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DES's hikari
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Tory (Dori, Tostito)
A lot, not that they matter. Anime Club President/Fuhrer till the end of this year.
Anime Fan Since
(age 4) Tonari No Totoro
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Weiss Kreuz, Hagaren (FMA), Kino No Tabi, .hack, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
To go on an insane shopping spree in Tokyo sometime soon. Gosurori...
Drooling. Over many things.
I make a mean ramen, mm!
| shiroikarasu
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
It's piccy time! w00t! Because I know you're all dying to see people dressed up in funny outfits.
A little aside: I never thought to ask for permission to publicly post these people's pictures (alliteration, yay!), so for legality's, and courtesy's sake I've shoddily pasted black rectangles over their eyes so they look like criminals. Cosplaying criminals. Sounds like fun. Here we go. I love you, Photobucket.
Let's start out with Jewish Wolfwood. If you're in on the con-going scene you may have heard of him or seen him or met him or slept with him or whatever. If you haven't seen him before, here he is. If you don't get the joke, you're just like my mom.

Next up we have everyone's favorite dunpeal. Y'know, D. The guy with the hat and the pointy things on his shoulders... Never mind. Uncultured people. (Side note: I accidentally typed "unvultured". Any guesses as to that word's meaning? I'm clueless.)

Ah, a crazy group of FMA cosplayers. It doesn't get much better than this. I love how Riza's got a puppy and Maes's got a sign with his daughter's picture on it. It's those little details that really get to me. I may just cry...

Scar has decided to punish Naruto for interrupting the all-FMA shot by blowing up his head. Those crazy religious fanatics.

Oh no! It's Ginji all by himself! What happened to Ban? Now you've got me all worried. How authentic this Ginji looks though, with the hand-lettered sign and the unwashed look. Whee?

Wow, you've gotta look at this automail... Wow... So shiny... And detailed... I love this person, whoever she is.

Everyone's favorite pink-haired androgynous pop star slutboy. I've got an even better picture from Katsucon of an actual guy in this getup, but I'm too lazy to resize it right now. Shame.

Kyaa! It's Sai! *huggles* You are my favorite person ever! Ever ever! (Hint: If you want instant Tory-love, cosplay as Sai. She loves Sai.)

Aww, it's Chiyo-chan in her dolphin suit... And someone in the cafe uniform behind her, if you look closely. I do feel sorry for her, in a big old suit like that in late August. Ugh.

Ah, a beautiful Seto outfit. I'm sad there weren't more YGO cosplayers at Otakon. There were a fair share at Katsucon, but i guess it was just not meant to be...

*squeals* KA~WA~I~I! Now I need to raise kids to go cosplaying with me. (This is why I'm not allowed to be a parent.)

Lovely outfits, and coordinated too. You just can't beat those die-hard Pokemon fans when it comes to dedication. Aren't they just snuggle-able? ...Or is it just me and my love of fuzzy aminals? Yeah, probably just me.

Now here's someone I think is very thankful for that black bar. That takes guts. But anyway, let me introduce the star of Strawberry Eggs. I was so impressed with his bravery I couldn't help but take a picture.

Yay! More Demon Diary fans! I think it's funny that Eclipse is shorter than Raenef here. And that there's no Chris. Ha ha, Chris, nobody loves you. Especially not me. Nyah.

Ah, a touching moment captured on film. Well, on memory card, anyway. Here we see Maes Hughes proposing to Roy Mustang. A rare and wonderful sight indeed. If only they weren't both girls. (The sign says "Will hug Vash and Roy Mustang")

"When I become Fuhrer, all the female personnel will be required to wear really short miniskirts!"
"I love you, Mustang! I'll follow you for the rest of my life!"
Or something like that.

That guy is Vic Mignogna. I swear. If you could hear his voice, you'd believe me. But, as James said, "If you weren't such a shrimp..." Yes, I beat him up after that.

It's a person cosplaying as a tentacle cosplaying as Vash. Yup. It doesn't get much better than that.

Oh wait, yes it does! Now we get to see pictures of me, which aren't censored! Whee! Here are me and me as Mine from Fruits Basket. You know, Aya's shop assistant. One person recognized me. I could have kissed her.

And here's me... with blonde hair. As Enki, of course. And yes, I will submit both costumes to the cosplay section here, as soon as I get my act together. Really I will.

And, to finish up, it's me and Al! Not quite as good as me and Ed, but it could be worse (think me and Gluttony; there would be blood).

Deep breaths everyone, the pain is over. No more until I get my ass in gear and resize other pictures for your viewing pain. Yes, my hair is back to a semi-normal color now. No, I did not spontaneously make out with any Ed cosplayers. I have some self-control. Some.
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