chill with some friends and hit up Evo South. It's a huge worldwide video game tourney. Also SXSW (South by Southwest), a huge music festival, is gonna happen at the same time and place so I may try to hit up that place as well. Last year they had Dir en grey perform O_O

um..hmm....lesse anything else goin' down...

oh yeah, I got the most awesome compliment yesterday at work. Apparantly I don't have a southern accent. Some lady from a corporation called the place where I work about some shipments. She then asked me if she was calling Texas. I said "yes" and she was surprised because I don't have an accent. She was expecting something more southern lol. I just replied "awesome! that means I don't sound like a hick!" lol :P


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