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DES's hikari
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Tory (Dori, Tostito)
A lot, not that they matter. Anime Club President/Fuhrer till the end of this year.
Anime Fan Since
(age 4) Tonari No Totoro
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Gravitation, Weiss Kreuz, Hagaren (FMA), Kino No Tabi, .hack, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To go on an insane shopping spree in Tokyo sometime soon. Gosurori...
Drooling. Over many things.
I make a mean ramen, mm!
| shiroikarasu
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Let's Go Outback Tonight
Life will still be there tomorrow... Supposedly. :/
Apparently most people didn't get the joke at the end of my last post (I asked). I'll try to make it somewhat more clear. "Children's recipe" = "recipe for children". What's the recipe for children/babies?
Also, half-done with my midterms. w00t.
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Nia, Do You Know Children's Structure Room?
...Kanji is full of surprises...
So I'm translating some Death Note doujinshi and I come across this pair of kanji. I looked the first one up and it meant "sex" and I was like, "lol FINALLY". Then I looked up the second one and it meant "school". I kinda did a double-take there, but I put the readings together and looked them up in my dictionary... "Seikou" means "sexual intercourse" and apparently is comprised of the kanji for "sex" and "school". So next time you're talking about sex in school and a teacher or someone calls you out on it, tell them that little bit of info.
Also, I have no idea what the crap "kodomo no tsukuri kata" is supposed to mean. All I can figure out is "children's structure room" which makes no sense in context (see post title). *sigh*
Oh. "Tsukurikata" means "recipe". "Children's recipe"...? ......
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
Yama Nashi Ochi Nashi Imi Nashi
I learned something today. Allow me to share, for the sake of budding yaoi artists...
How to Draw Yaoi books are pretty much useless. I have two now, and I'm beginning to see a theme. Generally they are composed mostly of generic manga drawing instruction (proportions, shading, under drawing, etc.), with a few pages of actual yaoi-specific things thrown in at the end. I think my HTDM Couples book actually covered more yaoi than the latest HTDM Yaoi book I got. A whopping 5 pages of yaoi-related material.
So my suggestion is to buy books on drawing figures, poses, and clothing in general and not bother with stuff that claims to be yaoi-related. Your best bet for learning more about drawing yaoi is to look at actual yaoi works. For instance, Fumi Yoshinaga's manga (wootwoot) is a favorite of mine for numerous reasons, one of which is that it includes tons of different sex, kiss, and embrace poses. If you ever need reference for an unusual sex position, check Yoshinaga's stuff first. Although I suppose if it's really out-there Pleasure Dome might be your thing... Bleh. It wasn't mine. Some things just do not belong in the butt.
Anyway, I hope this helps somebody out there to save money on $20 drawing books (and spend it on yaoi manga instead, duh). Maybe not. Whatever.
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Hot Topic? Pff...
Sometimes HT's got some nice stuff, but the clothing brand I really want...
is Alice and the Pirates. <3<3<3<3!!!!!111oneone
Seriously. The shirts are pretty much your run-of-the-mill Gothloli stuff, but there are some great dresses with matching cuffs/armwarmers, and the coats and jackets are exquisite. I also like the pants...shorts...bloomers...whatever they are. The accessories are great, esp. the hats and rings. Some of my fave pieces are 103P327 side-frill standup collar long coat (new today), 103P501 corset skirt, 103P918 Mad Hatter's hat, 103P919 pirate boots, and 103P957 angel's wings ring.
At Kinokuniya in NYC they had a rack of imported Gloli clothes... and one of the sets was a jacket set with 103P301 swallowtail jacket. Waaayyy too expensive. Christmas is coming... And I'm gonna get boring presents as always. :P
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Monday, November 26, 2007
I Love You Egg
I've been eating eggs on toast a lot in the past couple days...
I found some old quiz results I had forgotten about (see bottom of page). Hahaaa, I am such a loot hoarder. Omg. Every con I rush into the dealer's room as soon as it's open and buy more stuff than I can carry...which is a problem because I usually have nowhere to put it. So I carry around bags of manga and figures and plushies for the rest of the day. =_= BUT IT'S SO WORTH IT. For some reason stuff makes me feel like I have fulfilled my destiny...
I'm thinking about reviving my old LJ account so I can join an EnxHaseo community and maybe post my fanfic... Does this seem like a good idea? I never liked sites like, felt too hectic and detached somehow, but I could be persuaded to post more fanfic if it was on LJ I think...
Yes, because more than two people totally read my posts here. :P
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Love You Too
I know I'm being extra-active all of a sudden. I'm hyped up on sugar.
I just started playing a kind of cute MMORPG called DOMO, which is currently still in closed beta. It has a unique system of relationships between characters; you can have "fate lines" connecting you to another player, based on certain character stats, that say you are compatible with one another, and there is also the ability to create friendship, teacher/student, or lover relationships. However, currently same-sex lover relationships are not enabled.
So on the forums someone put that in as a suggestion. Obviously I'm in favor of it because I love gay love, let's all be friends, whoo, and also because Exo decided to play a female character...So I need same-sex love to be his lover. ^_^U Suddenly people were freaking out saying they couldn't approve of such a thing in an online game that little kids play, it offends their religion, blah blah. Um. Apparently people are afraid not only of gay marriage in real life but the very thought of imaginary gay relationships. CHILL OUT PEOPLES. SERIOUSLY. THIS IS HOW PEOPLE GET ULCERS.
Anyway, I'm pissed at them all and can't say anything because the thread is already locked. But come on guys, you're playing a game where you kill things, including cute puppy dogs and other players, and yet you're having an aneurysm over homosexual love relationships? That don't necessarily actually exist?
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" -Anon.
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Whoa, dude
I totally almost forgot.
So Death Note music is awesome, especially the chorals. This cool thing happened a few weeks ago: My dad was with me driving (I was getting hours in) and I had Death Note going, and he suddenly mentioned that it sounded like they were singing parts of the traditional Latin Mass. I was like Duuu~de. So the other night I decided to do a direct comparison with the words of the Requiem Mass (using the booklet that came with Verdi's) and TADAA. I present to you now the lyrics, Latin and translated, to some of the choral tracks from DN.
Death Note Theme
Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla,
Teste David cum Sibylla.
Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando judex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus.
This day, this day of wrath
Shall consume the world in ashes,
As foretold by David and the Sibyl.
What trembling there shall be
When the judge shall come
To weigh everything strictly.
Kyrie Eleison
Christe Eleison
Kyrie Eleison
Lord have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us
Teleology of Death
Liber scriptus proferetur
In quo totum continetur
Unde mundus judicetur.
The written book shall be brought
In which all is contained
Whereby the world shall be judged.
(So fitting! o.o)
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
WHEEEE, okay, Latin buzz wearing off. Anyway, in case you wanna sing along with those catchy tunes (I know I do! really), there are the lyrics. And you know what they mean too. Woot.
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
So Rozen Maiden inspired me to try Darjeeling tea...And it's interesting. I might have let it brew too long, but then again maybe not. It has a very subtle fragrance and flavor, and it's bitter but not painfully so. I think I still prefer hearty teas like English breakfast and Earl Grey that can stand up to tons of cream and sugar (I add almost as much sugar as L). I also need to learn to make good sencha like they have at Niwa No Hana.
Um, yeah. Tea talk. I like tea. TEA GOOD.
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
Fuck you, University of Maryland. I hope everyone in your admissions department goes to Hell.
Have a nice day. : )
(No, I wasn't rejected; I haven't even applied yet. Because I don't want to go there. But I have to apply so that I have a backup school. And their application is so in-depth, it's like a joke. Dude, everyone gets accepted to UMCP, stop being so freaking snobby like you care about who gets in and who doesn't. You're like the whore of colleges.)
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Equivalent Exchange is for Losers
So I just had a thought (no it didn't hurt, har har). It's been a long time since I did FMA-related thinking, so here goes.
Equivalent Exchange is basically the principle that you can't create or destroy matter or energy (which is a basic physical law as well), so if you try to you end up using matter from somewhere else. Also it apparently applies to souls, or whatever you want to call the essence of life, in that they are of a value unequaled by anything else and therefore cannot be retrieved without a significant payment of other souls (Ed and Al only paid an arm, a leg, and a body, but they didn't get the soul back either; the Philosopher's Stone, however, with its collection of hundreds of souls, was sufficient to retrieve a soul). From the E.E. law also stems the idea that you can't make, for instance, a rock into bread. You need something of a similar make-up.
So I started to think of loopholes. The first one has to do with density. Say you have a hunk of lead, which is very dense. While it may small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, you could potentially transmute it into something considerably larger, of greater volume. This is because while you have increased its size, you have not increased its mass or amount of matter. Altering the density of a substance would allow you to transmute with less size limitations.
The other loophole I thought of is one I've been toying with for some time, and has to do with atomic structure. If subatomic particles have mass, which they do, they are considered matter, and can be transmuted like any other matter. Would it then be possible, with very sophisticated transmutation, to change, for example, a hydrogen atom to a helium atom by altering the number of protons? Just take some from or give some to nearby atoms. In fact, would it be possible for a proton t remain freely floating without being a part of an atomic nucleus? I suppose the biggest question is if one did manage to sever one or more protons from the nucleus, would this result in an atomic explosion? Would there be a way to do it without causing one? Because if so, it would be possible to create any element from any other element.
Just some thoughts. Oh, I also like the idea that human life energy from this side of the Gate is used on the other side for alchemy--energy is not destroyed but reused. What happens to the energy used in alchemy then? Does it zoom back over to supply a newly conceived baby? I assume it must be a particular kind of energy not currently recognized, since kinetic energy or heat energy or whatever would just be used on this side. Hm, just thoughts, yes.
PS - Got Ichigenme vol. 2, yes MORE Fumi Yoshinaga... I am so spoiled by her. Goodness.
PPS - I have a shirt emblazoned with the title of this post. Thank you Aardvark Tees.
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