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DES's hikari
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Tory (Dori, Tostito)
A lot, not that they matter. Anime Club President/Fuhrer till the end of this year.
Anime Fan Since
(age 4) Tonari No Totoro
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Weiss Kreuz, Hagaren (FMA), Kino No Tabi, .hack, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To go on an insane shopping spree in Tokyo sometime soon. Gosurori...
Drooling. Over many things.
I make a mean ramen, mm!
| shiroikarasu
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Friday, October 17, 2003
Hopefully I'll be gettin' some over the weekend... I ran out near the beginning of the week. Those were some dark days, my friends. Dark days indeed.
Guess what I'll also be getting! Well, supposedly. Gravitation vol. 2! Or so I hear, as I'm not sure my mother is particularly truthful about such things... I didn't even come with her to get the first one (though the money came out of my allowance, leaving me with ZIP!).
Anyway, as I've already said many times to various other people, I'M THE HAPPIEST PERSON IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Why? I'm not actually sure about that one... But I am, don't doubt it! I am also on a caffeine high (not much sugar in the house 'cuz of that diet). I usually use the most pranthesises when I'm hyper, as I'm sure you've noticed. So... long live Pocky!
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*looks around sadly* Where...?
Where are my book orders? Where? I just don't understand! Where did they all go? My mother spent $83 on books from Scholastic and other related book order catalogues about a month ago, and they still haven't arrived at school. I ordered a Shonen Sunday from there, and I want it NOW! T_T So unfair...
Every time I sit down to write I forget what I was going to post. This is getting crazy. I have some kind of block or something about remembereing post ideas.
Oh, on some worksheet today it asked what three of our favorite colors are. The first one I put down was blue, because I've always loved blue, all my life. Also, it's scientifically proven that blue helps people get to sleep. :3 My second color was black (even though technically black is a lack of all color), and the excuse I gave was because I'm slightly photophobic and dark colors hurt my eyes less. My third favorite was tough though, I couldn't think of anything else suitable. I was going to put red because that's my actual third favorite color, but the only reason that came to mind was "because it's the color of blood". I didn't think that would go over too well, so I picked lavender instead, and said because it's a peaceful, soothing color. Pish. I don't like lavender. I HATE pink except in specific situations (hot pink and black, which go really well together, Shuichi's hair, things like that). I also dislike orange and yellow, they just seem too gaudy, and yellow hurts my eyes.
I can find ways to ramble on about anything, see? Lit. teachers, favorite colors, weird friends... The list goes on and on.
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Thursday, October 16, 2003
The Lit. Files
Yes, that is the totally lame-o name I've given to the lit. teacher updates. Don't give me suggestions, I want it to be lame. Lame is fun. See? Whee...
A new direction is being taken with the lit. teacher crusades. I've decided to scare her by making her think either I'm depressed, or on some kind of drug. Here's how it happened:
We were s'posed to be doing homework in class, but I ended up drawing and writing little notes all over the top of a notebook page, like little random, rough sketches in pen and comments on how stupid they looked. I happened to be in quite a strange mood, so I wrote, "Pocky... Sweet, sweet Pocky..." and then drew a picture of a piece of Pocky. It ended up looking like some kind of screwed cigarette though, so I tried to make notes to defend it. And then she came around and picked up my binder (meanie!) like she always does, and I think she read it...
So that is the story of how Pocky became an illegal drug. Er--not really, but I'm sure she has no idea what Pocky is. I'm probably going to get a trip to Mrs. Lizer, the school counselor. Fun! ^_^ And Sr. will have told her I might be chronically depressed or something and I'll walk into the room like, "Oh, hi, Mrs. Lizer! Isn't it a great day so far? And the weather's just beautiful, and it's all just so happy!" ...Though that might end up being worse than she expected...
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*big chibi eyes*
DES is back! I so happy!!!!!! (The phrase, "I so happy!" comes from Trouble Chocolate, so... yeah. Watch the dubbed version, it's the coolest (and bestest!) dub I've seen in my LIFE!)
Anyways. I learned some things today. I forget what they are though... I really need to carry a notebook around with me so I remember these post ideas. That is one advantage I have over goldfish, the ability to WRITE. *sparkles and rainbows and lights from the heavens at the word WRITE* I also have the ability to run after my friends on their bikes while threatening to kill them because they keep singing "Bloody Valentine", my least favorite GC song of all time that happened to be stuck in my head. Well, it was actually only one friend, and I didn't catch her, but hey, I tried! I still don't think I've run much faster than that in my life.
Yes. One thing I did learn: Even little children can be pervs. Especially 6th-graders (the evidence of that fact is everywhere, trust me). It was so tempting to kill him... But I didn't kill him much. Just ran after him and hit him lightly a few times. He got his revenge by slamming his fist into my arm with the ol' punch-buggy excuse. Heh, didn't even leave a bruise.
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Wednesday, October 15, 2003
10 Days!
That's how long till the GC concert! I cannot wait another second, I'm soooo psyched. But first there's my friend's birthday party this Sunday. My mom wasn't too happy about paying for the ticket, saying she wasn't really consulted about the concert, which is totally untrue as I talked to her about it for about a week before the tickets were bought. I'm jumping all over the place now... I need to organize my thoughts!
Ok. On Halloween I'm going trick-or-treating with small group. By the way, trick-or-treating isn't just a little kids' thing. I mean, come on, free sugar, a night roaming the town without your parents (very not little-kiddy), and cheesy pranks meant to scare you but don't really... Heck, we're bringing pocket knives with us. Gangs have been known to attack people on Halloween in our area. *shivers* So anyway, I'm going trick-or-treating with Lisa (best friend in the whole wide world), Kelly (other good, good friend), and Greg (guy I used to dance with but I've given up to Kelly). We plan on being goths (the point is to scare people, right?), but it's turning out to be more of a punk/gothic mix... In any case, it'll be fun, and I've been toying with the idea of doing the Marik-eyeliner thing, 'cept it makes me look like a cat. Or so I'm told.
I'm still wandering. Just too excited I guess. We played kickball in PE today and our team won 10 to 3. This is unusual; usually the team I'm on loses horribly. There may be a connection there...
Also, since we're celebrating the Wright brothers' 100th anniversary thing, a woman came in from some scientific place that I can't remember the name of, and did a presentation on flight. Let's see, the best parts were when she exploded the balloon full of hydrogen (I think that's what it was; I was a bit preoccupied with the explosion part) and it just burst into a little chunk of flame in mid-air and disappeared, with little bits of balloon floating everywhere; and when she used actual rocket fuel in a bottle-rocket. I missed that one though because I was too busy making up my own count-down (5, 8, 6, 9, 4, 2, 7, 1!), but Lisa tell me there was a little fireball and then the bottle was flying through the air. Best part was that it was indoors and I expected at any minute that the fire would catch on something in the auditorium and the school would burn down with my lit. teacher inside... Well, for a little while, get her out before she's hurt, just a bit scared. Maybe she'll know how scared I get when I have stress attacks.
Long, strange day, ending with Stephen being mesmerized by a dandelion. Very, very strange.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Why I hate my life
I hate my life because... well... I just do. This feeling usually occurs just after or during a stress breakdown, an experience I go through painfully often. First I'll start crying randomly, thinking of how much work I've got to do, and then it deteriorates from there. I ended up calling myself stupid several times during the most recent episode, and I walked around the house crying my eyes out, feeling like a loser. These are very strange episodes, and odd things bring me out of them. I tried therapeutic writing and listening to music on the last one, and it didn't work until the song "We'll Be There" came up, a song of little interest to me except that it means I have two seconds of Adam Blaustein's beautiful voice on CD. And suddenly it cleared, I started coming up, I was fine. Amazing. I'm guessing that I was reminded of something I did know about, something I could do without thinking much.
Anyway, that was my general description of my stress breakdowns. Very interesting, I'm sure. I have to go write a thank-you note now...
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Monday, October 13, 2003
The quizzes! They're calling me!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
Damn... I hated that movie...
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I. Hate. My. Lit. Teacher.
Today she did something so stupid, so random, so cruel, that I couldn't believe it. We read our short stories out loud in class (for auditory learners), and I was reading along, thoroughly bored because the pace was so slow, but not reading ahead because she had previously reprimanded me for doing so. I make a big point of NOT READING AHEAD in this account because it's what makes her actions so strange.
All of a sudden, she interrupts the reader and says, "Tory, close your book." I closed it, and she let the reader continue without another word. I was staring at the closed lit. book, wondering what on Earth her problem had been. The worst part is that I am NOT auditory and have to reread the whole story tonight, as I didn't absorb a single spoken word. I never found out why she did it. I'm still in the dark. I will never understand old people...
Ah, but good news! So far my drawing is getting an excellent rating, and I'm so happy!
And more bad news. DES is still gone, I still don't know why. I miss her, dammit!
And for updates on my crusade to scare my lit. teacher, check my buddy profile! If you can't, umm... I'll give more general updates here. Kay? Kay.
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Sunday, October 12, 2003
Ack, almost done, promise! I just want to know: Does anyone know what happened to DES? I can't find any ways to her site, and she's gone off my friends list and everyone else's... Just wondering. Oyasumin, minna-san! (8:55 in MD)
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(no subject)
Oh and just so ya know, I'm going to submit the picture of the White Dragon (named him Shiryu). Major femmy-boy warning, though it was sort of an accident... And now you can see how much my art is improving *does a little dance* The scanner screwed up the coloring, though, so it's kinda grainy and cheesy-looking... Oh well.
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