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DES's hikari
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Tory (Dori, Tostito)
A lot, not that they matter. Anime Club President/Fuhrer till the end of this year.
Anime Fan Since
(age 4) Tonari No Totoro
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Weiss Kreuz, Hagaren (FMA), Kino No Tabi, .hack, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To go on an insane shopping spree in Tokyo sometime soon. Gosurori...
Drooling. Over many things.
I make a mean ramen, mm!
| shiroikarasu
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
Hi guys. I'm not dead. Just booooored. :D And we know what that produces...
Um, I dunno. It depends. I'm crazy variety-obsessed. I can't deal with too much sameness for too long.
...I want sexi bois. I need to draw somes...
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
My Brain Don't Works Right
Seki Tomokazu is going to be a guest at Otakon this year... Wow... Wow... I can't believe it. I mean Vic is one of my fave VAs ever, but he's just so much more...accessible than Seki. Seki's gonna come from Japan just to be at our con...and wow...he's so cool...
Eh-heh, I'll explain. Seki Tomokazu is a big-time anime voice actor, he does lots of popular roles. My favorites though are Shuichi from Gravitation, Ashton from Star Ocean EX (which was what made me really adore his cute, variable voice), and Ken from Weiss Kreuz, which means he was part of the infamous Weiss VA group...they were a bunch of goofballs. ^_^U His other famous roles include Kyo from Fruits Basket.
Vic is coming again this year too! I'm very happy, since I couldn't get his autograph 2 years ago; we got in line too late. I hope I'll be brave enough this time... What should I have him sign? Maybe an Ed fanart? I want Seki to sign one of my SOEX cel-board things. If done in Sharpie they should last an age.
I'm looking forward to Otakon, me and Exo as Kino and Kino... Or Kino and Sakura, she wasn't Kino yet really. Anyway. I think we will be adorable. Hee. I hope to maybe cosplay Tabby from .hack//Roots, but I'd have to a) make the costume entirely myself (while maintaining a full-time job and with minimal sewing skills) and b) lose some weight. I don't look fat, I know, but I've got fat where it shouldn't be for Tabby. No love handles for her. :P Anyway, slim possibility. I might do Enki again, maybe try and find another of those Twelve Kingdoms fangirls. That was nice, my first fangirl glomp... I felt like a true cosplayer...
Anyway. Otakon is coming and I have a job for the summer, back at Whole Foods doing some recipe work. I should have plenty of funds and tons of stuff to look forward to. I'm excited! How bout y'all?
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Yes, I KNOW there's craploads of politics going on all the time, now as much as ever, but just stop reminding me, would you? I'm not old enough to vote, therefore I don't give a flying pig-shit, because if I did it would be a pointless waste of energy.
Sorry. My grandparents stopped by to talk about Harry Potter and mentioned that my uncle and his wife are moving to London. My clever dad decided to make some cute little remarks about how "they'll have to convert to Islam" and "I'd like to visit Europe before it disappears". NOT FUNNY, JACKASS. Look, maybe in a discussion of the news or whatever it would be somewhat appropriate, but these are my relatives and yours by marriage, and your snide remarks do not reflect this. I've been trying so hard lately to be closer to my family and now you pull this little stunt? Not cool, man. That's like cracking jokes about a family member moving to DC and how they better buy a bullet-proof vest, hahaha. Cuz if they did get hurt somehow, we'd all remember your funny comment and just laugh about, oh man, what a riot.
I know some people joke about things that stress them out, I do it sometimes too (Do what I say, not what I do; I'm a work in progress but I still know what I'm aiming for), but it's just not appropriate. You don't just fart loudly in polite company and laugh over it because it's okay, you really needed to fart. Please, make those cracks on your own time, instead of making family get-togethers uncomfortable. There is a time and a place for everything, and that was NOT it.
Oh, did I mention that with every passing religion class I grow to resent the Catholic Church even more? At this rate I'm going to be atheist before I'm done with Catholic high school...
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Looking Manly Today?
So, long time no see. Well, plenty has been happening, oy. Sometimes I wish I were bored.
I took the SAT yesterday. It was, well, boringly easy. I swear the PSAT was harder. I don't feel too confident about my essay, but I think everything else was a cinch. I hope it wasn't an illusion and in reality I missed every single question. That would suck.
I went to Borders today to pick up a copy of 1984 for Brit. lit. and strayed into the manga section...and came out with an armful of stuff. ^_^U There was the usual latest Hana Kimi, and some more things by Fumi Yoshinaga, who has become my new hero. I also picked up the first volume of Emma out of curiosity and love of Victorian England, and I read it and found it quite good. I also made a very happy find... Juuni Kokki, the novel! Translated by Tokyopop (thank you, Tokyopop!!). My mom footed the bill for it so she gets to read it first but I know I'll love it. I'm just so excited that the first book is finally out. I want to follow the series and find out what happens beyond what was covered in the anime.
I've also decided that I'm going to shoot for a second costume for Otakon. I wanna be Tabby from .hack//Roots (Pi is too revealing and too physics-defying, I decided, because of her insane hair). After some research I've come to the conclusion that this costume will hinge upon whether or not I can use spirit gum, which is like glue for attaching stuff to skin. I'll have to find it, along with spirit gum remover, test it, and find out if it will work for joints and won't pinch my skin since I'll be attaching a piece of fabric to my neck, basically. It will also be handy for keeping up thigh-high stockings and for attaching that belly button gem thinger (I don't think even a piercing would achieve the same look). And I'll needto get/make some clip-on neko ears, too, since I think a band would be too conspicuous. *deep breath*
Finally, the personal issue that has just arisen... I'm getting pretty sure that this guy I hang out with likes me (he asked about the status of "the love life" the other day and he seems to make excuses to touch me, urrmmm). Thing is, of course, that I'm not gonna say yes if he asks me out, and I'm worried that it will mess up our friendship, which in and of itself is not so bad, because he's kinda creepy, but he's friends with another guy who is just a riot to hang out with ad it would make gatherings awkward. And now, I've found out that he came onto one of my other friends a little while ago and, well, since the identities aren't given I think I can say it, he sent her nude pictures and requested the same from her. So yeah, my entire view of him has changed since I learned that, and I have no idea what to do. I'd like to ditch him as a buddy, but that's difficult on its own and is further complicated by the cool dude's presence. I kind of hate people now. They're so damn complicated. ARGH. I swear, everything would be easier if I lived near Exo. Then people would know right away that I'm taken and really don't want any of this crazy nonsense!
Never before have I been so thankful I don't have a camera phone though.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Joy, Joy, Joy
Wow, so, new computer. I love my granddad so much. He's just so cool. Anyway, this comp has a muuuuch better graphics card and is just all-around nicer. Yuki gets my old one, so I have to make sure I get all the naughty things off. XD
So I'm in the process of getting everything the way I want it. I just finished getting Firefox set up, because there's no way in hell I can even stand IE anymore. Firefox just handles everything so much more smoothly. Next to install are AIM , YIM, and any other odds and ends that I need to complete my personalization.
Today has actually been an okay day. This is unusual and should be celebrated. Brownies?
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Oh My
Not to brag or anything, but it's nice to know that...

(Actually several of the "trick" questions in the test are ones I've already heard, so I don't know how accurate this is. I might get a different score if presented with logic questions I'd never seen before. Hmmm. I do loves me some logic though.)
Only one day of freedom left and then spring break will be over. T_T
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
+++Divide by Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe and Reboot+++
Actually, I'm never going to finish that. You know me.
Anyway, so I got a used copy of .hack//Infection (I'm gonna try the IMOQ series to start fleshing out my .hack knowledge so I don't have to ask Exo for everything) and started playing last night, and decided to start keeping track of outside references. First I copied down the names of the root towns and their given meanings, and today I went through a Latin dictionary and a Gaelic dictionary to see if they worked out. Not much luck, actually. It seems that either a lot of the words were made up or they came from the notorious archaic Latin that I can't learn to decipher until I get to college and find me a good classics teacher to consult. There were a few matches. The beloved delta root town Mac Anu, supposedly meaning "Son of a Goddess", is somewhat discernable. "Mac" does mean "son of" in Gaelic (which suddenly makes all those MacWhatever Irish names make sense, doesn't it?), but I can't find anything smilarly Gaelic that connects Anu to "Goddess". However, when I popped open the Latin dictionary, I found the word "anus"--hurr hurr, I know, it has two meanings depending on how you decline it--which means either the obvious or "old woman". An old woman could conceivably ge goddess-like in wisdom, I guess. Just a stab in the dark.
Then there's Carmina Gadelica ("Song of Gael"), which is painfully obviously Latin. "Carmina" I already knew means "song", and "Gadelica" is likely a declined and Latinized version of "Gael", whoever that is.
Then there's a long dry spell of nothing. Fort Ouph, or "Fort of Elves", gave me some trouble, because "fort" is the same and therefore I have no linguistic leads. Also, it is surprisingly difficuly to find the Gaelic word for "elf" in a dictionary! Must be some anti-stereotype movement or something. But in any case, from the few things I did find, "elf" is likely going to start with an "al" and might have an f or v in there. I checked Gaelic, Latin, and even German but found nothing similar to "ouph", so I delved into Welsh, which at least is geographically close to Gaelic-speaking areas. No luck. It's very frustrating.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! The other thing I noticed was that a series of items that caused status effects were named after tarot cards. So far I've seen Death, the Hanged Man, the Devil, the Moon, the Lovers, and the Fool. I affirmed the meanings of each and they seem to fit pretty well with the effects of the items. For once, something straightforward!
Anyway, that's all I've gleaned for now. I love Elk, by the way, he is flipping adoooorable. And Mia...well, I can see why Elk likes her... She's And so unlike typical anime females *coughMistralcough*! It's good to know Elk grows up into a nice effeminate pretty-boy. It would be a shame for him to turn out like Orca or somesuch. Bleargh, his voice was just so He-Man. *eyeroll* I'm rambling so I think I'll go look at my homework...
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Sunday, April 1, 2007
So I watched this thing on the Discovery Channel about how computers and understanding of the human brain are going to radically change the future (I'm starting to sound like my religion teacher by using the word "radically" so often...). People are saying the usual things, that someday computers will surpass humans, that we'll be able to create superintelligent AI machines and so forth. However, using just simple logic, I've decided that's simply not possible. Observe:
What defines artificial intelligence? If you look it up on, you get many definitions, and they're all quite different and sometimes vague. All A.I. is is the ability to think like a human or intelligent animal (a dog or monkey rather than a pillbug, for example). This includes abilities such as making inferential deductions, learn from past experiences, and here's a good one, "creativity". Machines have already been created that can perform rudimentary forms of the first two, but creativity is harder to define. A machine can easily spit out a random choice from a given selection, but creativity requires that the creator comes up with something unlike what it's given. True creativity is beyond the unusual combination of previously created ideas, and involves the discovery of something untested. It's difficult for this to happen even in humans, because so much has already been tried. Computers are incapable of doing this, because they rely on information provided for them. Anything new they come up with is created randomly and by chance, not because of creative thinking and a unique set of experiences. Thus the very nature of computers makes it impossible for a computer with no biological material to be truly intelligent; it will always be "artificial", appearing to be intelligent, but not intelligent as humans are.
I'm really tired so I'll finish this later.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My Brain Is Chocolatey
I really, really need to get this off my chest so that I stop fuming about it.
So there's this guy who occasionally is on the same bus home as me, and he is the biggest asshole I have ever met, ever. I have arguments with him now and then, though I've tried to avoid it lately since he is a crappy debater and just makes me want to shoot him in the face, and they never get anywhere. But today he just said something so outrageous I couldn't let it slide. He was talking to one of his friends and said: ((Quick backstory--We're having a dress-down day tomorrow and it costs $2, which will go to an organization that distributes mosquito nets to families in malaria-stricken countries))
"Dude, don't pay the $2 tomorrow. We shouldn't be giving money to people in other countries. There are homeless people in DC who need money too."
This coming from the fat, rich army brat who supports (more like idolizes) the Iraq war because we're supposedly bringing democracy to the country (don't get me started on this... my view on the matter basically clashes with EVERYONE else's, or at least everyone who has a stand on it).
Anyone else see something wrong with this picture?
He is always touting America as the greatest country evar and saying we have a responsibility to step in when other countries screw up, though I think he doesn't really believe this and just uses it as an excuse to support blowing shit up, and yet he doesn't want to pay two stinking dollars to go 1/5 of the way to saving a foreign family from malaria. Two dollars! Two dollars are not going to kill him, and they're going to save someone else!
His argument was that we should be helping people in our own country, because we don't know where the money is really going in other countries. That's true, but then again we don't know what the homeless perso you give money to is going to spend it on either. Basically he's being racist by assuming foreigners are less trustworthy than Americans.
Then his argument is that we should be keeping money in the American economy. Wtf? The American economy, which isn't doing the best but isn't shot either, is more important than people's LIVES? I don't mean livelihoods, like money or a job, I mean LIVES! As in dead or alive, functioning or nonexistant! I would go poor in a heartbeat to save someone's life if given the opportunity (well, actually I'm already poor and depend on funds that do not belong to me, so I can't currently make that decision), and hell, I would give up other people's jobs too if it meant keeping soeone, any random person, alive.
So what is wrong with this kid's priorites? How did they get so fucked up? He's in a military family, but that can't be the problem because his sister is sweet if a little snobby and is into the arts and stuff.
I shouldn't think so maliciously, but I really do hope that someday he goes into the army and ends up having his legs blown off in a war. And then when he's sent home (at his protest, I'm sure, because he can still use his arms to shoot people "for the sake of his country" *eyeroll*) he won't be able to get a job and will end up an alcoholic because of the pain and destitute because of his handicap and friendless because he's just an asshole. And then someone from an international charity will provide him with food and shelter, and will remark in passing that a lot of the charity money comes from other countries.
Oh, how sweet that would be. I wish karma worked like that all the time...
Oh, and to anyone who thinks I'm being too harsh and am applying a stereotype because he's a military kid or he's an adamant Republican or something, you have not met this guy. He literally says that America is the best country and we're always right, that he doesn't care if his parents die in battle because it was for America, and, oh, he calls me and my friends anti-Americans because we disagree with him and think that other countries have rights and maybe, just maybe, America isn't always in the right. And he argues really badly and he has resorted to personal insults in the past. Basically, he's never gonna get laid without paying for it.
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
I just realized, haha, I probably seem like such a jerk online. I complain about people all the time and I never reply to gb entries. But I'm really an okay person, I promise!! I'm just lazy as frack. And unsociable. So please do not feel bad if I seem to completely ignore the fact that you have signed my guest book. I do read the entries. Usually. Sometimes I don't notice there are new ones, but i realize eventually. It's just that A) I've been here a long time so I've got a lot of people in my guest book, and if I tried to be friends with all of them I'd go insane, and B) I'm kinda bad with people. I get all... fluttery? I just sort of freak out internally. If I were talking to these people face-to-face I'd probably either piss myself or run into a corner to hide.
I love y'all, really. Just...from afar.
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