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DES's hikari
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Tory (Dori, Tostito)
A lot, not that they matter. Anime Club President/Fuhrer till the end of this year.
Anime Fan Since
(age 4) Tonari No Totoro
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Weiss Kreuz, Hagaren (FMA), Kino No Tabi, .hack, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To go on an insane shopping spree in Tokyo sometime soon. Gosurori...
Drooling. Over many things.
I make a mean ramen, mm!
| shiroikarasu
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Monday, July 4, 2005
"Kaye sat down on the edge of his bed the way she would have if she was in Janet's room and picked up the nearest comic. It was all in Japanese. Blond hero and heroine--she always thought it was weird there were so many blonds in anime--bad guy with really, really long black hair and a cool headpiece. A cute, fat ball with bat wings fluttering around as a sidekick. She flipped a little further. Hero naked and lashed in the bad guy's bed. She stopped flipping and stared at the picture. The blond's head was thrown back in either ecstasy or terror as the villain licked one of his nipples.
She looked up at Corny and held out the book. "Let me guess...this is shonen-ai?" "
BWAHAHAHA!! No. No, it is not. That is yaoi. Shonen-ai is fluffy. Yaoi is yum--I mean, uh, hardcore. Silly author. I still love you though. *huggles book*
Goddamn bad thoughts. XP
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Happy America Day!
I'm simultaneously partway into 5 different novels. Ack.
So Gravitation finally ended for me last night. Last volume, no. 12. It was very different from the anime ending. All in all, it was more satisfying. Although it's never quite the same without Seki Tomokazu as Shuichi. *fawn, fawn* I discovered that Maki Murakami and I actually have something in common: we're both Geminis, and we act like them too. It's so neat to have something in common with one's hero...
I'm going to start work on my comic now. ^_^ I'll notify you when (if? T_T) the page is set up. I'm so excited. Thanks to exo for helping me with the naming thing. ^___^ I'm just so happy right now, whee! Spare ribs for dinner, yum. Okay, now I'm rambling...
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Wow... Totally forgot to mention that we got another hamster. He's a long-haired hamster, a kind of dark tan color, and absolutely adorable. We named him Grunge after "Ride On Shooting Star" by the pillows. ^_^ He still needs to be hand-tamed, but he's catching on fast. He is so full of energy and runs in his wheel aaaaaaall night. >.< Crazy thing.
I should've saved some of my conversations from last night... I was talking with James about Fire Emblem pairings, ha. I was asking about what pairings ctually end up married in the end and he mentioned that Ewan and his master Saleh become equals in power and go off in the wilderness to train together. Then I had a coughing fit. Then he mused that "so if they're equals, does that mean that Ewan gets to be on top sometimes?" It's so fun to have someone to talk to about these things. >_> I also talked to Brad and he made me laugh. He does that a lot.
Remember: Pillage before you burn. (Yes'm, I am a quiz junkie.)
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Friday, July 1, 2005
I just read an article on new features in the Sims2 Nightlife EP. I am so psyched for fall! This EP sounds like it's going to make the faintly disappointing Uni EP look like Sims1... Not only will there be my much-awaited vampires, but also all kinds of new stuff--new toddler clothes, new hairstyles, new dances and interactions, cars, karaoke machines and bowling, new complexities on the relationship level, a new aspiration, and, of course, new Downtown areas. And--I almost had a heart attack when I read this, which will demonstrate what a Sims dork I am--half-height walls! Half-height walls! HALF-HEIGHT WALLS! God, I'm such a dork... *squee* I can't wait!
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Since I'm bored today, I think I'll write a post that will probably bore you more than usual. Here is a forum discussion (Smartania, so you can be sure these people know what they're talking about when it comes to fanfic) on Robin Hobb's opinion (link in first post) of fanfiction. I actually enjoyed reading this discussion, because a lot of very valid points that also happened to coincide with my personal opinion were made. It bothers me to see authors (there's a brief list on somewhere) who expressly want NO FANFICTION written based on their work. Paraphrasing from the forum discussion, which you should actually read if you want more background: Relax. It's fanfic, not the end of the world.
One point not addressed was Hobb's statement that "if this is true, then karaoke is the path to become a singer, coloring books produce great artists, and all great chefs have a shelf of cake mixes". No, these things will not take you all the way to the top. But what fanfiction and the other things listed here can do is provide a jumping-off point for beginners. If you can't write fanfic, or bake with a cake mix, or sing karaoke, then you definitely will have problems writing best-selling novels, catering for weddings, and going platinum. Someone who can't even begin to write shouldn't be diving straight into the deep end of writing, trying to get attempts at high-level writing published. While they will receive grade A critiquing, it may be too much to take in at once. Fanfiction is a good place to start, especially in a public forum (and I don't mean a forum with threads and posts, necessarily), where one can receive tips on the basics. It's easier to climb up the ladder one rung at a time than to jump straight onto the roof.
Ah, I do so love long-winded persuasive paragraphs.
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
All right, folks, I've got a bit of a dilemma. I've decided that I'll apply for a webcomic site at Keenspace once they've completed their name change. The problem is that a major plot device is DDR. To avoid copyright issues I'd like to slightly change the name and concept (or at least art). Any ideas, toss'em this way. Remember that the sooner I come up with the DDR replacement, the sooner I can start my comic, and the sooner you can go read it. I promise it will be at least somewhat entertaining. ^_^
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
X-Japan rocks. 'Nuff said.
So, my karate classes start up again this weekend! I'm so excited! It's been forever. >.< I wonder if any people I know are still there...
I love summer. Summery summery summer. When else do I have enough time in one day to study hiragana, read an entire multi-chapter fanfic, catch up with new downloads at MTS2, play GBA games for at least an hour, and still have time to doodle while watching Adult Swim? There is no other time. ^_^
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Just movin' the posts along...
My cousin visited last night and she said she'll burn me some CDs of the entire season of Haga-ren (aka FMA). That cheered me up. I'm also steadily progressing through Fire Emblem, and I've only lost 5 characters. That's pretty good for me.
I've also been watching the 1st season of Yugioh... It's pretty funny, both intentionally and unintentionally. The unintentional bit is Yugi and Yami's voices... I just can't get over the difference between the 1st season and the later ones. Then again, the female voice is rather suiting for Yugi.
Oh yeah, a few weeks ago I posted a one-shot SOEX ClaudexAshton fic ( I also finished my second YGO fic a while back. In case you're interested. And no, I'm not handing out my pen name anymore... Personal reasons. If you've got it, please do visit.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Eerie similarity, anyone?
(Hyde belongs to himself as does the other guy; Midare Somenishi belongs to its creator(s) and isn't making me any money)
(Oh, and sorry about the cut-off graphic; IE's a bitch sometimes. And sorry about the humongo MS pic... I was too lazy to resize. That's how much I love you.)
So I'm debating what to write in my fan email to Vic Mignogna (the really talented voice of Edward Elric in one of the best professional dubs I have ever seen)... I'd like to ask him a little about what he thought of Kino No Tabi and his roles in that, if he's been to Baltimore before (he'll be at Otakon this August, squeal), and, of course, if he'll marry me once I come of age. Any thoughts? Suggestions? I'd like this to be a fan email to remember. ^.^
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Just finished watching Moon Child starring Hyde and Gackt. I'd heard that it wasn't anything to write home about, but I wanted it anyway because it's got Hyde and Gackt in it--and vampires. So I watched it...and it was gorgeous. I'm sure there are numerous flaws visible to the trained eye, but I haven't got one of those, so I liked it. It made me cry until my eyes burned. Beautiful movie. Funny in parts too. I reccommend it if you can find it for cheap. It only comes in Japanese with English subtitles, but I think you'll live.
And my god, was Hyde stunning in that. At one point it was like looking at a fallen angel. Wow. A must-see for fangirls.
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