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Thursday, October 26, 2006
A Pain In the Neck
Oy, what a day, what a week. Apparently I've been stressed out lately, because my jaw hurt like hell yesterday and I found out it's an inherited trait and could result in my jaw totally locking up if I'm not careful. Oh boy?
I wish my computer wasn't being a bitch about this graphics card, though my mom may have found the problem and will work on it tonight (something to do with IO switches, which makes perfect sense when she explains it).
Yuki has been cooking dinner for us the past few days, and I love it. Her food is so good. Maybe it's just because it's Japanese, or maybe because it's so different and therefore interesting and exciting. We had nikujaga (sp?) last night, and teriyaki chicken, and we have miso soup and rice with every dinner now. I hope it's good for me so I don't gain a bunch of weight from stress! I'm still hovering at 120 even after recovering from my sinus infection.
Went shopping for Homecoming cothes for Yuki and Sawa last night so I decided to get my winter formal dress early. I heart it, and the new boots I got to go with it. I should take pictures, but I may not do it until formal. Hm.
Plenty of boring school-related news this week. Some couples that we thought would never break up broke up; we'll have a chance to actually go to the Right To Life march next year (I'm going, so there, biatches! >_>); Latin Day is fast approaching, as is Halloween and my Halloween party; they're having a drawing for the fish in the media center aquarium because they won't be making the trip to the new school. I kinda want the fish, cuz they come with the tank and equipment and everything, and it's been a long time since I had a fish to chill with. I remember Fred. He was awesome. I had that fish trained, man, seriously.
That's all for now. I will rejoice audibly when/if my graphics card rights itself. Ed bless.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
A Sour Day
We have no moderator for the anime club meeting tomorrow as of yet. I did not have time to put in the announcement about it either. I have a mysterious lump on the back of my head. I'm failing religion. And we drank vinegar for points in class today.
I need some ramen.
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Let's start off the post with some quiz results. This first one is so incredibly accurate it's scary.

And yet this too is quite true.

Anyway, now that those are out of the way.
Today I took the PSAT, exciting. It was tremendously easy. Not much else exciting has happened at school.
However, just an hour ago I got back from a book signing with Terry Pratchett, my favorite author evar. I feel a little jittery still from meeting such an awesome person! >.<
That's pretty much all. Just wanted you to know I haven't exploded yet.
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
I think my heart just died permanently this time
I always thought deviantArt was such a safe place. There are thumbnails so you can avoid things you don't want to see and there isn't a lot of space for people to say stupid things. But I was wrong. Really stupid people will always find a way to get to me.
I was looking a Naruto comic strip in the day's most popular and it was okay, not hilarious or anything, and I decide to read the description out of boredom. Okay, this person spelled Sasuke correctly in the strip, but wrote "Saskay" in the description. I decided to peek at the comments to see if anyone corrected him/her/it and... Some called Naruto a, and I quote, "poor former racoon dog container".
A kitsune, as I'm positive you all know, is a fox demon. Naruto's got problems with a fox demon. A tanuki is a racoon-dog, looks kind of like a red panda if you've ever seen one. Nothing to do with Naruto whatsoever. A kitsune, especially Naruto's, doesn't even look like a racoon, so how did this person get so mixed up?
So fans? Don't say things unless you know what you are saying. Or I will personally kick your ass by beating you with a Japanese-English dictionary. Those things can be pretty heavy and all. Give you a nasty papercut.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Oh, the Humanity!
I'm depressed over life. It is very dull and difficult right now. Call me emo, but hey, I'm just being honest. There are days I don't feel so hot and need to vent. Today is one of them.
Usually the cause of my bad moods is a compilation of little things that irritate me or make me sad. Right now I've got a bunch. My oldest cousin, who was 30-something, lived in CA, and pretty much had no contact with my branch of the family, died about a week ago from an accidental overdose caused by mixing two pain medications (she was in a lot of pain after a surgery, I think). She was, well, a he, and lived with a bunch of weird artsy people. Still, it's sad when someone so young dies out-of-the-blue like that.
I've been really tired lately, especially today because I stayed up late expecting to see the long-lost anime Mon Colle Knights on the animated Disney channel, but I found at the last minute we don't even get that channel. I have two big projects to do by the end of this week. We still don't have a mod for the anime club. My parents are in a constant bad mood because someone decided to steal money from one of our credit cards so they had to freeze the account and they're working on reestablishing it. It seems like Yuki's hardly ever home, what with soccer and AFS meetings. I just need things to slow down so I can figure out how to fit everything I want to do into this week. Gad. It doesn't help that I'm PMSing like a bitch.
And lastly, I'm sad that I'm sad. I don't want to be sad. But it's sort of a neverending spiral--I get that kind of problem a lot.
And I guess...I worry about Exo and me. And my friends. The last couple days I've been really distant because I just want to catch up on my work and my sleep and spend time alone. It's all just a mess, a big fuzzy mess that I wish I didn't have to sort out because I'm so dang tired!
So if I seem uncaring or bitchy you know why.
And why are random gbook entries disappearing? I do not appreciate this.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
It's Nothing But Sand! If There Was Some Grass I Could Turn It Into Bread...
We went to Ocean City over the weekend and man, was it an adventure. We set out Friday evening intending to arrive at our destination that night, but there was a massive backup on the Chesapeake Bay bridge so we stopped in Annapolis and spent the night at a cheap hotel, venturing out again in the morning. Though the rain eased up Friday night, the wind got worse and worse as we neared the shore and by the time we were at our condo it was hard to walk straight and my glasses got crusted with greasy salt spray every time I went outside. The condo was lovely, aside from its thin walls which made sleeping difficult when people were screaming at each other in the parking lot and the many hot rods there for the car show were roaring up and down the streets. The balcony directly overlooked a beach and we went out Sunday morning to watch the sunrise. On Saturday we spent most of our time at the boardwalk, where we got to see a half-buried sand sculpture and the famous shark-impaled Ripley's Believe It Or Not. We also ate there and then I played Tekken and DDR with Yuki at the arcades. Later that night we went to the indoor heated pool and then celebrated my mom's birthday with ribs and a wonderful cake from none other than Whole Foods.
What I will remmeber forever about this trip is probably the wind and the sand. They worked together to bash us about on the boardwalk and generally make seeing a pain. We did miss the local flooding by a day or two, which was lucky.
I have start on a clay sculpture and an acrylic painting, which will suck up alot of my time this week... I'm very pleased with how the painting is coming along however. It will definitely go on my dA (I'm Azi-Chan on deviantArt, feel free to drop by!) when I am done. It's also going to be the picture for a new character I'm adding to my/Elgie's/Kit's rp Draconic Redemption. When my light box is fixed I'll finish toning Carmen for False Entities and you will see her on dA too. But I don't know where to get these crazy Japanese light bulbs... T_T
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
Fried Peasant Bread and Macaroni on a Stick
Renfest yesterday, whoo. I got an adorable hat and tore at a turkey leg with my teeth and bare hands. Ah, I love Renfest. We even got pulled into a dance! It was fun in general, yes ma'am.
I'm feeling a bit better these days, but I think maybe the antibiotic is conflicting with my antidepressant. Nothing for it but to live through a few more days though. I can stop after Thursday morning.
Supposedly Yuki, Sawa, and I are going to a Japanese cultural festival today, which will be fun. Maybe I'll get a goldfish that turns into a pretty man like in that one story in that manga...
Yuki: What are you doing?
Sawa: I'm swimming on the sofa.
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
Calling All Editors
I've long been a fan of the Artemis Fowl series, since before it was a series really. Colffer is a genius in the realm of sci-fi/fantasy, in my opinion. A technologically advanced Tolkien, if you will. He puts a lot of detail and backstory into his world, and that's something I really value.
And so there is yet another Fowl book out, The Lost Colony. I'm about a quarter of the way through and I've already hit two typos. In fact, recently I was reading Why Do Men Have Nipples? and Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex? and found many typos there as well. I certainly don't blame it on the author because it sometimes takes me a year to find a typo I wrote while in a frenzied flurry of typing. But I do blame the editor(s), because that's their job, to find those things, to pore over the manuscript until their eyes bleed and find every last mistake. If I do it for my friends' papers for free, I think these adults can do it for some cash. If you are not tired of the story by the time you are done editing it, do it again until you are. Chances are you skimmed some bits.
I call upon all grammar nazis and OCD spellers to lend a hand in the literary world. Perfection of technique leads to clarity, and without clarity there's no point in reading something at all. So save the failing literature of today, and teach everyone that proofreading is clarity, clarity is truth, and truth is beauty.
I got the album Faith by Hyde the other day (it was backordered so it didn't come with the previous shipment) and I love it to bits. Hyde has gone rather dark lately, it would seem. Catching a ride on the gothic visK train, perhaps? Doesn't matter, he's still got the most beautiful voice in the world. I wish he'd kept his hair long though. ;_;
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
I went to the doctor today for my illness. They weighed me.
I weigh 112 lbs.
Maybe you don't understand how incredible this is to me. I'll give a little backstory, since I'm not uncomfortable talking about my weight. I haven't been under 120 since maybe 5th or 6th grade. Right before I started high school, I was 148, then I lost 15 lbs in freshman PE and gained a few back over the summer. Then last November at the doctor's I weighed in at 135.
You'd think I was being starved. o_o Truth is, I exercise even less than usual and eat as much as ever. Maybe sinus infections are the key to wait loss.
The other day I heard an odd conversation between Yuki and Sawako, who is now staying at our house for a while as she finds another host family. It went something like this:
Yuki: Okay.
Sawako: Okay.
Yuki: Okay.
Sawako: Okay.
Yuki: Okay?
Sawako: Okay.
Yuki: Okay.
Sawako: Okay, okay.
Yuki: Okay.
Sawako: Okay.
Yuki: Okay.
Sawako: ...Okay.
I swear, that was it. No other word was spoken. Just "okay". The funniest thing was the it seemed to be meaningful to them, as though they were having a perfectly normal conversation. Those two are weird together.
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Well Crap
Some of you may recall that the Korn Family Values Tour includes Dir En Grey this time around, and that I was set to go to the one at Nissan Pavilion. Well, I didn't. This weekend I had planned to go on an AFS (American Field Services; the exchange program)-sponsored sleepover with Yuki, so I cancelled my plans to go to the concert. Then on Friday I find out that the sleepover is a full 24 hours, noon to noon, and I'm not willing to give up that much of my weekend. So I didn't do anything exciting this weekend at all. And apparently I missed out on a great concert.
Also, tonight I have to write two papers, finish a drawing, and watch a special on ABC. Well, technically I only have to write the papers, but the other things are important to me too.
And don't forget, tomorrow is TLAPD!! I expect all of you to celebrate.
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