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myOtaku.com: shiroikarasu

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Brain Is Chocolatey
I really, really need to get this off my chest so that I stop fuming about it.

So there's this guy who occasionally is on the same bus home as me, and he is the biggest asshole I have ever met, ever. I have arguments with him now and then, though I've tried to avoid it lately since he is a crappy debater and just makes me want to shoot him in the face, and they never get anywhere. But today he just said something so outrageous I couldn't let it slide. He was talking to one of his friends and said: ((Quick backstory--We're having a dress-down day tomorrow and it costs $2, which will go to an organization that distributes mosquito nets to families in malaria-stricken countries))

"Dude, don't pay the $2 tomorrow. We shouldn't be giving money to people in other countries. There are homeless people in DC who need money too."

This coming from the fat, rich army brat who supports (more like idolizes) the Iraq war because we're supposedly bringing democracy to the country (don't get me started on this... my view on the matter basically clashes with EVERYONE else's, or at least everyone who has a stand on it).
Anyone else see something wrong with this picture?
He is always touting America as the greatest country evar and saying we have a responsibility to step in when other countries screw up, though I think he doesn't really believe this and just uses it as an excuse to support blowing shit up, and yet he doesn't want to pay two stinking dollars to go 1/5 of the way to saving a foreign family from malaria. Two dollars! Two dollars are not going to kill him, and they're going to save someone else!

His argument was that we should be helping people in our own country, because we don't know where the money is really going in other countries. That's true, but then again we don't know what the homeless perso you give money to is going to spend it on either. Basically he's being racist by assuming foreigners are less trustworthy than Americans.

Then his argument is that we should be keeping money in the American economy. Wtf? The American economy, which isn't doing the best but isn't shot either, is more important than people's LIVES? I don't mean livelihoods, like money or a job, I mean LIVES! As in dead or alive, functioning or nonexistant! I would go poor in a heartbeat to save someone's life if given the opportunity (well, actually I'm already poor and depend on funds that do not belong to me, so I can't currently make that decision), and hell, I would give up other people's jobs too if it meant keeping soeone, any random person, alive.

So what is wrong with this kid's priorites? How did they get so fucked up? He's in a military family, but that can't be the problem because his sister is sweet if a little snobby and is into the arts and stuff.

I shouldn't think so maliciously, but I really do hope that someday he goes into the army and ends up having his legs blown off in a war. And then when he's sent home (at his protest, I'm sure, because he can still use his arms to shoot people "for the sake of his country" *eyeroll*) he won't be able to get a job and will end up an alcoholic because of the pain and destitute because of his handicap and friendless because he's just an asshole. And then someone from an international charity will provide him with food and shelter, and will remark in passing that a lot of the charity money comes from other countries.
Oh, how sweet that would be. I wish karma worked like that all the time...

Oh, and to anyone who thinks I'm being too harsh and am applying a stereotype because he's a military kid or he's an adamant Republican or something, you have not met this guy. He literally says that America is the best country and we're always right, that he doesn't care if his parents die in battle because it was for America, and, oh, he calls me and my friends anti-Americans because we disagree with him and think that other countries have rights and maybe, just maybe, America isn't always in the right. And he argues really badly and he has resorted to personal insults in the past. Basically, he's never gonna get laid without paying for it.

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