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DES's hikari
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Tory (Dori, Tostito)
A lot, not that they matter. Anime Club President/Fuhrer till the end of this year.
Anime Fan Since
(age 4) Tonari No Totoro
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Weiss Kreuz, Hagaren (FMA), Kino No Tabi, .hack, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To go on an insane shopping spree in Tokyo sometime soon. Gosurori...
Drooling. Over many things.
I make a mean ramen, mm!
| shiroikarasu
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Tuesday, October 21, 2003
(no subject)
I JUST remembered something that happened yesterday. I fell asleep in math class (again!), and Kelly and The Hated One were throwing pens at me and I didn't wake up. They were yelling at me before I would. I feel silly now.
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All right, back to my normal self today. I was grumpy earlier, but I feel better now. Those long-lost book orders finally came! It was so funny, while I was standing around the box with Chloe and Ashley and Kelly and Miss Smith was handing out the books. She handed me my list and started holding up the remaining books. "Tory, here are some of yours..." She gave me a few books. "All right, who's got this one?" "Me." "And this?" "That's mine." "And what about this book?" Ashley grabbed her copy, and Miss Smith held up the other. "Wait, I got that one too." I ended up with a huge pile of books in my arms that I could barely carry to my backpack. Needless to say I had to bring home my homework in my hands.
But this means I have all my new stuff. I got an issue of Shonen Jump (not Sunday... I think the other one I'm ordering is Shonen Sunday--or is it?) and it's the one with the virtual pets. I love that one because of that one line... Poor Honda. I also got the Prima guide to Stairway to the Destined Duel: Worldwide Edition. I love Prima's guides! They did a very helpful one for Zelda Seasons/Ages and an amazingly extensive guidebook for Ultima IX. Then there were some vampire books, some regular ol' fiction, and some things my mom ordered. Altogether I'm thrilled to have so much new reading material; I didn't know where to start. I ended up looking over the anime-related things and then starting on a vamp novel that I'm sure Sr. will loooove. -_^
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Monday, October 20, 2003
OK, time for Religious Discussions with the Hyper Little Girl!
Just a quick note before I begin: I am a Roman Catholic Christian and have opinions of my own I would like respected, so if there's any possibility that your religious beliefs don't match up with mine or you don't feel the same way I do, I urge you to keep any malicious comments to yourself, and you are also at the risk of being confused, so... On with it!
Subject: Homosexual Marriages.
Status: Unheard-of, Wrong, Perverse, Just Plain Not Allowed.
Arguing Point: Why?!
All right people, in almost all other cases I go along with my faith and our beliefs without question, but this one topic just confuses me. Why are homosexual marriages not allowed in the Church? All the yaoi I'm seeing has got me thinking, and I both need a place to vent and some comments, maybe. So here are my points:
Point #1: Marriage and Sex
I'm starting off right at the main problem, and being very direct. I'm fairly sure the reason homosexuals are not allowed to marry is because they cannot have sex in order to produce children. Now, since when is having children the only point of having sex? I thought that it was also to deepen the love of a married couple, or else you could go around having kids from anyone and it wouldn't matter. That's why you aren't supposed to have sex until you're married, and you're supposed to marry one person you really love.
Point #2: The Marriage Vows
In the marriage vows, children are mentioned, yes, but there is so much more to it. The married couple is vowing to support one another, to care for one another, to help one another. If two males or two females really feel so deeply for each other, then marrying is the perfect way to strengthen their bonds. The whole point of marriage is not to have kids, or else that'd be all they talked about in the vows. If the whole point of marriage was to have kids, then love itself would be devalued. You could just marry some random person off the street and have kids, but it wouldn't mean anything. The two of you could very well be very unhappy together, too.
Point #3: The Implied Discrimination
All right, being gay or lesbian is not something you can help. You don't choose which gnder you're attracted to. And yet straights can marry their true loves and be happy together, while gays and lesbians cannot. I think this is dicrimination. It's like telling someone with dyslexia they can't go to school, or telling someone with pimples they can't wear concealer or use acne medication. It only makes the problem worse, because homosexual couples, not being able to marry, will have sex outside of marriage because they simply have to consider themselves married to their soulmates.
Point #4: A Compromise
All right, so maybe kids aren't the biggest deal. Why can't homosexuals who have found their partners be married, and just not have children (as if they could)? Maybe give them a slightly different set of vows, not including accepting any children they have. Heck, they could adopt and give an orphan or two a home and a more open mind! People with different sexual preferences are people too, and they deserve to be treated as normal people. We can't have our children shletered from them or soemthing, just as we can't have our children sheltered from dyslexic people and people with pimples. It just doesn't make sense.
All right, there it is. All nice and organized. Just so you know, I don't actually know any gays or lesbians, but I know people who do and I've read about actual people and stuff... So yeah. Just the ramblings of a confused Confirmed-to-be who'se afraid to mention it in class discussions. If you have any ideas or comments, they are welcome. Thanks for your time!
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Sunday, October 19, 2003
*sigh* There's no avoiding pink any more. Shuichi, strawberry Pocky...and now this. I feel stalked. >_<
 Pink Chii
Chobits - What Color Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
SEE?! All right, no more hating pink of any sort. I'm past that point. It's just... it's so flowery! *-_- Stupid flowers...stalking me...
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I have one busy schedule today... First someone's coming over around lunch, and I have to walk to Lisa's birthday party which is at 1, and then get home in time to be ready to serve the parish spaghetti dinner and get there by 3:45, which I shall not return from until 8. Too much! And I'm running on five hours of sleep here, and I ran on just a little more yesterday... T_T And I STILL haven't watched my taped YGO eppy yet! AND I still have homework to do!! *faints*
MRS: *poke*
Me: *still unconscious*
MRS: Hmm... *whispering in Toasty's ear* Hey, Nick's on early today!
Me: *jumps up immediately and whips her head around* Where? Where?! Must... talk... *grabs computer and brings up buddy list* -_- You liar...
I will leave the following violence to your imagination. Jaa ne!
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Saturday, October 18, 2003
*shrieks with joy*
I GOT IT! I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT!!!!!! Now, just to read it. *sits down and promptly begins to read*
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Permalink!... *sob*
I'm so restless... Can't sit still... Signing random people's guestbooks... Posting again and again... *whimpers* I would be done reading it by now if I had gotten it! I'd probably be on my third re-reading! But noOoOo, there was rush hour traffic and we couldn't go to the mall...
My Remaining Sanity: Hush, Tory, you're annoying the readers. You should stop whining and find something better to do with your time. Like... here! *opens up file of unfinished fanfic*
Me: *stares for a loooong time* ... No way. It sucks.
MRS: Well, what about your other stories?
Me: No.
MRS: Your articles on mages and vam--
Me: Nuh-uh.
MRS: Well, what about... Going pic collecting?
Me: ...You're just trying to distract me. Well it won't work! It's my blog, I can be as boring as I want! They don't have to read it anyway!
Readers: Really?! *all run away*
Me: *sigh* Never mind... Maybe I'll fiddle with my buddy profile... Nah, too lazy... I'll find something... AHA! *pulls out Yugioh GBA game and starts looking for Jou to duel*
MRS: At least she's happy.
-Note- There's a possibility I'll hire MRS as my muse, he/she/it seems to be, well, sane enough. Meh, if I ever get a fanfic idea ever again...
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*curls up in her personal corner to mourn* I can't last much longer, people. The suspense is tearing away at me! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! Here, how about a new quote? Not too special, but I keep forgetting it so I'd better write it down now.
"Montana's just dead."
And another!
"And they couldn't figure out WHY she blew up!"
And a conversation about the accent of a girl in our class (Becky) during social studies.
Mrs. Peagols: It’s not “code,” it’s “cold.”
Becky: *tries to say it* “Code.”
Mrs. Peagols: *writes it on the board* So if I took the c away, what would you say?
Becky: “Ode.”
Everyone: *laughing*
Mrs. Peagols: It’s OK, we’re not laughing at you. Well, yes we are.
And, uh, a set of two quotes from Mr. Ravi, our math teacher (the first one is on Lisa's site, it's a favorite of ours).
"This class is no fun to teach anymore since they took the stuff out of the markers."
"Am I the one smoking the marker or is she the one smoking the marker?"
And, well, I guess that's it for now. Wish me luck in surviving! O_O
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How life can turn around so fast I'll never know
One minute I'm depressed and angry and cussing out the VCR for not taping Yugioh, the next I'm running around squealing because I can FINALLY got out and get Pocky and Gravitation and be all happy and content for the rest of my life. So... That's where I'm going now, see you soon!
1 1/2 hours later...
Scratch that, no Gravitation until tonight. Can't go to the mall during rush hour, too much hassle. We got the Pocky though, dirt cheap at this awesome little Asian market. 6 for less than $5, that is one good deal! The plus of going to the mall this evening to get my manga, though, is that we'll also stop at Tower or some other music store to see if we can't rustle up the first GC album (my hopes aren't too high, but you never know), and at Claire's for... reasons I can't post here because Lisa might read them. *loud clearing of throat* AHEM! Anyway, yeah, no Gravitation till later... I might last that long, if I really really try...
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Friday, October 17, 2003
MORE happiness!
And by my amazing powers of persuasion I somehow got my best friend to sign up for MyOtaku when isn't even a rabid anime fan like many of you. So visit her! Her name is lit rebel (on my friends list), inspired by our horrible lit. teacher. Please sign her guestbook, as she likes meeting new people. That's all for now! ^_^
PS-She is also apparently the only other person on this site who has heard of Trouble Chocolate (I got her into it), and also likes GC (she got me into them). She's really nice and funny, so SIGN HER DAMN GUESTBOOK ALREADY! Ahem.
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