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DES's hikari
Real Name
Tory (Dori, Tostito)
A lot, not that they matter. Anime Club President/Fuhrer till the end of this year.
Anime Fan Since
(age 4) Tonari No Totoro
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Weiss Kreuz, Hagaren (FMA), Kino No Tabi, .hack, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To go on an insane shopping spree in Tokyo sometime soon. Gosurori...
Drooling. Over many things.
I make a mean ramen, mm!
| shiroikarasu
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
Mysterious sn's
Hey there, people. Recently I've checked my AIM profile views and two sn's I did not know showed up (as well as Brandon's *guilty look*). Akutozen and YukiTenshino. Obviously these are intelligent people who have some if not a lot of understanding of Japanese, but I don't have any clue who they are. (Checked Akutozen's profile just in case but all it said was "Rar", not very informative.) If any of you either know who they are or are the owner of one of these sn's, please tell me. This is mostly just out of interest and curiosity, since I'm not available for chat searches and the only other way I can think of for people to find my sn is to either come to this site or to Gaia. If you don't know I will assume they're from Gaia. Thank you!
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Well, I don't think I was mistaken when I thought I was in love. It's true, I really am hopelessly in love with Nick. It's just... this feeling you get, completely inexplicable, that tells you, This is the one, this is the one you love. Not to mention your stomach feels like it's testing out a new theme park ride. But it's a good lightheadedness, it's all a very pleasant sensation. It does make it difficult to think of something to say, though.
I just wonder... What would it be like... if Nick and I really met and married someday? From where I stand, it doesn't sound too impossible. The only question is whether our love can withstand the time, and only time will tell this. Is young love really so fleeting? Soemhow I think this is different. It feels sturdy, like a big, sun-warmed rock like the ones on Sugarloaf mountain. I hiked up Sugarloaf once, and it's so pretty up there... Anyway. Just getting feelings off my chest. You probably would have been better off ignoring my romantic ramblings, but if you made it this far you obviously didn't, so sorry. See you...later today, then.
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Look who's up in the middle of the night again! Reminds me of summer, when I would stay up this late all the time... Well, I'm going to this thing at Westfield Mall where you buy tickets to go into the mall after hours and there are sales and things. As if I needed more stuff...
Soooo sleepy. I may go to bed soon. We'll see. *yawn* *falls asleep on keyboard*
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Saturday, November 15, 2003
Haven't done a quiz in a while, so...
 You're Most Like The Season Autumn ...
You're warm, and the most approachable. You have that gentle prescence about you. People can relate to you, and find you easy company. However it's likely you've been hurt in the past and it has left you scarred so things can become rather chilly with you at times. Being the third Season in, you're mature, trustworthy and loyal to your friends but prone to depression and negative thinking.
Well done... You're the shy and sensitive season :)
?? Which Season Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
I think this is about as close as you can possibly get to my personality. U^_^ Pretty much right on the dot. Autumn's my favorite season too, not too cold, not too hot, but more cold than hot.
In case you're wondering about my day, I watched Yugioh taped (I love my miracle mother, she always remembers these things), sent the first chappy of my fic to Gerry for beta-reading, and rented the Cowboy Bebop Movie and the Yu Yu Hakusho Movie to watch eventually... And that's about it, so you didn't miss much.
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It's 4:10 AM... Do you know where Tory is? 'Cuz I don't.
Guess who went to bed early? Guess who woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep? Guess who has nothing better to do in the wee hours of the morn than check her myOtaku site? No... I don't believe it's Conan O'Brien... Or Britney Spears--No-- someone you KNOW! -_- Not your imaginary pet woodchuck, no. It's ME, Toasty, hikari, whatever you may call me!
I will now proceed to tell you all about my interesting day involving flyers (other things were involved, too, but I'm going to try to keep this short, somehow). Lisa and I were trying to help James (her neighbor) get his door unlocked. While he was getting help from someone else, a woman came up to us, and, thinking that we lived at James's (at least Brandon lives there too), handed us a flyer and didn't give one to James's house. After running over the paper a few times with Lisa's scooter (it left pretty tire-marks!) we decided to stick it on Brandon's car's windshield under the wiper blade. Then we got the one from Lisa's house and rolled it up and stuck it in the door handle of the front door. THEN, later we got the one from Ashley's house and put that one on Brandon's car too. We got to see him come home and we were laughing and laughing... He's a funny guy, Brandon. Doesn't say much, though.
Also about cars and windshields... *sniffle* The windshield of our beloved Aztek has to be... replaced. Something smashed into it pretty darn hard and now there's a shattered bit on the far passenger side. It could've been the wind, it could have been that my mom drove into something and didn't realize it, or someone could've smashed it themselves (in which case I will probably hunt them down and kill them; I love that Aztek so much!), but in any case it needs fixing. v_v Poor car... What did it ever do? We never ran over any animals in it, or hit any other cars or signposts or people or Pocky trees...
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Friday, November 14, 2003
Here's the email Lisa wanted me to see. It's short, but TOTALLY WEIRD!
The United States of America is typically represented
by an eagle. Saddam should have read up on his Muslim passages...
The following verse is from the Koran, (the Islamic Bible).
Koran (9:11) -- For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.
Note the verse number!!!!!
Weird, ne? All right, I think that's it for today, for now.
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Guess what! I have NO SCHOOL FOR 4 1/2 DAYS!!! YESS! Half-day today for report cards, the weekend, and I'm shadowing like Lisa on Monday and Tuesday (Pallotti and then GC). Sadly, since I'm shadowing, that doesn't mean I'll be on during the day Mon and Tue, but at least I won't be at school either.
Anyway, Sr. Daniel Mary actually went insane today. I think she had tooooo much sugar for breakfast... She started out getting mad at us, but suddenly she started doing the weirdest stuff. She read us a paragraph and started talking about narrative poems, and said, "A narrative poem is a stooory poem. It's got to have 3 things: Cha-rac-TOR, set-ting, and plot!" And then she took the bit about a real-life tragedy and we were all laughing as she said "tragedy", which made me laugh too. She was squeaking and saying "self" all the time... Just insane.
Lisa is begging me to read an email and I'm too lazy to open another window, so I'll see you cool people later.
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Thursday, November 13, 2003
Day... slowly... getting better...
Last night when I went skirt shopping (girls have to wear skirts when shadowing at Pallotti or GC--that's Good Counsel, by the way), at Hecht's I suddenly saw this row of shirts on the wall. White, gold, red, and black, all satiny looking. But here's the clincher: they had Mandarin collars and frogs (the fasteners, not the animals) all the way down the front, like a Chinese shirt. They don't cross, so they don't look stupid like the other Mandarin-collared shirts I've seen that cross the wrong way, and they're actually made in Hong Kong. I got one, in gold (since I've already got so much black I can't tell one shirt from the other in my closet), and it's sooooo awesome. It feels good just sitting here in it...*sigh* I wish you guys could see it, it's a beautiful shirt, but sadly I don't have any camera at all and NO STINKIN' WEBSPACE so I'm a-stuck.
Also in today's news, I just watched the first Lum*Urusei Yatsura movie, Only You. Very... interesting... Also, Janime's back up! Sadly, the movie clips are down. Aty least the songs and opening and ending clips are still working. There's some early talent show this year I was considering asking about, and the song "Warriors" is a candidate for what I would sing. I love that song! I also love the opening theme "Shuffle" and the ending theme "Ashita Moshi Kimi Ga Kowaretemo" (quit a big mouthful that'll garauntee whoever you're speaking to will be eternally confused). I discovered I can play the glockenspiel! Go me! And my Confirmation name will be Rafael. St. Rafael is the patron saint of lovers, and I'm such a romanticist... Plus my biggest goal in life is to change the law about homosexual marriages in the Church, and that sort of relates too. I don't care if it's a boy's name, Tory spelled with an "i" sounds ditzy, so I've gotta balance it out. Eeeeewwwwww, the zit on my chin just popped and it's all pussy... Gross... And yet somehow cool...
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AGH! IhatehrIhateherIhateher!!!!!
Sr. must die. Now. Please. Or at LEAST retire and leave us alone! OK, here's the whole incident:
Sr. put two poems on the board, and told us to copy them down and mark the stressed and unstressed syllables. I did them both easily and Sr. began to work on them with the rest of the class because they were having trouble. I already knew this stuff inside and out, so I started doodling a bit on a spare piece of paper. Sr. ended up grabbing the binder out of my hands and started scolding me for doodling. She kept saying stuff like, "You shouldn't have done that poem, we're doing it on the board." So I responded along the lines of, "Excuse me, but I believe you assigned us to work on those two poems." She went on about how I was getting ahead and I did my fair share of arguing (when I have a beef, I let someone know, and I never give up in an argument I've started, EVER), and then she did the worst. She started reading my scribbles out loud. Pardon me, but this is not a paper I am handing in and does not need to be projected to the entire class! No, but this little bit is the final stroke for me: She does not seem to be able to read, so she read "Yuki" as "Yuck". HOW DARE SHE TARNISH THE NAME OF EIRI YUKI?! HOW DARE SHE?!!! I don't even KNOW how she was pronouncing Shuichi's name, and it's probably a good thing or else she'd be murdered brutally by tomorrow morning.
One good thing about today, though. I made it to the finalists for being chosen as eighth grade representative for the Reader's Digest vocabulary contest!!! I tied for representative with Will, so all I have to do is get a better score than him on the final test we took today. Hah! I was the only girl finalist for eighth... So sad...
And here is the second concrete poem I wrote. Apparently one cannot make concrete poems on the computer very well, so it's not in shape.
Ooh, the rough,
mushy, creamy goodness
of mashed potatoes, warmed.
Lumpy but still soft, buttery
and starchy, pooling gravy from
last night's steak like a dip
in the sidewalk, collecting rain.
A bit of skin, crunchy but
floppy, like a fried slug, only
better-tasting. Mm, mm,
mm, potatoes. Mm.
Tadaa! Isn't it lovely? Of course it is. Lisa wrote a poem too.
Frogs wait in anticipation to jump,
Then they jump gloriously.
Fly, froggie, fly!
I could very well be getting high off of the Sharpie I left open by accident, so I'll just be going now...
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Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Well, I have to write a short story tonight. It's going to be used for speech team too, so it's gotta be GOOD. I'm thinking of writing about a girl whose friends join a cult, and she thinks about joining them too, because they say stuff about it like it's a "community where we're all accepted" and stuff. Then something'll happen (either se goes to church and prays and the Lord tells her what to do or one of the friends disappears and is found dead or something; tough choice). I don't know WHAT teachers will think of this, but I think it's a fairly pressing and dramatic matter. Perfect for a short story. The tough thing will be getting it short enough. 3-5 minutes long when read out loud. Here I go...
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