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myOtaku.com: shiroikarasu

Saturday, March 3, 2007

I just realized, haha, I probably seem like such a jerk online. I complain about people all the time and I never reply to gb entries. But I'm really an okay person, I promise!! I'm just lazy as frack. And unsociable. So please do not feel bad if I seem to completely ignore the fact that you have signed my guest book. I do read the entries. Usually. Sometimes I don't notice there are new ones, but i realize eventually. It's just that A) I've been here a long time so I've got a lot of people in my guest book, and if I tried to be friends with all of them I'd go insane, and B) I'm kinda bad with people. I get all... fluttery? I just sort of freak out internally. If I were talking to these people face-to-face I'd probably either piss myself or run into a corner to hide.
I love y'all, really. Just...from afar.

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