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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Well, this is distressing. We've been signed up to Netflix for a while now, and everything is pretty much going fine and dandy, except that a few weeks ago I got a Rurouni Kenshin DVD in Yami No Matsuei's clothing--and now this. Twice we've ordered the first Medabots (don't laught at me, I loved that show! It was funny!) DVD, and twice it's come broken. The first one was broken clean in half, somehow, and the second one was just cracked. I'm amazed, considering how hard it is to break a CD; I've tried, and ended up attacking it with scissors. Are kids who watch Medabots terrible violent? Or does someone out there really hate this show? Or is there someone stalking me and frustrating me by not letting me see the beautiful Henry (I know lots of Henry's, but none of them are real...)?
And now that we've touched upon this subject, I suppose it's time to let it all out. I...once had a crush...on Metabee. I know, I know. It's bizarre. But I was a bizarre child--and still am, in some ways. I also liked Yugi for a while, which is more understandable. The boy wears leather as casual wear, I mean, come ON! He's asking for it! But yeah... I also fell for Mewtwo when Dan Green did his dub voice in the second Pokemon movie involving him (Mewtwo Returns, I believe). Ah, Dan Green. The power you have over me. Thankfully, no more. Now I only fawn over proper humanoids. And the occasional demon, shinigami, homunculus, or vampire/dhampir. ...You know what I mean.
And Al is adorable. *hugs him* Ow, you're pointy!
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Wow, it's been a while. Well, here I am, healthy as ever (which isn't all that healthy, but I'm used to it) and still functioning satisfactorily. Some news, some news... A student-comprised band played at our assembly this morning, and it was hilarious; they sang Tribute to the Best Song in the World. And we're watching Castle in the Sky at our anime club meeting this Friday. Exciting, I know.
Oh yeah, since apparently I forgot to ever mention it... I'm bi! Yup. It was funny when I mentioned it to Lisa and she looks at me all shocked like, "When did this happen?" Yeah... Kind of an important thing to tell your friends of eight years. Remember that.
Also, anyone good at RPGMaker 03? I'm having a little trouble with forks and variables, and definitely coding. Argh.
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Monday, September 26, 2005
Wheehay, webcomics!
Oh dear. And guess what kind of phone I have? XD
I found the link while reading Filthy Lies, an interesting webcomic I stumbled across while looking through links at Friendly Hostility, the sequel, if you will, to Boy Meets Boy (sadly ended long ago). That enough plugs for ya? Oh, caution, BMB is very yaoi. Very. The other two are only mildly gay though. *angelic smile*
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Friday, September 23, 2005
"Golly, Simon! Open the valve!"
Saw Steamboy today. Was not impressed. Aside from the gorgeous animation, it was long, boring, and confusing. It wasn't even chaotic confusing like Akira was. So we, as the GC Anime Club, MSTed it to pieces, as is our duty. I love our meetings, and laughing so hard my stomach hurts. I'll miss all the seniors next year...
We had chariot races today in Latin, and I fell on my back and scraped it up. Ouchies. It didn't really bother me until I took a shower when I got home, and it stung like a bitch. Stupid Birkel, tipping the wagon like that.
Also, I highly recommend Cromartie High. It's hilarious and the music is a blast.
I'm going to an Anti-Home-coming party tomorrow. They ran out of tickets 'cause the stupid froshies were buying five or six at a time for their friends at other schools. Bah. I'm going out with Jenny, which is way better than some stupid dance. XP
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
"h" will drive me to suicide...
I'm in honors pre-calc. In sophomore year. Yeah. Ouch.
(In case you didn't know, h in calculus is delta x. I think when I tried to comprehend it it gave me an aneurism.)
So, lately I've been back into writing, and drawing some older characters of mine. Well, not really older, but neglected. oor little things. Also, I'm trying to learn Russian pronunciation so I can sing "Brat'ja" properly. It's not working too well so far. I wish it were as easy as Japanese where aaaall the vowels are the same every time and aaaall the consonants are the same every time... *sigh* Those mean Russians, making their language so complicated. (I'm such a great American patriot... I don't care about Communism, it's the pronunciation that gets me.)
Nyeh. It's my new word, from too much Russian. Gack.
(Ha ha, Gack... like Gackt...)
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Cyrillic is fun! Anyone care for a transliteration of Brat'ja from FMA? Anyone? Or am I the only person who cares?
*sigh* Well, I've had a sinus infection for the past few days, which seems to have messed up my inner ear a bit and so I've been dizzy and sick to my stomach. I went to the doctor yesterday to get some antibiotics, so it should clear up soon.
I've also been working on an RPG with RPGMaker 2003--here's the gist of it: The title is "Bishounen Tamer", and it's about a shy girl who just transferred to a new high school in junior year and then something weeeird happens in the nurse's office and she's transported to a completely different world. Cliche, yeah, but it's my first game ever, so lay off. Anyway, in this world, fighting males are warriors of one sort or another, but fighting females are called "bishounen tamers" and command small groups of bishounen. It's like Pokemon only with a kind of S&M touch. And so the heroine finds out she's supposed to be some kind of ultimate bishounen tamer who will go around working for the good of all, solving little problems and so forth. Then, after a while, rumors of a menacing monster in the north start springing up, and of course our heroine treks off to confront the menace... But it turns out to be a succubus bent on gaining control of all the bishounen in the world! The majority of our heroine's bishies are gay so they are unaffected by the succubus's beguiling nature, but her very first bishounen, the one who accompanied her all the way from the little feudal Japanese village all the way to where she is now... is drawn in! The final battle is a test of loyalty. I've decided this game is going to have a lot of gags and a lot of breaking the fourth wall. Anyway, we shall see how it turns out. Yupyup.
EDIT: Uwaa! I finally got to see the first Yami No Matsuei DVD! Oh, it was sooo good! The animation is gorgeous! The voice acting is superb! Well, the Japanese voice acting. I cried when I heard the voices for the dub. My otaku heart broke into a million pieces. The only decent voice actor they managed to scrounge up was Dan Green (granted, he's pretty good, but...), and the voices were just all wrong. Gushoshin had this adorable little bird-like voice in the Japanese, but in the dub he had the deepest voice of all the characters. My response: What the F**K?!! *sigh* And they made Watari sound like a douche. Poor Watari-chan. Oh, and Hisoka ended up sounding like a bratty teenager--he's supposed to sound pretty, you dumbasses. But, at least they got Tsuzuki pretty right. Dan Green would be my first choice. But for Hisoka... Vic Mignogna. That would be better. Vic's good at sounding young. And for Watari, hm, whoever plays Mechazawa for the dub of Cromartie High. And I don't know what I'd do for Gushoshin, but definitely not that. Retards. Hmph. But, as I was saying, as long as you watch it subbed, it is beauuuutiful. Fangirl's delight. :3 And the Hisoka/Tsuzuki food fight was awesome. So get a hold of it somehow and watch it, and try not to lose too much blood out of your nose. Hetero males need not worry about that.
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
I'm putting together a scrapbook of random stuff--photos, memorobilia, labels, etc.-- and I ran across a sheet of paper Mr. Ravi gave us at the end of eighth grade. This is the first time I've really even thought about eighth grade in a long time, and the people whom I haven't seen in over a year (most of which I don't want to see ever again). Anyway, the paper was titled, "Goodbye, 2004: You broke my heart when you grew up, but I forgive you. When thinking of you, this is what I see. Mr. R." There's a list of all our names and the titles he's given us. I was Pegasus Soaring. Lisa was Truth Seer. Ashley was Faithful in All Things. Even after this long time, I can see why he thought of Lisa and Ashley that way--I'm still puzzling over my own though. And it makes me think, he really cared about us. I always got that feeling from him, that he would be the teacher who missed us most when we left, aside from maybe Miss Smith. Well, Mr. Ravi, I want you to know I miss you too. You'd make a great teacher at Good Counsel. God knows we need more teachers with a sense of humor.
That, and putting my favorite Pokemon cards (except for my Umbreon card, which I lost and was distraught over for weeks) under plastic made me remember my younger years in a better light than I usually use. It didn't all suck. In fact, in seventh and eighth grade, it was me who sucked, though I couldn't really help it. Those Pokemon years were positively blissful. For once I was actually into what other people were into, and people appreciated things from Japan instead of patronizing them like they're back to doing now. I'll miss that Umbreon card. Although I don't think I'll miss the writing I did back then; that was horrible stuff.
It just goes to show, even a 15-year-old can be sentimental about the past.
...Dammit, I miss DES.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
It's piccy time! w00t! Because I know you're all dying to see people dressed up in funny outfits.
A little aside: I never thought to ask for permission to publicly post these people's pictures (alliteration, yay!), so for legality's, and courtesy's sake I've shoddily pasted black rectangles over their eyes so they look like criminals. Cosplaying criminals. Sounds like fun. Here we go. I love you, Photobucket.
Let's start out with Jewish Wolfwood. If you're in on the con-going scene you may have heard of him or seen him or met him or slept with him or whatever. If you haven't seen him before, here he is. If you don't get the joke, you're just like my mom.

Next up we have everyone's favorite dunpeal. Y'know, D. The guy with the hat and the pointy things on his shoulders... Never mind. Uncultured people. (Side note: I accidentally typed "unvultured". Any guesses as to that word's meaning? I'm clueless.)

Ah, a crazy group of FMA cosplayers. It doesn't get much better than this. I love how Riza's got a puppy and Maes's got a sign with his daughter's picture on it. It's those little details that really get to me. I may just cry...

Scar has decided to punish Naruto for interrupting the all-FMA shot by blowing up his head. Those crazy religious fanatics.

Oh no! It's Ginji all by himself! What happened to Ban? Now you've got me all worried. How authentic this Ginji looks though, with the hand-lettered sign and the unwashed look. Whee?

Wow, you've gotta look at this automail... Wow... So shiny... And detailed... I love this person, whoever she is.

Everyone's favorite pink-haired androgynous pop star slutboy. I've got an even better picture from Katsucon of an actual guy in this getup, but I'm too lazy to resize it right now. Shame.

Kyaa! It's Sai! *huggles* You are my favorite person ever! Ever ever! (Hint: If you want instant Tory-love, cosplay as Sai. She loves Sai.)

Aww, it's Chiyo-chan in her dolphin suit... And someone in the cafe uniform behind her, if you look closely. I do feel sorry for her, in a big old suit like that in late August. Ugh.

Ah, a beautiful Seto outfit. I'm sad there weren't more YGO cosplayers at Otakon. There were a fair share at Katsucon, but i guess it was just not meant to be...

*squeals* KA~WA~I~I! Now I need to raise kids to go cosplaying with me. (This is why I'm not allowed to be a parent.)

Lovely outfits, and coordinated too. You just can't beat those die-hard Pokemon fans when it comes to dedication. Aren't they just snuggle-able? ...Or is it just me and my love of fuzzy aminals? Yeah, probably just me.

Now here's someone I think is very thankful for that black bar. That takes guts. But anyway, let me introduce the star of Strawberry Eggs. I was so impressed with his bravery I couldn't help but take a picture.

Yay! More Demon Diary fans! I think it's funny that Eclipse is shorter than Raenef here. And that there's no Chris. Ha ha, Chris, nobody loves you. Especially not me. Nyah.

Ah, a touching moment captured on film. Well, on memory card, anyway. Here we see Maes Hughes proposing to Roy Mustang. A rare and wonderful sight indeed. If only they weren't both girls. (The sign says "Will hug Vash and Roy Mustang")

"When I become Fuhrer, all the female personnel will be required to wear really short miniskirts!"
"I love you, Mustang! I'll follow you for the rest of my life!"
Or something like that.

That guy is Vic Mignogna. I swear. If you could hear his voice, you'd believe me. But, as James said, "If you weren't such a shrimp..." Yes, I beat him up after that.

It's a person cosplaying as a tentacle cosplaying as Vash. Yup. It doesn't get much better than that.

Oh wait, yes it does! Now we get to see pictures of me, which aren't censored! Whee! Here are me and me as Mine from Fruits Basket. You know, Aya's shop assistant. One person recognized me. I could have kissed her.

And here's me... with blonde hair. As Enki, of course. And yes, I will submit both costumes to the cosplay section here, as soon as I get my act together. Really I will.

And, to finish up, it's me and Al! Not quite as good as me and Ed, but it could be worse (think me and Gluttony; there would be blood).

Deep breaths everyone, the pain is over. No more until I get my ass in gear and resize other pictures for your viewing pain. Yes, my hair is back to a semi-normal color now. No, I did not spontaneously make out with any Ed cosplayers. I have some self-control. Some.
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Havoc's song from FMA has got to be one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard...translated or in Russian.
I've got Otakon pics, now I just need to resize, upload, and link. Give it a little while, school's starting up and I'm uncomfortably busy.
Also, anyone have a friggin' clue as to how I got into hon. US history and not hon. lit./comp.? I suck at history and rule at lit.... *sniffle* Stupid schedule restrictions putting me in yucky classes.
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
Bye Bye, Strange Chameleon
Bigu nyuuzu! I bleached my hair for Otakon! Kyaa! It looks so weird. >_< But we're dying it back tonight, I think... Since orientation is tomorrow. o.o
WOW. There's so much to tell. Firstly, I am a little sad because I didn't get Vic Mignogna's (Ed's VA) autograph, because there were sooooo many people waiting in line that there wouldn't have been time for us. That's okay though, because we got to see him at a panel called Full Metal Fantasy. Small Spoiler Warning: There we got to see a brand new short film Vic wrote himself, about him turning into Ed and having to fight off the FMA villains--but it was all a dream... or was it? Anyway, this short may end up on one of the FMA DVDs--os you might have to go to a con to see it. We were all very privileged to get to see it though... End Spoiler Warning We also got to see the next FMA eppy before it's released! And not the ones you can get with the games... the one after that. That was all so much fun, and some really enthusiastic cosplayers behind us were quoting lines and I got a picture of Hughes proposing to Mustang. Hee hee.
And we bought stuff! Lots of stuff! I got two Ed plushies )one movie and one show), a Kumagorou plushie (finally! yay!), a shirt with a big Totoro face on it, 3 pins--Ginji, Yohji, and Ed, a complete set of FMA figurines (the kind where you can't tell which one you're getting because it doesn't say on the box) plus two extras, a wrking imitation state alchmist pocket watch, complete with the engraving from Ed's, a very nice FMA necklace that came with the watch, some dot tones (Deleter had a booth! wheeeee! Deleter!), a Shigure hat like the Kyou and Yuki ones you see around sometimes, a nice big woven hat to keep the sun off, the 2nd volume of Selfish Love, and 3 CDs: Best of L'Arc~En~Ciel '94-'98, Howl's Moving Castle soundtrack, and the pillows Please Mr. Lostman, from which I got my lil' quote in the title. My mom also got a Kyou hat, a black silk "kung fu" outfit, and a pretty vintage haori from the 70s. We sent far too much money, but it was so much fun!
Ah, the cosplayers! The wonderful cosplayers! There were some really good ones this year. I'll be posting pictures in the next few days when my mom gets them off the camera and onto the computer. There was an absolutely adorable pair of Kaibas, one full-grown and one a little kid. It was so cute! One picture I'm sad I didn't get was of a very authentic-looking Lady Eboshi with an incredibly detailed stuffed forest god's head under her arm... That was, as my mom put it, "the most amazing stuffed thing you've ever seen".
In between all the shopping and people-watching and Vic-drooling, we went and watched funny things. Namely, Cromertie High, Hare Guu (Jungle Wa Itsumo Hare Nochi Guu) which isn't available yet T_T, and of course Sat. Night Fan Parodies. I also caught the tail end of something called "Spring and Chaos" and it was the weirdest acid-trip anime I've ever seen. Anyone got any hints? Cuz I'm stumped. And of course there was Full Metal Fantasy. You have no idea how much it touched me to hear an entire huge room of people singing "Ready Steady Go" together. Wow. I almost cried.
That's all that comes to mind immediately. I'll add things later if I think of them. Oh yes, it was the greatest hotel stay I've ever had in my life. Nice people, pretty and spacious rooms, a working air conditioner, hot water, good breakfast, no noise... Very nice. I recommend the Hampton to anyone and everyone looking for a good hotel. I'm free advertising!
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