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DES's hikari
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Tory (Dori, Tostito)
A lot, not that they matter. Anime Club President/Fuhrer till the end of this year.
Anime Fan Since
(age 4) Tonari No Totoro
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Weiss Kreuz, Hagaren (FMA), Kino No Tabi, .hack, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To go on an insane shopping spree in Tokyo sometime soon. Gosurori...
Drooling. Over many things.
I make a mean ramen, mm!
| shiroikarasu
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Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Well, actually...
Last night? Pressure. One word that can make this girl go from happy, cheerful, and hyper to mad, stubborn, frustrated and hyper. I just couldn't figure out what I was going to do, was tired, and had a lot of work to do, which doesn't clash well with the first problem.
Eh-heh. See you after the interview. Jaa!
(Where are the horses I wanted? Come on!)
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Tuesday, August 19, 2003
I've had it!
I have decided that there is no way on God's green Earth that I am doing this interview. They couldn't bribe me with wild horses to get on TV and talk like some baka who thinks they know everything there is to know about anime. Not happening, not in my lifetime.
I hate publicity. I wonder why I even write fanfics. I think I'm going to die every time I perform on stage alone. All I wanted this summer was some time to myself, and just because I'm taking a workshop on TV productions, which I had been told would be working the equipment and the like, I got dragged into doing an interview on anime and Japanese culture. Like I even know much about either! Well, I know a lot about anime, but there's a lot I don't know, too.
I decided this when I was told the clips should only take up about two minutes total. I had been planning on having several clips a few seconds each, but apparently I was supposed to have two or three clips about a minute long each. The deadline is tomorrow at ten AM. I cannot do this. I have spent almost all of my waking hours today planning out and finding the short clips I wanted to use, and now I have to rework the whole thing to accomodate two big clips.
I'm calling my grandmother and telling her that I refuse to do this. If it means not coming to these things anymore, I don't give. I will not do an interview, no matter how much they coax and prod and encourage. I can imagine her now, "But you know a lot about this stuff, go on up there. It's OK, you're just a kid, they don't expect much of you. The other kids went in front of the camera." And then the director, God no. "Well, we were planning on having this interview take up a lot of this space, and I don't know what we're going to do now." Trying to make me feel guilty, eh? Well, for once it's not working. I was never asked my opinion on this, just told one day I would be having a little talk about this stuff. Shove it. Deadlines are for school, call me again in two weeks.
Yes, I am angry. Very angry. Mostly because I don't think I can do this anymore. I just can't.
Thanks for your time to let me vent, it means the world to me. *sigh* Anyone want a Meiji fruit candy?
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I hate my life.
I just got up. Just got up as in the last ten minutes. It is 5 PM exactly. I am exhausted. I have no idea whatsoever as to what I was thinking last night as I surfed the web until the early hours of the morn. I didn't get to bed until it was already light outside.
On top of all this, I have to be up by ten tomorrow morning to go and do my stupid interview.
There is no peace for the nocturnal people.
Other than that, my life has been utterly dull today. I have to compile those movie clips I was talking about. Nothing special.
And I'm glad someone enjoys reading about my mishaps and boredom. ^_^zzzzzzzzz... Sleep, what a beautiful word.
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And more of the same...
Not posting to tell anything in particular, just showing off how long I can go without sleep. Yes, I've been up since my first post. Where I am (it might say differently on your time, but on the clock on this very computer as I type--) it's 6:08 AM, approximately. I've been looking around for good Fruits Basket sites... Found some. Also found the Fluffy Magazine, if you've heard of it or if it matters at all. Funny, very funny, just too tired to laugh. Ha... hehe... heh... *snore*
I only had two Jakadas today, that's my average if I have any at all. Might be the fact that I got up around 2. PM.
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*yawn, grumble* ...hate my stupid ------ of a computer... What is this, the tenth time it's done this?
I'm having computer troubles, joy of all joys (Ever notice how 'joy' with an 'e' in it would be 'Joey'? They mean the same thing anyway). It's happened before, it's happening again. I thought with cable internet it might not happen anymore. I guess the problem wasn't with AT&T, even though I still hate that ISP's guts like nobody's business. I'm not too fond of Comcast on occasion either, but at least it's faster.
See, sometimes, for no reason at all except for my computer to spite me, I think, I will run into a most disturbing dillemma. All of a sudden, I will be attacked viciously by annoying, Hell-sent, rapidly-multiplying "Action Canceled" and "This Page Cannot be Displayed" windows. They keep coming up, miles of them, in hordes. Before I finally shut my computer down I had around 44 or so in the space of less than three minutes. But to shut my computer down, I had to endure a most trying ritual. I couldn't shut it down the regular old way because it just didn't work. The thing was too busy coming up with more windows to think about shutting down. Ctrl+Alt+Delete got me to the Windows Task Manager, no good because I still couldn't shut down or restart the computer and there were too many windows to close down one by one. With new-fangled computers pressing the power button does no good if Windows is started already. I turned it off at the power strip, but the computer itself wasn't plugged into that (I forgot), it was plugged into the shock protector. I unplugged the shock protector thinking, 'It's just like the power strip, except it's a pain in the butt to find the on/off switch.' I also forgot the fact that it was a SHOCK PROTECTOR, meaning it was supposed to keep things running even if there was no power. Or at least beep incessantly. I unplugged what I thought was the computer cable-- it was the power strip cable. Then came the monitor plug and finally the PC. The thing kept beeping, so I plugged it back into the wall and stuck my tongue out at it. That was my adventure turning the computer off. Fun, ne? There's more.
I plugged everything back in and the computer took its sweet time re-assessing itself, starting up as slowly as possible. It finally got started up, and I felt like watching a really good Inuyasha AMV, so I got that all set up. Thing was, there was no sound. I checked everything, the sound icon on the little hotbar, the volume for the player, and the volume for the speakers. It was during the latter that I discovered I hadn't turned the power strip on again. This was minor compared to my first predicament, though. And now everything is fixed and I can write to you all and dicover that someone signed my guestbook in the middle of the night. Arigatou, Sailor Otaku!
It is late, I need sleep. Get me the Nightquil, that stuff works like a charm. (It's creepy though. The first time I took it I swallowed it and in seconds I got all wobbly. I couldn't walk straight, it was scary. Not to mention it's all green and goopy, looks like what Jaken might resemble if he were run over several times by our Aztek.)
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Monday, August 18, 2003
*tired raspberry*
I was IMing my friend, and my computer gets stuck sometimes when I'm IMing, so she signed off before I even got to say goodbye... It was the first time we'd made contact in weeks.
I just thought I would offer a little explanation, in case any of you are weird and read too much into things. FallenAngel brought it to my attention, so I thought I'd explain, even though I don't REALLY care. My sn. I'm sure most of you know what it means, being otakus yourselves. 'Oro' is the cute little sound Kenshin will occasionally make to make all the fangirls giggle wildly and swoon. If you made it past first grade you should know what 'queen' means. I won't go into what else people might mistake my sn for, as I like living in a world fairly devoid of sickminded people and don't want to give you any ideas.
That was my speech, you could have skipped that if you liked. I just got up and I really don't want to practice Gilbert and Sullivan soprano chorus parts today. Don't tell my dad I said that, he will be devastated. He signed us up for a G&S singout weekend after next. I kind of only wanted go because of this cute guy I sort of knew who would be there because he's in VLOC, the people behind the singout. I'm not completely shallow, though, I like some of those operas. Pirates, um, what else? I guess I like the Mikado, except the names are seriously screwed up. My mother insists I'll like Pinafore, and I'm going to give Iolanthe a shot. If you don't know any G&S, I'm sorry for making you think I'm out of my mind.
If somebody tells me how to stick pictures in my posts, I'll give you a picture of my dog, Czar, who is the cutest dog ever. At least in my opinion.
Can you believe the most interesting things I could think of to talk about were Gilbert and Sullivan operas and a picture of my dog? My life is getting so boring.
Oh yes, and I have an interview at my grandparent's place for the 'village's TV station on Wednesday. I'm going to do it about anime and the like, so suport is always welcomed. I have to make up a list of topics and I said I would bring in a tape of clips... Any help? I have tons of shoujo anime on DVD and a few other things, comedies and a couple horrors.
Phew. Jaa. Sleep?
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Sunday, August 17, 2003
But, of course...

Ryou's yami! You are Ryou's yami, a.k.a. Bakura (or Yami Bakura). Back in Ancient Egypt you were a thief, a very powerful one. You had strength enough to defeat the pharaoh's priests and that's saying something. You weren't very kind (obviously) and had no respect for anyone. You defiled the old pharaoh's tomb, you destuctive thing! I would advise you not to make Yami mad, but hey, whatever floats your boat. You are more than just a little bit crazy. Also, you had a thing about running all over Egypt with your shirt open, which isn't really such a bad thing. You had a really tough-looking scar on your cheek then, too. Now that you exist only in spirit, you occupy the Millennium Ring. You sure like to put people through a lot of emotional pain (saving the physical pain for yourself). Being suicidal and self-destructive is what a lot of people know you for. You cut yourself to show your allegiance to Malik, and once you even impaled your own hand on part of a game. You are a demented thief and a stealer of souls. Heh, cool!
Whose Yami Are You? (Yu-Gi-Oh!) brought to you by Quizilla
Oh yes, and I took at least ten other YGO matchmaker quizzes (quiz frenzy today, I was very bored). Varied results, mostly Joey. Though once I got Yami... And once I got Ryou Bakura. How strange. ;;^_^
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 Joey Wheeler! He is the kind of guy that is willing to sacrifice himself for a friend or someone he really cares about. He is is funny, and has a good outlook on life. He's also determined, and soooo adorable!
Which Yu-Gi-Oh! Bishie Is For You? brought to you by Quizilla
Somehow I knew that was how it would turn out...
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I'm smarter than I thought
Yes! It worked! I feel like a genius! Hahahahahaha!!!... Oh, never mind.
I wish I had the opportunity to use something other than italics, though. I'll see if it ever arises.
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All right! Life suddenly doesn't suck as much as it usually does!
By the way, I'm going to fool around with html an eenie bit like I said I would several thousand years ago, so if anything looks weird or the html didn't work, tell me and I'll give up trying because I really have very little idea what I'm doing..
I'm soooooooooooooooo happy! I finally found the candies I got for Christmas! They're the little Meiji ones, the fruit candies, and I found them at the Korean store at the checkout, of all places.
Also, last night, I got a book I'd heard good things about. Why Girls are Weird, by Pamela Ribon. I don't reccomend it if you're under fourteen or so, if at all, but it's still good so far. In case you didn't know, Ribon also wrote the English translation of Trouble Chocolate, making it much funnier than the original Japanese. Maybe that's why nobody's heard of it...
My cousin is also gone, so I can type all day without a care. It was nice having him over, but it was also restricting. I was stuck playing hostess most of the time and I hate that.
There was a power outage last night, which wouldn't have been a problem if I had actually gone to bed like a good little girl. But I had been up reading, and it's a bit difficult to read in pitch blackness. At least my Saturday night shows (RK, Samurai Jack special, .hack) got taped. Hiko was awesome last night, ne?
It was my granddad's (mom's side) birthday today, so we went to Outback Steakhouse for lunch/dinner. Just thought I'd tell you, not all that interesting.
Also, on my account, I got a reviewer offering to be my beta reader and give me some tips. I emailed him/her (not sure yet) back saying yes, please. Unless somebody else wants to be?
So that is what happened while I couldn't stay up on my computer until the crack of dawn. A lot, apparently Now let's see if I can figure out how to post a picture... (Yes, that was a cry for help, you morons! What did you think?!)
Sorry for calling you morons... I just find it an endlessly fascinating word. Especially the word 'oxymoron'. Whenever I hear that word I think someone's referring to the guy on the OxiClean commercials. Get it? Oxy, moron, get it? OK, it wasn't that funny.
Yes, the html was for aesthetics, mostly. Oh well...
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