UPDATE! le gasp! I can click the comment thingy again! lol i wonder what f**ked it up?
Well, anyways today I was hangin' out with Matt. It was kinda weird 'cause we started talking about old games we used to play. Not video games, but the card ones. Around the time I first met Matt (which was about...hmm...lesse it was meh junior year...about 2 yrs ago?) we both played Magic together. I remember that he would beat me a lot, and then after a while I started beatin him. lol my Whispering Shade kicked ass back then! b^^ And we remembered our years of playing Pokemon lol. I had an awesome Rain Dance deck, and then he told me "I had an awesome purple and yellow deck" so what immediately registered in meh head was this: purple=psychic yellow=electric...psychic and electric=...LOCKDOWN!!
So then I ask him "...was it a lock down deck?" He started laughing and admitted it. lol I learned something new about Matt...he enjoys lock down in any game lol.
Also we talked about other card games we played. But perhaps the longest conversation we had was when we were remembering our Yu-Gi-Oh days. lol yes, I'll admit, I played yu-gi-oh back in the day lol. I was pretty good too. I always played weird decks though lol, they never had a focused strategy. But I LOVED my 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons. I still do actually and I don't think I'll ever sell them. lol. What was weird though is that we were making fun of the show and how Yugi cheats, but calls it "Heart of the Cards" and I told Matt "What was weird though was that the show was all 'HotC this and HotC that', but the one card that always saved my ass was the Blue Eyes that I got from an old friend of mine" he also agreed that was weird. Also meh old Shadow Ghoul used to kick ass...especially with Deal of Phantom lol. And we were remembering how my old Dragon deck used to pwn his Fiend deck lol. I loved my Dragon deck! b^^ and his Fiend deck pwned as well! Of course he used lock down!
Also we talked more about Magic. I remember how fun my Snake deck was. lol It was like a giant Snake orgy that kept reproducing more powerhouse snakes lol. And his White Weenies that would bring out an army of 1/1 monsters. And my Snakes were like "yeah...I can do that too...but only better! =D" lol ahh, good times good times. Also I loved my fun Black and Green Spirit deck lol It was like "summon spirit monsters, create spirit tokens...use DEVOURING GREED! sacrifice all spirits, you dead!" lol.
Man, card games are fun lol. Too bad I don't have the money or time to get back into them right now.
Oh yeah, Matt and I were making fun of Yugi sayin' that he's always on drugs lol. example:
Yugi: Kaiba! We must fulfill our destiny!
Kaiba: Yugi! What did we talk about you doin' drugs again!
Yugi: What are you talking about! I'm the pharoah dammit!
Kaiba: For the last time Yugi, you're just a little emo/goth high school boy that likes card games.
Yugi: ...
Kaiba: ...you ok?
Yugi: ...DESTINY!!
Kaiba: *sigh*...did you roll up a Jinzo and smoke it again?
Kaiba: yeah yeah, I know "destiny" right?
Yeah...something like that. lol We both think Kaiba is cool though b^^. And the main reason we quit playin' yu-gi-oh was becuase the people we played against were annoying. They would ALWAYS use cards and strategies that Yugi would use in the show and not understand why we would beat them lol. Hell, one guy that would always want to play against me would even do his own sound effects! WTF?! lol
so yeah...the point of today...CARD GAMES ARE FUN!
Ja ne!