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myOtaku.com: shiroikarasu

Saturday, July 1, 2006

It's days like this I wish I had more visitors. I would like to post questions for the masses and stuff, but I have no masses. Booo. -_-

But I do have a sort of PSA for y'all (I can only just justify using that plural... I mean, Lisa does drop by once in a while...). I am now doing JDA data entry at work. Sounds weird, but it's not really. You know the little thing of text you see on the register when an item is scanned in? I do that for items. And enter their UPCs and prices and so forth so that the register knows how much something is. It sort of brings the industry of Whole Foods a little closer to home, doesn't it? I mean, now you know that when you buy a "9 cup espresso metro white" (whatever that is), the person who put that name on the computer screen was listening to Kaisei Joushou Hallelujiah and wearing an FMA sweatshirt at the time, with a picture of Ed and Ein on her cubicle wall. Even otaku get jobs sometimes! ^_^

I did another satisfactory piece of fanart recently that I may just submit, since it's not as likely to be offensive at neko-Ed. It's a picture of Gruk and Ulk from the GBC Magi Nation game. Something about their character designs and relationship struck me, and I had to do a drawing of them together in Chii-like pose. In the likely case that you have not played Magi Nation (shame on you!), Gruk and Ulk are sisters who live in the Underneath, a system of fungi-full tunnels and caverns underneath the ground. Their hair rather reflects the mushroomy theme, and I thought it to be quite cool-looking. I still have to ink it, which I'll do when I'm really happy with Gruk's legs. I've been on an art spree lately though so that may happen soon.

Otakon is getting closer and my pirate party is a week away. Excitement is in the air. If only Vic were coming to this year's Otakon...

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