so yeah...I'm like...semi-jobless...if that makes sense >,> some stupid crap happened and what really p!$$3$ meh off is that I HAVN'T GOTTEN PAID YET!!! >=O
I've already applied for HEB...since my mother kept insisting on it...may as well v,v If I can't get another job soon, more than likely I will not be attending A-Kon...unless I can extremly mooch off someone, which I highly yeah...oh well, maybe next year
Well...some good news: I finally got the Ultima Weapon today on KH2 (39-40 hrs) b^^ So now I gotta try to beat Sephiroth. Right now I'm at lvl75 and Matt beat him at I'm gonna try to break that record lol a REALLY good series. Sure the animation is a bit weird at first, but get past that and it's really really good. If you like The Count of Monte Cristo, then I highly recommend it
what sucks is that the dvds are expensive T_T
Well...don't think I'll do much today...I may pwn some n00bs in Naruto 'cause my younger step-bro's friend thinks he can beat me /rolls eyes whatever, I'll have fun pwning him ^,^
I may also talk to Amanda today and maybe Jasmine...assuming they both call /shrugs
Well, ja ne!
"Bide your time,
and hold out hope!"